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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shell Shocked - History

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Today is a proud day in the history of this project. Originally, Shell Shocked was intended to arrange the music featured in Turtles in Time, released for the arcade and the SNES, as well as Hyperstone Heist for the SEGA Genesis. However, in our continuing efforts to ensure the high quality of this release, we have decided that for this project to be of the absolute highest caliber of an OverClocked ReMix release, it was decided that we must switch our focus.

In 2009, Ubisoft Singapore developed and published Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled. In honor of this outstandingly well-received game and

, I am proud to announce that Shell Shocked will become Re-Shell Shocked. I am very pleased that we will be moving away from the outdated and, frankly, very lackluster compositions the game originally featured. Re-Shelled has an incredible soundtrack that deserves to be honored more than any other soundtrack in previous Turtles games.

What does this mean for the songs from the old Shell Shocked project? They will no longer be a part of this project, and I ask that remixers do NOT release them. This change will go into effect immediately. A brand new roster of remixers has been recruited and production starts now. I am very excited to get the brand new version of this project rolling and pay proper tribute to the Re-Shelled version of Turtles in Time! Please look forward to it!


I want to share something very special with you all: my remix for this project! I don't frequently get to contribute musically to a project due to my previous inability to do so, but I am taking the opportunity to FINALLY contribute to my own album! This is a WIP, so any and all criticism and comments are appreciated. I don't think you'll find anything to critique, though: I feel really confident that this song is already pretty amazing, even in its unfinished state. Check it out!



Re-Shell Shocked WAS a joke, but if anyone wants to do a remix of a track from TMNT Re-Shelled (the soundtrack really is pretty damn dull, though) I'm willing to throw it in as a bonus track. However, they will have to meet the same quality bar as the rest of the album, and I'm not going to delay anything for them to get done.

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