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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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Tired of idling on slow, boring forums? Come idle in slow, boring chatrooms instead! :P Come in and discuss the project, or whatever we happen to be discussing. The chat is open to anyone, so stop on by! If you have an IRC client, such as Trillian or mIRC, here's how to get there:

Channel: #talesproject

Server: irc.esper.net

Port: 6667

If you don't have an IRC client, or don't want to bother with downloading one, you can visit the chatroom via this web portal: http://www.kylejcrb.com/talesproject/chat/

I also recommend that when you get there that you register your username, like so:

/nickserv register *yourusername* *yourpassword*

Every time you join the chat, it will bug you about identifying yourself, so just pop this in (if you don't, you'll get kicked off):

/nickserv identify *yourpassword*

And that's it. Hope to see you there!



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Well, the first WIP due date has officially past. What a showing it was, too. Only one person who wasn't granted exemption has failed to turn anything in (I won't mention any names *coughAshanecoughcough* :P) and the work so far? Holy shit you guys are gonna make this thing ROCK! Awesome work coming out of all remixers involved. Things are moving along quite rapidly, as well, so keep up the good work!

The next due date will give the remixers a little less time to work, but most of you should still have plenty of time to get an update to me. I want to hear from EVERYONE, even those who have finished your compositions and are just waiting to record parts on live instruments or whatever. Please get a new, updated WIP to me or Lea (though I think most all of you have been talking to me) by September 12th. Again, the next due date is September 12th. That's all!

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No way. Lea's in the artwork development process. She's very important. Without her, the artwork wouldn't be nearly as awesome as it's going to be when the project is complete. ;) Just look at the forums and the sig banners for proof!

Speaking of which, has cover art come into the picture yet, or is it too early to think about that?

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Some very vasic ideas of cover art/case inserts have been discussed by Lea and I, but nothing is definite yet. Here's the ideas we have:

-Two different artwork sizes - Since this project will very likely be around 4 CDs long, we're planning on making two different sizes of artwork that will fit on both extra-large DVD cases (ones that will hold 4 CDs/DVDs) and extra-large CD cases (like the kind multiple disc Playstation games came in).

-A full color booklet with information about the games, songs, and remixers - I'm thinking that this will be DVD case-sized only. The actual layout and design of the booklet pages (the front cover being the exception) will be done by myself. Booklet will be in Adobe Acrobat format so it can be easily seen on the web, as well.

-Cover artwork/art for the page backgrounds in the booklet to be drawn by Kureejii Lea - The subject matter of the artwork will stay under wraps until the project is complete. I'm not even sure remixers will get to see it. :P

That's it so far. Of course, suggestions are welcome, but it's probably a bit early to really be discussing this in too much detail.

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-A full color booklet with information about the games, songs, and remixers - I'm thinking that this will be DVD case-sized only. The actual layout and design of the booklet pages (the front cover being the exception) will be done by myself. Booklet will be in Adobe Acrobat format so it can be easily seen on the web, as well.

That's pretty cool! It'll be interesting to have some inside-information about the songs for everyone to see.

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All right, since the website is still down, this is our base of operations for now. I've put the detailed status list in the first post (let me know if any of it is wrong; I had to rebuild it from scratch), and will take any WIPs you have via PM here. Since most of you are doing so well, I'd prefer not to have WIPs posted publicly here at this point. If you feel the need to get feedback, clear it with me first. I'll be sending out a mass PM (perhaps to all of you, even if I've spoken to you recently) to update everyone on the current status of the project. Remember, the due date is September 12th, but I want to hear WIPs from all of you as soon as possible.

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