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they keep trying to bring it back

it has good intentions but it's just too much government

basically there's a turd on the carpet and they're trying to blow up the entire house to get rid of it.

I'd rather that the government regulate it than let Comcast have the ability to throttle - or block - my connection unless I pay for an upgraded package.


THere are no good intentions with this.

The freedom of the internet is at stake with this and i want everyone reading this to know it.

The past six years have shown a Government truly unworthy of the trust of its people. A government that has done EVERYTHING short of provoking civil war to silence dissent.

You people who remain silent will not have a choice if this moves forward. Stop it now before you are forced to take sides.

Lol, 6 years, just 6 years, really ?

Yes Really.

I'm not an anarchist. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I believe that from 2001-2009 we had people operating with far better intentions than we do today. The fact of the matter is however the road to Hell is paved with those kinds of intentions.

That being said the ground work laid in 2001-2009 was abused to hell and gone between 2009 and Today.


Oh look, Comcast's bribes that we formally call "lobbying" are finally paying off. Now that a bunch of easily-bribed officials are in office, they'll start doing the favors they promised to the corporations who gave them big fat campaign funds.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist either. This is just how American government works now.

Posted (edited)

I don't believe your number of 6 years is very accurate. If you really want to look at it, you could go back as far as the Reagan era.

Oh look, Comcast's bribes that we formally call "lobbying" are finally paying off. Now that a bunch of easily-bribed officials are in office, they'll start doing the favors they promised to the corporations who gave them big fat campaign funds.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist either. This is just how American government works now.

Pretty much. Comcast has already played the censorship game with Netflix, slowing down their customers' connections until Netflix buckled and gave in to whatever it was that Comcast wanted.

Edited by Anorax
Yes Really.

I'm not an anarchist. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I believe that from 2001-2009 we had people operating with far better intentions than we do today. The fact of the matter is however the road to Hell is paved with those kinds of intentions.

That being said the ground work laid in 2001-2009 was abused to hell and gone between 2009 and Today.

I'd say the last time America had its shiz together was when Reagan was president

Posted (edited)

look guys im a bigger conspiracy theorist than all of you but conspiracies don't help the situation now do they.

focus at the problem at hand which is making sure those bribed officials dont get a say on your internet.

isn't that what your second amendment for guns is for?

that if the government gets corrupt you are within your right to kick em up the arse and say no, bad government.

ive heard many a time americans fight for their right to the second amendment and the right to free speech (which i believe is why you wanted freedom in the first place)

well the first 2 amendments aren't there to bully your neighboor they are there incase your government is corrupted and starts doing things against your will.

im not saying go out shoot people, im saying go out and defend your freedom.

(the right to bear arms doesn't mean just weapons. it works in tandem with the first amendment the freedom of speech, because words cut deeper than any sword.)

words will always retain their power.

Edited by psychowolf
look guys im a bigger conspiracy theorist than all of you but conspiracies don't help the situation now do they.

focus at the problem at hand which is making sure those bribed officials dont get a say on your internet.

isn't that what your second amendment for guns is for?

that if the government gets corrupt you are within your right to kick em up the arse and say no, bad government.

ive heard many a time americans fight for their right to the second amendment and the right to free speech (which i believe is why you wanted freedom in the first place)

well the first 2 amendments aren't there to bully your neighboor they are there incase your government is corrupted and starts doing things against your will.

im not saying go out shoot people, im saying go out and defend your freedom.

(the right to bear arms doesn't mean just weapons. it works in tandem with the first amendment the freedom of speech, because words cut deeper than any sword.)

words will always retain their power.

*scratching my head* The reason why the Second Amendment has found so much legal protection recently is because the NRA has gotten so much more backing from gun manufacturers to be able to throw money at Congress to keep the guns coming along, regardless of any mental illness or criminal records.

The original purpose of the Second Amendment was to democratize the military to prevent there being a standing army (as we have today). The founding fathers were very much against the idea of a standing army since they saw the kind of oppression that it led to with England and other European powers at the time. The point was that if everyone (of appropriate age) were eligible to be called on for military service, the government couldn't easily oppress those same people. It wasn't to protect the rights of Joe Redneck to own as many firearms as he wants only to have some mentally ill relative take it from its unsecured storage locker and fire indiscriminately at elementary school kids.

Anyhow, things have gotten continually worse with money in politics since Reagan metaphorically bent over and pulled down the pants of the national government. He even handed lube to lobbyists of every stripe. All subsequent administrations just refilled the lube bottle to varying degrees; it's just how the game is played nowadays. But sorry to burst all of you right wingers' bubbles, but Reagan (and his Republican successors) have been the most egregious in opening the floodgates of corporate influence into American politics, because, well, there's money to be made.


The original purpose of the Second Amendment was to democratize the military to prevent there being a standing army (as we have today). The founding fathers were very much against the idea of a standing army since they saw the kind of oppression that it led to with England and other European powers at the time. The point was that if everyone (of appropriate age) were eligible to be called on for military service, the government couldn't easily oppress those same people. It wasn't to protect the rights of Joe Redneck to own as many firearms as he wants only to have some mentally ill relative take it from its unsecured storage locker and fire indiscriminately at elementary school kids.

I don't think the intent was to prevent an army, I think as you said further on it was to enable the citizens to defend themselves from oppression via their government. If you look back at the US' history, you'll notice that the US of A was referred to in the plural sense ("The United States are _____") up until the Civil War, when it came popular to refer to the whole country in the singular ("The United States is _____"). When you look at it this way, you'll notice that the Second Amendment was written to protect each individual state from, well, whatever. If one state got invaded by a foreign power, another state could defend its borders through a militia of its own civilians while help arrived from the national military. Same goes for interstate warfare (which never happened and at this point really wouldn't be able to), each State can defend itself via the Second Amendement.

Reagan metaphorically bent over and pulled down the pants of the national government. He even handed lube to lobbyists of every stripe. All subsequent administrations just refilled the lube bottle to varying degrees; it's just how the game is played nowadays.

Best. Metaphor. Ever.

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