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EarthBound 'Venus-Signed Banana Peel'

There are some songs that are poorly done, where you feel the artist could have poured a whole lot more work into it. There are others that are excellently composed, but really, we've heard it all before. But then there are the songs that seriously jump at you, and make you go "Wow! What the hell was that? Bring that back here again!" This one defiantly, and I mean DEFINITELY, meets the latter criteria. Here we have a unique collaboration arranged and performed with much pizzazz by Injury, and by Aquas who wrote these stunning lyrics. If you download this one, even if you don’t like it much, I’m sure you’ll agree that you haven’t heard anything like it for a long time. I doubt you’ll here another one like this for a while, either, so you better savour it while it lasts.

  • 8 months later...
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Nice! I can almost hear Starla calling out after the song "Hey, don't forget to tip your waitress! I'm here until Friday, try the veal!"

....the part about Jeff seriously weirds me out... 8O

  • 1 month later...

Nice song i say, writing lirics takes a lot of work and has a cool jazzy stile, but all i can say is the ending, in my opinion it should be softer, just that, all the oter stuf i say its great good job =P

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man, this is great! The fact she's singing to Jeff is hilarious, and it's doubled by the fact my name is Jeff, and I look quite a bit like the Jeff in Earthbound! Although not quite as nerdy looking...

Slightly disturbing, funny, and touching in an odd way; that's what Earthbound is, isn't it? :D


Oh this one is very well done. Everything straight down to the title is ALL EARTHBOUND. We see a lot of good mixes on this site, but rarely do we see a mix which gets back to the game the song comes from. The Incredible Singing Robot is another that comes to mind, and ICO- Save Me does similar things. Now we have this.

They've stuck with the gritty blues bar feel of the original and have added in the singing to exenuate this piece. I'm not sure who the singer is, but the voice fits really well. Not the best singer around, but it does sound like I'd imagine venus would.

The lyrics are a surprise, mostly because they're raunchy and silly in a song that could be very personal. But that's Earhtbound for ya.

The best part is the piano, doing a little improv underneath the singing. Not enough to steal the spotlight, but enough to add wonderful wonderful rythym and backdrop.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Vocals are pretty nice, but the backing track is mechanical and kind of underwhelming. It sounds like someone pressed the demo button on a cheapy keyboard and it happened to play an earthbound tune. Some of the piano starts to crowd the vocal as well frequency-wise.

Cute and cheeky song, but the samples are showing their age. Lyrics are funny enough, but I think i'd love it way more if I had played the game. Hihat outro is sortof WTF.

  • 4 years later...

Yeah, the piano leaves a ton to be desired right off the bat. starla's vocals are decent for back in the day, with some flat notes tucked in there. Kind of like djp's early vocal stuff where things don't really hold up today, it just shows you the potential for growth down the line. A couple more takes, some subtler auto-tune and killer production would bring out the best in her great singing voice, as her (amazing) collabs with Nicole Adams have shown.

With this mix, it would have been nice for there to have some more room ambiance, but I guess that would have created more of a quality disparity with the mega-fakey piano. It's too bad most mixers don't do re-dos, because I'd love to here an updated versions with higher-quality samples, and some better balance between the vocals and instruments. Interesting concept mix, even if the execution's dated.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I put on all of the EB remixes and when we got to this one, my wife asked, "Are you SURE this game is a good one for kids?"

I pointed out that the lyrics weren't in the game.

The imperfections in the piano fit the scene, but we could definitely do without them. They're not integral like in Calming The Angry Seas.

  • 2 years later...
I put on all of the EB remixes and when we got to this one, my wife asked, "Are you SURE this game is a good one for kids?"

I pointed out that the lyrics weren't in the game.

The imperfections in the piano fit the scene, but we could definitely do without them. They're not integral like in Calming The Angry Seas.

Definitely have to agree. The piano is the one thing holding this song back.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00449 - EarthBound "Venus-Signed Banana Peel"

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