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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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Well, the HostingOnNet servers appear to be back, but the website is not functional yet. I seriously hope they made a backup, as my newest forum backup is somewhat out of date...

EDIT: For those who weren't aware, I am a deeply religious person, and I run a church on the side. Just check KyleJCrb.com for yourself and see (and decide if I'm being sarcastic or not :P).

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The website is back up! Fortunately, no data was lost, and things seem to be back in order for now. I went and made a backup of the forum database, and will try to keep it updated as much as possible, just in case a permanent loss of the forum occurs. Head on over to http://www.kylejcrb.com/forum/ and let's get this thing back on the road! :)

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I'm getting a database error on the forum. (phpbb error. Could not connect to database)

Yeah, me too. I was able to connect once much earlier, but not anymore. The whole site is moving really slow. Not that there's anything anyone can really do about it...

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A very simple announcement, and hopefully should be common sense to most of you:


Your Reason/FrtuiyLoops/whatever files, or even your raw instrument recordings. Do not delete ANY of them, even after you get your song completed. I say this because there are things that might have to be adjusted/changed in the future, and the your work files might be necessary to do this.

Just a reminder! ;)

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Just wanted to inform everyone here that I am back...almost... I had a lot of stress during my three weeks of "vacation", so I need a bit of rest before I can get on with the work for any project.

In addition, a friend of mine, Zak, has started his own project (A Seiken Densetsu 3 ReMix project) and entitled me to being his co-coordinator. This doesn't mean a lot of work, but here and there I need to lend him a helping hand to organize things :)

So you guys and gals have still to be a bit patient before I can get rollin' again :)

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I find your lack of activity disturbing.

Okay, so there's not really any inactivity, but progress has slowed down a bit. A few WIPs here and there, some status updates, the usual; I'm still looking forward to hearing stuff from you guys, so send it along or post it over in the WIP boards at the forums!

Please don't choke us, Darth Lord Kyle.

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Quoted and fixed for emphasis. As an artist releasing music on the internet, you should never, ever delete your project files for any composition, remix or otherwise. It's the only proof you really have that the song was made by you.

I'm sure in this particular case though, we're talking about lossless encodes. :P

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Quoted and fixed for emphasis. As an artist releasing music on the internet, you should never, ever delete your project files for any composition, remix or otherwise. It's the only proof you really have that the song was made by you.

I'm sure in this particular case though, we're talking about lossless encodes. :P

Good point. And yes, we're talking lossless encodes, and perhaps a little something in the post-production/engineering department. But we shell sea about that one. :P

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