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Legacy: Game Boy 25th Anniversary - History


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*poof* Speak his name and he shall appear!

April 2014 is impossible, you're right about that. I've already spoken to Damned about it. If he wants to weigh in here he can, since he is a co-director... :tomatoface:

From the tone of his PM to me, he wasn't going to be taking a large part of the album directing from this point on, but i'll let him come in and sort out his role here, since i'm not 100% sure at this point.

If Damned doesn't want to do this, I'm going to do what I did with 9-Bit Blitzkrieg, which is set a final deadline and sent out PMs on OCR/Facebook/IRC etc every few weeks to people. That worked fantastically. Damned, need you in here if you want me to take full control of this thing. Your call. Btw guys, feel free to badger me like assholes if it gets me out of cryosleep. Every now and then I might miss a message or two but I try to respond to every one I get.

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