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This Wednesday, DC Comics is starting a line-wide refresh/relaunch/reboot of their entire superhero line. Every single issue coming out in the month of September is a #1 issue; they're renumbering long running books like Action and Detective, and they're launching new books like Blackhawks and Static Shock.

If you've ever been interested in reading comics by DC, this is basically the most perfect time to start reading. Every series is being written with "new readers" in mind; this entire relaunch is designed to get more people reading comics and to expand the market.

Some books are getting major overhauls (Superman titles are being changed quite a bit) while other books are basically continuing from where the pre-September stuff left off (Batman, Green Lantern). But the basic idea is that all books are accessible for newbies.

Another thing DC is doing is publishing every book digitally on the same day the print version comes out. So if you don't want to buy comics at the store, you can get digital versions to read online (also on iPad and Android tablets).

Anyone gonna be jumping in? Justice League #1 drops this Wednesday. I already read a ton of DC books every month, so I'll be grabbing a lot of these books.


I'll admit that I don't read a lot of DC, but I do try to keep up with what's happening in the major story arcs for the DC Universe. That said, I've been more put off by all of this than anything despite them touting it as the perfect place to jump into (or in my case back into) the DC Universe.

I think this is partly because I haven't been able to figure out how much the continuity is being overhauled. What's gone, what's staying? From the descriptions of some of those titles like Superboy I feel like some things are being almost entirely re-written. Am I just out of the loop or something and this isn't really the case?

I'm also a bit bothered that Superman seems to be receiving a massive overhaul and Justice Society is nowhere to be found. The recent Action Comics run focusing on Luthor and Justice Society trades are what I've been actively purchasing and reading the most from DC lately. With the latter nowhere to be found it seems and god knows what happening to Superman, and by extension Luthor, it really leaves me wondering where the hell I stand on all of this.

No Power Girl. Comics are officially dead to me.

Annoys me too, but we're getting a Batwoman ongoing, so I got over it.

I'm also a bit bothered that Superman seems to be receiving a massive overhaul and Justice Society is nowhere to be found. The recent Action Comics run focusing on Luthor and Justice Society trades are what I've been actively purchasing and reading the most from DC lately. With the latter nowhere to be found it seems and god knows what happening to Superman, and by extension Luthor, it really leaves me wondering where the hell I stand on all of this.


I'm a bit worried about what's going to happen to them, myself.

Justice League 1 = Worth it.

I disagree.

Spoiler: I don't like that they seem to be setting up Darkseid as the Justice League's first major villian. After his send off in Final Crisis, bringing him back the way they seem to be just seems cheap to me. :/


I'm looking forward to this, I'll be reading Batman, Superman, and it's a toss up between Green Arrow or Justice League.

Currently I'm reading Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, and Mega Man.

Why do all my hobbies start getting expensive? :roll:

I disagree.

Spoiler: I don't like that they seem to be setting up Darkseid as the Justice League's first major villian. After his send off in Final Crisis, bringing him back the way they seem to be just seems cheap to me. :/

The first story arc is the Justice League origin story. This takes place before Final Crisis and all of the other stuff that's being held over from the pre-Flashpoint era. They're not "bringing him back," because at that point in time, he never left.

James Robinson is writing JSA: The Golden Age, which puts the JSA back on Earth-2, away from the larger DCU. I kind of like this better.

Can't say I really like the sound of that since the only Justice Society I've ever read or cared about is the recent stuff. Honestly, I'm more likely to just leave the series where I am now than keep going with something that's likely going to involve some major continuity upheaval, or at least be separate from the DC Universe I cared to read about.

The first story arc is the Justice League origin story. This takes place before Final Crisis and all of the other stuff that's being held over from the pre-Flashpoint era. They're not "bringing him back," because at that point in time, he never left.

Is Final Crisis still canon in the new DCU, though?

That's what's giving me the biggest headache about the relaunch: What exactly is and isn't being held over?


I s'pose I could try the Red Lantern stuff. Atrocitus seems like a my kind of anti-hero. I have to admit that I haven't touch DC stuff that much before, mainly because I dislike Superman's character.

This reboot (or whatever it is called) is a perfect excuse for me to spend some of my newfound income.

Is Final Crisis still canon in the new DCU, though?

That's what's giving me the biggest headache about the relaunch: What exactly is and isn't being held over?

Also, DarkeSword did say some things are being held over. I can only assume that those things are still canon because of it.

Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Currently I'm reading Darkwing Duck, Ducktales, and Mega Man.

I salute you, sir, for reading those. (might I suggest Chip and Dale as well?)

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