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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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He does kinda have a point though; we brits never got our hands on the Tales series outside emulation. :(

ToP on GBA in Europe, March 31st. :P

Usa: I think our timing just really bad and our time zones don't coincide (not to mention that I've been at work more than I've been at home lately, it seems like). If you can host the song anywhere, you can PM me a link to it. If not, I'll do what I can this week, and if not this week then I'll definitely be on this weekend.

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I know I haven't been able to keep up as much as I used to, with work dominating a good portion of my days (even weekends...), but there are several remixers that have seemingly completely disappeared from the face of the internet, and despite our attempts at contact, we haven't gotten in touch with any of them. I REALLY NEED TO HEAR FROM THESE PEOPLE. Some of them have not updated me on their progress for several months, and are in EXTREME danger of being removed from the project. These are:


Claado Shou

CC Ricers

If you're out there, or if you're someone who has seen/had contact with those listed above recently, please let me know. I'd hate to remove a group of remixers who had shown good progress before their disappearance, but in this case, I feel that (unless they contact me) it will be necessary. That is all.

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The last I've heard from Claado was this PM that he sent me back on February 12, just shortly after he expressed interest in remixing for Around the World:

Alright, well, I definitely jumped the gun. I thought I would have more time...or more inspiration...but I don't. With 5-7 day work weeks of 12 hours each, I don't have the energy to work on any music. I'm sorry to say, but the Navy is kicking my ass time-wise. Those 2 days off are the only time I have to not go crazy, and I can't afford to utilize them making music.

Again, sorry. I really hope you find someone else to take the song, as it's fun and all to listen to, but the premise of remixing it is a little havy considering my workload. I'll see you all again when the project is released.


It's quite possible that he lost the time for this project as well.

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Hmmm...That would make sense. I'd like to hear from him to be sure, just so I'm not jumping the gun.

Soraya disappeared for awhile back in December as well, and only showed up in January once. I'm a little concerned, because it seemed that he was so enthusiastic about the projects around here, and then vanished almost completely. Very odd...

Still looking for CC Ricers, too. He's very, VERY close to finished with his song, last I'd heard.

PS: Curse you, Walan, for getting the 1000th post! :P

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im a bit worried about soraya too

anyone here know him in irl? i need to know if he is at least ok :?

Yeah, I'm a tad concerned about that myself. It seems odd that someone so involved and enthusiastic would just disappear.

Have you tried reaching CC Ricers by MSN? I know he was around the site at the time of the posting of Bionic Electronica.

I emailed him at that address about two months ago... haven't seen him sign on with it, but then I'm not on MSN much myself.

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Back in early January, Soraya said that his "last several weeks had been reeeeeeeeeeally unpleasant". A couple weeks later, he sent me a new demo for one of his songs, but has since then vanished. He was gone for roughly a month before he contacted me in January too, so I'm just wondering if he's going through some tough times right now. Guess we'll just have to wait it out.

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Yes, I'm still around and have the remix at hand. To answer your last post in the WIP forum, the remix is almost completely done, but it's at a 'plateau' where all I have to figure out is how to give it a proper ending :o

Ever since the project started I have hardly posted in this thread, because most of my browsing for info on the project has been in your own forums. I have a somewhat updated version of the remix, just gotta make an mp3 out of it.

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