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Even if they just maintained a 230,000 audience for the game, that's a LOT of monthly fees and microtransactions. They might break even on this eventually. ;-)

On the topic of FFX.... Here's an article that talks about what crazyhaze32 brought up earlier -- http://www.explosion.com/42901/rumor-final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-delayed-now-releasing-2014/

No new news, but at least it sheds light on whether this was a small rumor or something that a lot of people heard at PAX.


Yoshida said that they needed 400,000 people to make the game profitable. Looking at vgchartz, (I know it's not that reliable but I don't have anything else to go off of.) the game sold 720,000 copies and that is only on PC. Does not have ps3 figures. The game just recently had a record of 218,000 users online at the same time. After the server fix today, I don't know how many people will join.




I don't know if that's true. There was a stupid amount of lame, free-to-play MMOs over the last ten years or so and from what I've seen and heard "FF XIV: Sorry for fucking it up so bad before edition" seems to be the biggest deal in that genre since WoW. FF XIV is so damn popular that I read last week that Square Enix was halting digital sales because their servers could not handle the pressure. On top of that, the game has been getting lots of great reception anywhere I've looked.

you missed what i was saying. i was saying that someone somewhere will always lock onto some unknown game and think it was awesome. there's almost always a solid core of players who play way too much. it just varies drastically in size.


What I recently read in regards to FFXIV and I think it bleeds over to everything else is that due to past reactions of V1.0 and I also think across the board especially since last year was bad for them, is that they are beating themselves up more than they should be. They honestly thought that they would not have enough of old players coming back. I don't know. I really can't figure out what would take this long of FFX HD. I think it was best for them to stay far away from redoing FF7 to modern standards if this is how they are ending up with things. It just seems like one big mess over there. But the games look and play so well that it is frustrating.



So I'd expect they will address the delay rumors there.

and I'm betting they'll do so by not having a release date.

Ha... yooou.... ;-) Probably true, hehee.

From what I've heard KH3 and FF15 will be there, but only as trailers... for FF15 we've been seeing trailers for like..... 27 years, don't know what else they have they could possibly show that would be interesting at this point. x_x Though to be fair the old footage is pretty amazing.

KH3 they could impress with. The "trailer" they had for it left a lot to be desired.


FFX is way to easy to beat. I love the battle system but don't know if I can put up with the whiny / weakness combo that is tidus and yuna.

I'd rather square put forth effort and make an original game. I personally do not want to play a game I have already mastered and know everything about already. This would bore me. Now for people who have never played the original it is great.

Square needs to innovate. Innovation is what built their company and saved it when the first final fantasy was made. Don't get me wrong I love nostalgia but I'd rather have something fresh and new.

Games like Lufia 2, Legend Of Legaia, Suikoden, and BOF5 Dragon Quarter are good examples of successful attempts at innovation.

PS: How to totally own everything in the game. Make a weapon and put Double AP and AP to Overdrive on it. Put Auto-Haste on some armor. You will get uber-powerful so quickly.


Them's fightin' words! FFX is not too easy, in fact switching characters out throughout the game to level them all up is a headache. There's a STEEP difficulty curve as soon as you're busting into Lavos. I remember being 22 hours in and being stuck at a particularly tough boss, it was a huge accomplishment when I finally beat it. I think the difficulty is consistent with FF9, FF8, maybe even FF7 (though some of those Weapon bosses are intense)

And Tidus and Yuna aren't whiny and weak. I just hope they updated the mix / EQ on the voices to make it more obvious. There's a lot of subtleties to the performance that most people, who cling to the laugh quack sequence, just don't grasp.

Posted (edited)

And Tidus and Yuna aren't whiny and weak. I just hope they updated the mix / EQ on the voices to make it more obvious. There's a lot of subtleties to the performance that most people, who cling to the laugh quack sequence, just don't grasp.

What subtleties? Yuna talked like she was horribly traumatized throughout the entire game.


I liked FFX but no where near to the extent that I loved FF7, FFT and FF9. Hate to say it but i'm with shadow on this one. The game was waaay too linear (why was the blinking light on the map even necessary? you could only go in two directions)and it DIDN'T HAVE A WORLD MAP!! I did like the Blitzball mini game though.

ToX on the other hand... is FANTASTIC and it's already out!! (but no world map either...)

Edited by Garpocalypse
Posted (edited)
Them's fightin' words! FFX is not too easy, in fact switching characters out throughout the game to level them all up is a headache. There's a STEEP difficulty curve as soon as you're busting into Lavos. I remember being 22 hours in and being stuck at a particularly tough boss, it was a huge accomplishment when I finally beat it. I think the difficulty is consistent with FF9, FF8, maybe even FF7 (though some of those Weapon bosses are intense)

And Tidus and Yuna aren't whiny and weak. I just hope they updated the mix / EQ on the voices to make it more obvious. There's a lot of subtleties to the performance that most people, who cling to the laugh quack sequence, just don't grasp.

If you rush through the game it can be very challenging. I'm not disagreeing with you there. Let me clarify it a bit. FFX is extremely easy if you exploit weapon / armor creation and the sphere grid only 10%. I'm the type of player that appreciates a good story but cares way more about the gameplay. If I played FFX again I'd just use Rikku and say slap some ridiculous status effect on her weapon like death strike or petrify. Place it on her capture weapon. You can put a lot of touches on them easily too. Just doing that makes non-bosses a walk in the park.

The english voice actress for Yuna left alot to be desired. Let's hope at least in the sequel this gets rectified...

The difficulty of RPGs that wait for user input is only limited to the user's choice and their patience (Grinding for levels or items). Bad decisions and you die. It's not like this is an action game where split second timing counts.

You don't really need to level up everyone anyway. Except maybe Kimarhi for his solo battle on the snowy mountain. You could just use Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku since they can do underwater combat.

I really like FFX don't get me wrong. Especially the sphere grid and customization. I'd just rather see something new from Squinex. FFXIII saddened me. We all know they can do better. It's sad we have to look forward to re-releases instead of their new games.

Edited by shadow24
The game was waaay too linear (why was the blinking light on the map even necessary? you could only go in two directions)and it DIDN'T HAVE A WORLD MAP!!

This is actually why FFX was great.

The world map that allows you to go off wherever you want and do whatever you want does not help make you feel like you are in the "role" of a hero

In FFX, you're put in Tidus's shoes AND his responsibility. You can't just say "hey, I'm gonna go off to some random town for no reason. Sin is going to kill us all!" The game makes it clear that you have a job to do and people are depending on you. Or perhaps more accurately, they are depending on Yuna. She's basically the only person anyone believes is capable of destroying this monster and oh shit you realize you love her. That sucks. You must defeat this evil, but it will come at an extreme cost. So why the hell would we go visit some random town for no reason? Why would we back-track if we don't have to? Why would the world suddenly become all miniaturized when we step outside the city limits?

Being able to go out onto a miniature representation of the world and be all like "You know what? Fuck it, I'm gonna fly this school half way around the world and play a stupid card game with whomever I feel like. Ultimecia can wait!" Doesn't make me feel like I'm in the role of a hero. It makes me feel like an apathetic douchebag.

Being placed in the shoes of a person who's stuck in "damn if I do, damned if I don't but I MUST do something" scenario in a world that must be traversed by traveling a believable path on the other hand....

But...Tidus is more of a leader-hose wearing twat than a hero. Auron should've been the main character damnit!!

Auron is a totally awesome badass, but I must say I always smile every time Rikku death strike mugs an enemy and says "Oopsie!"

On another note was Lulu just unpopular? I don't know why they axed her for Paine in the sequel that was a much harder game IMO

Auron is a totally awesome badass, but I must say I always smile every time Rikku death strike mugs an enemy and says "Oopsie!"

On another note was Lulu just unpopular? I don't know why they axed her for Paine in the sequel that was a much harder game IMO

Maybe they were 2 afraid that her boobs would pop out if she took a more 'active' roll.

On another note was Lulu just unpopular? I don't know why they axed her for Paine in the sequel that was a much harder game IMO

Because Lulu was not a teenager and thus too old to be used in a game that featured girls undergoing magical girl transformations into hotpants with multiple belts. FFX-2 came out right after the time moe started fucking over the ideals of beauty and sexy over in Japan, and it's always been the trend in JRPGs that characters over the age of 20 are "old".

Because Lulu was not a teenager and thus too old to be used in a game that featured girls undergoing magical girl transformations into hotpants with multiple belts. FFX-2 came out right after the time moe started fucking over the ideals of beauty and sexy over in Japan, and it's always been the trend in JRPGs that characters over the age of 20 are "old".

That just reminds me of this picture I saw last week.


Because Lulu was not a teenager and thus too old to be used in a game that featured girls undergoing magical girl transformations into hotpants with multiple belts. FFX-2 came out right after the time moe started fucking over the ideals of beauty and sexy over in Japan, and it's always been the trend in JRPGs that characters over the age of 20 are "old".

...true Japanese culture is def. fucked up that way. I think that Spoony touched up on that too, in his FFX review/rant. =p

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