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Final boss of Tekken 5 (some "Pachi") on Ultra Hard mode. That bastard is so OP. Endless chainstun into fireballs.

I never beat that shit and it makes me want to cry just thinking about it. 5 hours and endless retries later with my best character (Yoshimitsu).

..I kinda want to go try it again just to say I did.

Edit: I made it to stage 3. All my tekken skills are gone. Oh well, at least I won't traumatize myself with the boss fight.


Teaching someone how to play video games, who has absolutely no experience with them whatsoever.

I love my wife, and I'm glad she's learning how so she can relate when I talk about games with her, and so she can enjoy a hobby that has given me plenty of joy, things to think about, and amazing experiences... but once I'm done with her, never again. Never, never again.

Teaching someone how to play video games, who has absolutely no experience with them whatsoever.

I love my wife, and I'm glad she's learning how so she can relate when I talk about games with her, and so she can enjoy a hobby that has given me plenty of joy, things to think about, and amazing experiences... but once I'm done with her, never again. Never, never again.

I taught my dad how to play Halo with my friends once. He actually managed to get some kills in.

I also introduced my mother to Legend of Dragoon when I was like.. 6. She got through Helena before she decided she didn't have enough time.

Teaching someone how to play video games, who has absolutely no experience with them whatsoever.

I love my wife, and I'm glad she's learning how so she can relate when I talk about games with her, and so she can enjoy a hobby that has given me plenty of joy, things to think about, and amazing experiences... but once I'm done with her, never again. Never, never again.

Try teaching a guy to play a first person shooter. All I wanted to do was laugh my brains out. And I freaking suck at first person shooters. So to see some other guy not knowing what aiming was or even what throwing a grenade was, I sorta lost it. I'm not even that bad. And I don't mean "what button is aim". I mean "what the heck do you mean by aim". Are you kidding me?


Insane in the Membrane, a beast of an achievement in World of Warcraft. If the linked article is too long for you, let me break it down for you. You had to simultaneously have exalted reputation with the following factions:

#1 Bloodsail Buccaneers (Time Consumption 5%) - Earn approx 20,000 rep. At 25 rep for each monster killed, that's 800 kills. Try to kill more than one at a time and you'll get slaughtered. High difficulty with a low kill count and no loot rewards.

#2 Steamwheedle Cartel (Time Consumption 40%) - Earn approx 60,000 rep. At 5 rep per kill, that's 12,000 kills. If you cough at one of the enemies they will die. No difficulty with a high kill count. You don't loot the bodies because it more than doubles your time investment for little return. No loot.

#3 Shen'dralar (Time Consumption 25%) - Earn 42,000 rep. Gather 84 books (1% drop, you can only hold 3 books at a time), 84 diamonds (less than 1% drop if you want to find them OR super expensive if you want to buy them), and some other more common stuff (but still pricey) from a place called Dire Maul, home of the ogres. Those damn ogres. Expensive.

#4 Darkmoon Faire (Time Consumption 10%) - Earn 42,000 rep. Collect 960 playing cards (120 decks of 8 cards each) and turn them in to a collector NPC. Common cards are cheap, but each deck has at least one rare card that is about the same price as the diamonds mentioned above. Expensive.

#5 Ravenholdt (Time Consumption 20%) - Earn 42,000 rep. Start off by killing 4,200 mobs (dead if you cough at them but they hide in the shadows and have no loot). Then, play a new character class to almost maximum level if you aren't playing one already. With that character, you head out to an underground jail out in the middle of fucking nowhere. Sneak around undetected in there and pickpocket monsters for 1,400 of an uncommon item. You can only hold about 100 at a time. Then you go back to the main city and mail them to your main character for him to turn in at a collector NPC. Then back to the middle of nowhere. City. Boondocks. City. No man's land. City. Montana. Boring.

All that for a little title above your head.


I beat Duke Nukem Forever. I even decided to keep Duke's golden gun all throughout the game to see if anything happened. Wouldn't you know it? They just give it back to you anyway at the final battle.

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