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Well I didn't mean to force it down after what I stated x_X but eh, links are links, and thanks either way.

If I'm remembering, we're coming into the late 20s (o__O). I'll tab up again once I review halc's latest.

[EDIT: 27 reviews remaining. And I guess the fight now is more likely going to reach

. :razz: ]







There's another six. Not too shabby. Might do more later.

And there was no forcing of it Rexy. I enjoy your work, so I thought I'd let you know that. ;-)

And of course Mushihimesama had to be Danmaku. Games aren't as hard as them nowadays.


It... is done.

The final 20 reviews needed to slay this foul monstrosity, this abomination... have been written.

OCR... is safe once more.

[finished on December 25, 2011 at 11:32 PM Pacific Standard Time... dead before the end of Christmas]

EDIT: I just realized... I did like 68 reviews in 3 days. That's a lot.


I call his computer.

Doesn't need it if he's dead right?

But yeah. In my timezone it's evening of Boxing day. Woo~

Glad I was able to help. But Mirby was the valued high Attack, high HP character that ALWAYS KOs the last boss.

EDIT: Hold up. If I do more reviews... do I just end up stabbing his corpse?

I call his computer.

Doesn't need it if he's dead right?

But yeah. In my timezone it's evening of Boxing day. Woo~

Glad I was able to help. But Mirby was the valued high Attack, high HP character that ALWAYS KOs the last boss.

EDIT: Hold up. If I do more reviews... do I just end up stabbing his corpse?

Yes, you do. Also, I was the character who came in at the end after doing nothing the first form, and annihilated. Like I said, 68 reviews in two days (69 reviews for the final form total), so I dealt about 35% of the damage needed to slay him.


WHAT? This cannot be! I...am...invincible....How could.. you.... defeat me....


Now it's time for the Loot!



If you want to rub it in, keep reviewing, because each review through Dec 31 (forum time) will count as a raffle ticket towards winning either a $35 eStarland credit, or a custom OCR forum avatar! The rules are that you can only win once, but the more you reviewed, the better your chances of winning are.

The raid leader, Deia "

" Vengen, will announce the winners on January 1.

HOLY CRAP! 8-O I take off for the holidays, and when I come back, OA is already down? Damn! Well, that was fun, but I'll try to keep reviewing until the end of the month (then take a month off to recover).

And I've been waiting to do this since the start of this month, so.....

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