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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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Even though the project has gone on for so long, I'm still in anticipation to hear it all in its released form. Not only that, but I'm now destined to actually invest on Tales of Symphonia once I get my hands on a Wii and a set of Gamecube peripherals :)

Then why won't you let me back on the project. It's because of that love letter I sent Lea isn't it. Your jealous. I'm sorry, but get over it man, & lemme back on the project!!!

I'm actually on the project still. So, yeah, suck on that Global Warming!


I want someone to send me a love letter... :(


Alright, I haven't been keeping in touch with the remaining songs as well as I should have, so the September 31st due date may get pushed. I need to talk to some of you about your songs, so if I don't talk to you first, please come to me, either in PM, response to this thread, or somewhere else.


Kyle feels left out? It has been about a good 6 months since I have spoken to either of you :(

Lea is in hiding in North Carolina and hates the internet now. I hardly talk to her anymore.

As for me, I'm in hiding too. And I hate you.*

* - Actually I'm just lazy.


I remember when I was a young lad and I wrote a remix for this project. Since then, I've grown up quite a bit, got a job and now live on my own with my brand new wife. A lot has changed and it's fun to look back on those times. It was good fun.

Now I wonder what everyone else is up to. Will there be a Tales Series: Summoning of Spirits OCRemix Project Reunion anytime soon?

I miss you guys!!




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