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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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It's a bit tricky. For this piece you can't really say it's in one key or another, because there's no real established tonality. Actually, it was silly of me to say E major earlier, I'd definitely say E minor if anything. It won't follow any normal key signature though, because it's mostly chromatic.

First it starts with a chord on the first degree, which is all well and normal. Then, already it abandons the signature in favor of chromaticism, making the root descend a half-step from the first degree onto D#. You can see, from here it keeps moving downwards until it prepares itself for the half close cadence in the relative major, G. (IV-I) Then it starts over again.

The cadence at the end and the beginning chord lead me to believe it's in E minor with some simple chromatically descending patterns. An in-depth analysis might reveal that it's in a more obscure tonal mode and that all the harmonic progressions are valid within a particular tonality, but for now I'd just say it's heavily chromatic in Em/GM. ;p

The song could be difficult to manipulate, but if you prepared it correctly you could write plainly in G major or E minor after that cadence without it sounding too far from the actual song.

If there's reasonable agreement that there's no established tonality then I'll simply work with the chromaticism and see what I can come up with. Since I'm still new to all of this, and my music theory knowledge is pretty basic, I like to build harmony using chord tones, basic progressions, and some basic non-harmonic tones. This (along with the Ultima 8 soundtrack in OCR Idol) would be my first rather deep plunge into the realm of music with no real established tonality. I'm probably in the minority by doing this, but I like to analyse what I'm remixing before I actually start adding stuff to it.

There's not a lot here in terms of a melody, so I might incorporate bits from "Unicorn", which uses a variation of the melody from Martel.

There's not a lot here in terms of a melody, so I might incorporate bits from "Unicorn", which uses a variation of the melody from Martel.

Interestingly, Unicorn was actually originally on the list of possible tracks before Martel's theme was. I guess I should've brought up the similarities before...

Oh, and you probably noticed this, but Martel's theme isn't the last song anymore. ;)


Well, the half-cadence and opening chord give it a sense of E minor, but the song just doesn't follow any of the accidentals. You could construct your own chromatic patterns, but try to think of E as your tonic even in all the semitone madness! ^^

Oh yeah! Here, some profile information...

Real Name: Fukuyama Sorahiko

Birthday (Age): December 18th, 1984

Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Project Position: Musician

Web Site: In the works. ^^

Not too exciting, but at least the slots won't all be blank!


And people are already making a ton of progress on their remixes, too. I expected the other two projects here (SDB and SSF2, SSF2 in particular) to take off and be a lot more popular than this one... Quite frankly, I'm surprised, and glad that it's working out so well.

I know I probably haven't said it enough, but thanks to everyone for really taking this project beyond what I expected. Interestingly enough, I started this project expecting the usual things to happen; a lot of people dropping out, flame war on page 30, arguments all over the place, drama, and all that stuff that usually comes along with projects. Incredibly, all of that has been almost non-existant, so we're all doing a great job. :)


Thanks to YOU Kyle,, you started all this dude:


Here it is, the update of my WIP! Soraya, if you don't coment, I shall challange you to a swordfight, I there I shall destroy you... :wink:

Here goes my profile information:

Name: Caio Moraes Ferreira

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Birth: 19/02/88 (17)

Place in the Project: Musician

Site: none yet =)

PS: I already decided my extra song. I am settling the arrengments to start working on it. More on that in AIM.


The opening is so majestic, with the stately piano chords. It's an exciting feeling and serves as a good exposition of the main theme. The dynamic on the piano are very nice. The transition from the opening material to the section with the drums works really well, and I like how the piano part is handled with the strings playing the melody.

When it changes again at 2:06... ahh, I can't decide whether I like the old version with the woodwinds playing that part or the new one! They're both good! The snare part suddenly coming in is a little disconcerting, you wonder what's going on, and then at 2:24 it all makes sense! Really cool interpretation of the song here, and the drums are great! The bass could be a little louder, cause' I love bass. ^^ I wish this section was longer!

Okay, this is the interesting part. I was really wondering where you'd go next, but I didn't expect something this clever. At first it sounds smooth and flowing. All is well... but then the dissonances are slowly introduced, and it becomes more frantic-sounding. People who played through the lower levels of the Moria Gallery might remember the music began to sound really weird near the end. I think it was to give the effect of, "You've been down here so long, so deep, with these horrible things, you're slowly going mad." I'm glad you remembered that and included it! The only problem is that people who haven't played Phantasia might not understand, so you might want to clear up the dissonance in a relatively short time. Actually, I'd suggest making it even more unsettling for a few moments just to give the listeners the feeling that something is really wrong. ^^ I can see this new section being really cool, so keep at it!

Heh, well I did it anyway :P.

CMaj7/E - B7b9 - D/A - Bbdim7 - Amin7 - B7 - Bdim - G7sus4->G7

The tonality definitely is *snare roll!*

C Major !!!

Yay for Sakuraba messing with our minds.

That interpretation is much more understandable than mine! Actually, I didn't hear the C in the first chord, so I took the last two chords as being IV - I in G. I have failed and must accept my shame by permanently resigning from OCR! And the whole internet!


If you don't mind making your WIP public, you might get more feedback here. Or I can just do this; Go check out the forums, guys!

EDIT: I just noticed that this project has a lot Canadians, and a lot of people from outside of the US in general, involved. Pretty neat. :)


I like the atmosphere of this project. It has a calm aura.

But enough with the hippie talk, I was working on my mix yesterday but was too tired to render a demo so I went to sleep. I might give out a new wip soon for you all, with more chilly goodness ^_^

Heh, well I did it anyway :P.

CMaj7/E - B7b9 - D/A - Bbdim7 - Amin7 - B7 - Bdim - G7sus4->G7

The tonality definitely is *snare roll!*

C Major !!!

Yay for Sakuraba messing with our minds.

That interpretation is much more understandable than mine! Actually, I didn't hear the C in the first chord, so I took the last two chords as being IV - I in G. I have failed and must accept my shame by permanently resigning from OCR! And the whole internet!

And you wanted to confuse Shnabubula with your odd atonality and weird key modulations!

The first chord was definitely a C. That's about as far as I got before I had to do other things. ;)


Very nice WIP Fox! Like Soraya said, you brought back the distorted feeling from the lower levels of Moria (and isn't that the whole point, to bring back the feeling?).

And Usa, you should deside for yourself which alternate you want *cough* Harmonious Moment * cough*


I like the atmosphere of this project. It has a calm aura.

But enough with the hippie talk, I was working on my mix yesterday but was too tired to render a demo so I went to sleep. I might give out a new wip soon for you all, with more chilly goodness ^_^

Hey, relax, guy.


I like the atmosphere of this project. It has a calm aura.

But enough with the hippie talk, I was working on my mix yesterday but was too tired to render a demo so I went to sleep. I might give out a new wip soon for you all, with more chilly goodness ^_^

You don't need to sleep, man. Just feel your inner energy flowing around you, and replenish you soul with the absolute calmness!

I'm gonna go take a nap now.

And yay! You switched Celcius for Arche. My turn. :P

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