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I can't see myself taking part in a future Mega Man competition if all it does is bring me down :(

Honestly I don't know why this is upsetting you so much Rexy. This competition is for FUN, who really cares about the votes? And you kind of took orlouge82's quote out of context, he said "MAYBE some people vote for the remixer, not the remix, but I listened to the mixes a lot this week. A. lot. This was a very hard vote for me". I don't think he was implying or even suggesting that ALL people do is vote for the remixer name. That would just be silly. If that were true, wouldn't mixers like Rozo and Main Finger have A LOT more points by now? As of Round 6, neither have gotten more than 1 point. And wouldn't unposted or relatively new mixers like Amph, C7, and Ecto have NO votes then? At least me personally, I'm only voting on enjoyability. I listen to the mixes and think "which one of these is the most fun & enjoyable?" I don't care who made them.

And you're honestly not doing that bad! "Root of all Things" got you 3 points in Round 2. Round 6 votes aren't tallied yet, but it looks like "Red Chamomile" got you at least that many points too. And you're already off to a decent start this round! Then look at my team: we've put out pretty solid mixes every week but haven't gotten more than 2 points in any round. Same thing with Dr Light's Luminosity Legion and The Skull Men. But we're not upset over it, it's just for fun. Plus with the way this compo is set up, it is INSANELY HARD to get any votes to begin with. We have 12 teams, many of them with extremely talented musicians, and we can only vote for 3 songs. So that means each time we vote, 75% of the songs will not get voted for, making it extremely hard to get any points whatsoever. When you look at it that way, you are doing quite well. How many votes are you expecting to get?

You should be proud & happy of the music you're making, regardless of the number of votes. Aren't you happier with the 3 songs you made for the compo, compared to if you had never made them? I know I am at least, I'm glad I made my 3 songs and I'm glad people got to hear them, although I'm likely to not finish with more than 1 point in each of the 3 rounds I participated in. So I guess I'm just trying to say, don't let it bother you cause it's really not that bad! Just have fun!

P.S. And the reason "Liquid Metal" probably had more of a torn reception is because it is a metal song. People either love or hate metal. There is no middle ground. I doubt you being a guest artist on it had any impact on the number of votes it got.


I can assure everyone that, personally, I've used the same criteria for voting this entire time. I pay absolutely no attention to who the remixer actually is--the questions I ask myself are "Do I like this track? Is it polished? Does it seem to arrange the themes sufficiently?" If yes to all the above, I put that track on my list of "tracks to consider voting for." Usually, from there, it's just "which track do I like the best?"

As someone who's been churning out mixes with loads of production polish and who has been passed over for mixes that (no offense to anyone, and I'm not going to name any names) completely lack that level of polish, I get it--some people have far different tastes than I do. Something that seems like a glaring, unforgivable flaw to me may be nothing more than a minor annoyance to another listener, because they haven't trained their ears specifically towards engineering like I have.

At the same time, I am always suspicious when I see a bunch of names voting in the social group that I never see anywhere else on the forums. Some folks, like orlogue and MindWanderer, are people that I can't recall seeing anywhere else, but at least they're taking the time to be present in this discussion thread so they don't seem like people who are just voting for people because they like that person. Do I suspect the votes of being mildly inaccurate? Yeah, I do. Not gonna lie. Does it matter? No, thankfully, because this contest was never about winning to me--it was (and is) about stretching my limits as a ReMixer and collaborating with a couple of really good guys.

Am I going to regret having participated? Not at all. I hope, Rexy, that your experience with not winning (or not getting some deserved votes) won't sour your experience to the point where you wouldn't consider participating in another, similar contest. I've enjoyed competing against you and hearing your mixes, for what it's worth. :-)




This is for fun..... If YOU like YOUR track, then, as I said before, who the hell cares about votes...? I've given it my all and placed pretty close to the bottom every round. It got to me at first, but I like the tracks I'm writing, so I just don't care about the votes anymore. I'm kinda getting tired of reading this sort of thing...


Rexy, chill out. No one really voted for my first entry, yet I still think it's one of the coolest pieces of music I've ever produced, and that's all that matters. Music is subjective. If someone else doesn't like a tune, but you do, ESPECIALLY if you wrote it, then tell them to piss off. Enjoy your handiwork despite/in spite of what others may have to say about it.

And even if this were a competition of respect/popularity, I don't think whining would improve your chances of winning.


SuperiorX, to my knowledge, Rozo's leadership in the last round gave you first place according to my tallies; don't put yourself down too :)

But I suppose you've got a fair point in regards to this (though given C7's involvement in the community prior to this, I'm not sure if he's the right example for a "new face", but ymmv). I set out in this competition to try and up my game outside of piano arranging, as well as opening the door for some more collaborations, and in a way, I succeeded, though I often felt better about myself just making the songs rather than waiting on reactions.

I know some people didn't want to see anything like this, but I've just had this locked-in frame of mind over the years as well as expectations of what I THOUGHT I could meet, and it's just really hard to shake off. But I'll remember it before the topic derails itself - never to complain before getting a rough reputation.

If it helps, I might do a following gauntlet depending on how I feel but I could never see myself doing a Maverick/Robot Master battle simply because I don't have the mentality for knockouts. I thank for the responses at least, but I guess if you're eventually going to tell me to shut up, then I'll just stop writing in here x_X

If it helps, I might do a following gauntlet depending on how I feel but I could never see myself doing a Maverick/Robot Master battle simply because I don't have the mentality for knockouts. I thank for the responses at least, but I guess if you're eventually going to tell me to shut up, then I'll just stop writing in here x_X

To be honest, the reason you're doing as 'poorly' as you are now is simply because you're doing more the Castle-style gauntlet rather than the heads-up style of the more regular Maverick/RM battles. It's one thing to make a mix and compare it to a single other mix. It's a whole different ballgame when everyone's mixes are compared against everyone else's mix. You'd be surprised - your mixing style would have a very good chance to win out over other mixes that are currently winning in this round if it were done in a heads-up fashion.

I seriously doubt there's a popularity contest going on in here, not by the way everyone's been voting every round. There are just that many great tracks to vote against. Especially this round - there wasn't a single 'poor' remix on the bill, this time. The competition is amazingly tough, even from the people that are unknowns.

Besides, if it WERE a popularity contest you'd be getting way more votes, 'cause we all love you for the sigs. :wink:


There are just that many great tracks to vote against. Especially this round - there wasn't a single 'poor' remix on the bill, this time. The competition is amazingly tough, even from the people that are unknowns.

Hory shet, ain't dat da troof.

I was all full of shit when I submitted my remix. "Oh, this sucker is going to clean up in votes." WRONG. This round is just insane. I don't even feel bad that I'm not getting votes; for once, it is justified, and you are not all huge assholes for voting for remixes other than my own (is he kidding?!?! IS HE?!?!). I just kinda gave up trying to choose a clear-cut top 3 when I voted this round and went with my gut instead. It was like a 7-way tie for my top 3...


Darke - I'm curious, are you going to post details on the super-secret Round 10 sometime today, so we have some time to coordinate whatever it is we're doing with our team before the mixing period starts tomorrow? I know like not which Wily theme, but just details on what the round will involve?

Darke - I'm curious, are you going to post details on the super-secret Round 10 sometime today, so we have some time to coordinate whatever it is we're doing with our team before the mixing period starts tomorrow? I know like not which Wily theme, but just details on what the round will involve?


Who needs it?


I have a strange feeling that everyone has to contribute to that one song somehow o_O but no idea how, whether it would involve ALL robot masters or not, whether someone may take the lead like in some of the regular rounds, or anything.

But yeah, I got to admit I'm looking forward to it already :)

(and yes, wise words from Gario; this is probably what I get for not doing a knockout because I'm too scared to do one, but ah well... it's a big help :))


I think my favorite part about these Mega Man competitions is that they force me to work quickly and actually finish stuff (also, robot master title puns).

There are just that many great tracks to vote against. Especially this round

Oh you guys. Someone has said this on every page of the thread.

That said, nice work, everyone. I used this week's entries as workout music. Now I need to figure out how I'm going to vote.

I have a strange feeling that everyone has to contribute to that one song somehow o_O but no idea how, whether it would involve ALL robot masters or not, whether someone may take the lead like in some of the regular rounds, or anything.

Yes that is what I'm thinking as well. It would be cool if we had to incorporate each of our 3 robot master themes with the Wily theme, in some mega-song. That would be tough and exciting! We shall see.

(and yes, wise words from Gario; this is probably what I get for not doing a knockout because I'm too scared to do one, but ah well... it's a big help :))

I'm actually kind of surprised you wouldn't prefer that type of compo. Yeah there is the risk of being eliminated, but it's a better judge of the quality of your mixes, cause voters are only comparing 2 songs, using the exact same two themes. It's a much more level battlefield.

Darke - I'm curious, are you going to post details on the super-secret Round 10 sometime today, so we have some time to coordinate whatever it is we're doing with our team before the mixing period starts tomorrow? I know like not which Wily theme, but just details on what the round will involve?

I seriously doubt Darke would have the secret Round 10 mixes happen any time before Jan. 10th - MAGfest is going to consume many people's lives between next week and the week after. Don't fret too much on it.

I seriously doubt Darke would have the secret Round 10 mixes happen any time before Jan. 10th - MAGfest is going to consume many people's lives between next week and the week after. Don't fret too much on it.

Ah, I just kind of assumed Round 10 would just start this Saturday like all the other rounds had. I didn't even know MAGfest was this upcoming week.

Round 10: Everyone not going to MAGfest automatically wins as a consolation prize

I win!

owait i'm not competing. damn.

btw great mixes from everyone this week (and all the weeks). finally got around to catching up (i was behind all the way to week 3), and they're all friggin' awesome! :3

Some folks, like orlogue and MindWanderer, are people that I can't recall seeing anywhere else, but at least they're taking the time to be present in this discussion thread so they don't seem like people who are just voting for people because they like that person. Do I suspect the votes of being mildly inaccurate? Yeah, I do. Not gonna lie.
Music is subjective.
I'm not totally sure what you mean by "inaccurate." If you mean basing my votes on anything other than the music, then no, I don't do that. That's one of the reasons I wrote reviews for a while, at least for my top 3, so that the reasons I picked them would be clear. The criteria I use may not be the same as others', but from the discussion we had before, it seems like few of us use the same criteria as anyone. And what one person enjoys, another will not, and enjoyability is a stated criterion for voting. I actually try really hard to be objective, and have voted for several pieces, like Liquid Metal and Riding the Avalanche, that I didn't even like, but I thought were technically good. If I voted for the artists of whom I'm a fan, then I'd be voting for Will, halc, Nutritious, prophetik, Akumajo, and Ben Briggs--just to mention the names I recognize off the top of my head--a lot more.
I'm not totally sure what you mean by "inaccurate." If you mean basing my votes on anything other than the music, then no, I don't do that. That's one of the reasons I wrote reviews for a while, at least for my top 3, so that the reasons I picked them would be clear. The criteria I use may not be the same as others', but from the discussion we had before, it seems like few of us use the same criteria as anyone. And what one person enjoys, another will not, and enjoyability is a stated criterion for voting. I actually try really hard to be objective, and have voted for several pieces, like Liquid Metal and Riding the Avalanche, that I didn't even like, but I thought were technically good. If I voted for the artists of whom I'm a fan, then I'd be voting for Will, halc, Nutritious, prophetik, Akumajo, and Ben Briggs--just to mention the names I recognize off the top of my head--a lot more.

You should go back to posting reviews, I lul'd at people getting butthurt about critiques :D

Plus reviews are useful.. Not enough of that is going on. BACK ME UP HERE MIXERS

Plus reviews are useful.. Not enough of that is going on. BACK ME UP HERE MIXERS

To be fair, even with mixposts I have a tendancy to get too critical, so I kind of avoided that here for the mixers' dignity. If there are some positive remarks I could sense about some of the mixes, I'd state them in posts :)


Sorry, clarification: By "votes are inaccurate," I was referring to the overall results of each round, not to any one person.

Also, I don't want reviews. I already know what I want out of a song. I'm okay with seeing what you (note: "you" in this case is anyone in general) thought of the mix, but I probably don't care about your suggestions.

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