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I can't say I'm necessarily the best to critique artwork, but I am impressed :D Never thought I'd see them fit on that angle, and the shades on the image are also well thought out.

It'll be interesting to see how this project progresses... although it makes me wonder, whatever happened to hearing into each other's tracks for feedback on their WIPs? 8O

Nonetheless, i'll still be there every step of the way!


Rexy, I read that review for Boy Aims for Other Boys at VGMix, so I know you haven't played Secret of Mana.

In this state, you have no right to be using time making forum posts when there's such a big, gaping hole in your life.

(Oh yeah, and I can't wait to hear how cool you make Fighting of the Spirit.:wink:)

For the WIPs... I'm sort of the "complete and unveil" type of creator, rather than the, "piece-by-piece" kind. If Kyle wants to post some preview tracks on the front page, though, I wouldn't mind.

I'm really tempted to take up another song. There's one I have my eye on that's already claimed, but I don't want to make any enemies by challenging him/her. XD


Preview tracks...Hmmm...That might come a little later, after some more progress is made and I receive more WIPs. Or I might just horde everything to myself like a jerk and not let anyone hear it! Hah! (which wouldn't stop you from posting it on the forums or at VGMix, which you're welcome to do for crtique, if you need.) :P

Remember, if you need help with ideas or anything, don't be afraid to post what you have in the thread and what you might want to do; We're all here to help each other, especially in this stage of the project. ;)

And Soraya; I don't mind you picking up another song at all, but wait a week or two before you do so, after the new recruits figure out what they want to do. :) Thanks!


Damn... Those banners made me want to play the games again. I know I shouldn't, I should grow up and dedicate my free time only to music and spiritual healing... But I can't help it. :D

Kyle: I have a new version of my WIP for you, do you have any place (besides VGMix) that I can use for UPload?


I'd like to claim "Hydropolis" if that's possible. From both these games I have only played Tales of Symphonia (and I'm not even half through with that one...), but this song compells me very much.

I'm sure I can think of some way to remix it properly. (maybe some vocal stuff... Rexy, you available?)

Rexy, I read that review for Boy Aims for Other Boys at VGMix, so I know you haven't played Secret of Mana.

Hey, all I wanted to do was explore other game scores outside the few that I've played :P I mean, look, I haven't even played any of the Tales games but I was still game in making the music possible.

And Master Link, yes I am available for the task ;)

And Master Link, yes I am available for the task ;)

Alright, thanks. :D I'll let you know once I start something up and come to the conclusion vocals could very well be incorporated. (likeliness to add vocals: 75%)

Damn... Those banners made me want to play the games again. I know I shouldn't, I should grow up and dedicate my free time only to music and spiritual healing... But I can't help it. :D

Kyle: I have a new version of my WIP for you, do you have any place (besides VGMix) that I can use for UPload?

You can go ahead and email it the project email address, talesproject@gmail.comRemoveMeSpamProtection. :)

Master Link and possibly Rexy for Hydropolis, eh? I can do that. :P


Err, Rexy, before I'm starting to write the stuff for the vocals, could you give me an indication of your reach? I don't want to write something you can't sing.

And can someone hook me up with more information about Hydropolis? I can't find ANYTHING!

Technically speaking I'm an alto, so my range is from F2 (the F below Middle C) to D4. I did go as extreme as G4 as shown here but there's no way I'm doing that again in a fair while :P

So yeah, I hope this helps out ^_~

Thanks. I'll try to keep it between those 2 notes.

Side note: that's about my range, too. I know, disproportionally high for a guy. Can go lower than F2 though. Yay for baritones. :P

Anyway, I've found 1 thing about Hydropolis... It's a town with water. (As if the name didn't give that away...)

But please, I need more information for my lyrics to make sense. They'll have to at least connect a BIT to the game. :P

Technically speaking I'm an alto, so my range is from F2 (the F below Middle C) to D4. I did go as extreme as G4 as shown here but there's no way I'm doing that again in a fair while :P

So yeah, I hope this helps out ^_~

Thanks. I'll try to keep it between those 2 notes.

Side note: that's about my range, too. I know, disproportionally high for a guy. Can go lower than F2 though. Yay for baritones. :P

Anyway, I've found 1 thing about Hydropolis... It's a town with water. (As if the name didn't give that away...)

But please, I need more information for my lyrics to make sense. They'll have to at least connect a BIT to the game. :P

Play the game! It really rocks! Come ooooon! Hydropolis isn't too far in, anyway. I'd tell you more about it but it's been a while since I played through it. I'm trying to find the time to do it now, but I'm only at that first mountain pass.

Technically speaking I'm an alto, so my range is from F2 (the F below Middle C) to D4. I did go as extreme as G4 as shown here but there's no way I'm doing that again in a fair while :P

So yeah, I hope this helps out ^_~

Thanks. I'll try to keep it between those 2 notes.

Side note: that's about my range, too. I know, disproportionally high for a guy. Can go lower than F2 though. Yay for baritones. :P

Anyway, I've found 1 thing about Hydropolis... It's a town with water. (As if the name didn't give that away...)

But please, I need more information for my lyrics to make sense. They'll have to at least connect a BIT to the game. :P

Play the game! It really rocks! Come ooooon! Hydropolis isn't too far in, anyway. I'd tell you more about it but it's been a while since I played through it. I'm trying to find the time to do it now, but I'm only at that first mountain pass.

I will, but I haven't got the time this week. Maybe next week though... But still, I want to go ahead and at least have a little beginning. How far is it into the game? Like, 2 hours?


Glad people are liking the banners. :D Usa's animated ones are pretty nifty, too. I like the purple firey one.

Anyway, while it's been a while since I've played ToP... was Alvanista (or whatever the town Hydropolis plays in was) the place where you first meet that couple that's trying to get together, and you can affect the outcome of their relationship? If so, that might be a good source for a song... assuming I didn't just make that all up.


I enjoyed his mix of Presea's theme! Glad to have you on the project, Nick.

I was thinking of having a clip of my WIP posted in the thread, just as a small indication of the project's progress. I don't have any stable form of webhosting though, so if anyone has a solution for that feel free to contact me.

EDIT: Thanks Kyle! - Forest of the Treant WIP -


Some tiny bits of news to report on this front: Lea and I are working on a new website design, which should go live in the next couple of days. Recruiting work continues, as well, with a few musicians showing some interest, but no definites as of yet.

Other than that, work moves along. Please try to keep in contact with me and let me know what you're up to. Remember, if you don't get a WIP to me on or before August 1st, you risk removal from the project. Don't let that happen!


Just to let you know that I actually AM working on my piece, I've decided to throw away the piece's 3/4 measure and inserted a typical 6/8, which gives me a better base for a symphonic rock beat. Yes, I'm aiming for a symphonic rock tune, wether or not it's going to contain guitars is something else. :P

Just to let you know that I actually AM working on my piece, I've decided to throw away the piece's 3/4 measure and inserted a typical 6/8, which gives me a better base for a symphonic rock beat. Yes, I'm aiming for a symphonic rock tune, wether or not it's going to contain guitars is something else. :P

Rock without guitars? How daring! It'll be interesting to see your first WIP!

Just to let you know that I actually AM working on my piece, I've decided to throw away the piece's 3/4 measure and inserted a typical 6/8, which gives me a better base for a symphonic rock beat. Yes, I'm aiming for a symphonic rock tune, wether or not it's going to contain guitars is something else. :P

Guitar, eh? I can ask around. ;)

Just to let you know that I actually AM working on my piece, I've decided to throw away the piece's 3/4 measure and inserted a typical 6/8, which gives me a better base for a symphonic rock beat. Yes, I'm aiming for a symphonic rock tune, wether or not it's going to contain guitars is something else. :P

Rock without guitars? How daring! It'll be interesting to see your first WIP!

That's how Motoi Sakuraba does his live original prog rock stuff all the time. He actually uses a keyboard.

Just to let you know that I actually AM working on my piece, I've decided to throw away the piece's 3/4 measure and inserted a typical 6/8, which gives me a better base for a symphonic rock beat. Yes, I'm aiming for a symphonic rock tune, wether or not it's going to contain guitars is something else. :P

I could give it a shot; I mean playing da guit4rz


Hey, no fair! I totally wasn't thinking of progressive rock!

Prizm, since you're here, I have to say; lovely work on the Xenosaga mix. I've been waiting for someone to submit one. I especially love the creepiness, it's like something Dir en Grey would do.

This project is really going to be great, huh? ^-^

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