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Metal Gear Solid 1/2/3/4 "Snake Eater" (w/ Claire Yaxley's vocals) + Video

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'Innocent Deception' (Finished):


'Innocent Deception':


MGS1: Konami Logo

MGS1 & MGS2: Theme


MGS3 "Snake Eater":

MGS4 : "Old Snake"



I have quite a few unfinished wips lying around but I really want to finish this one up. It's a kind of tribute to all Metal Gear Solid games but mainly it's a "Snake Eater" remix. For now, I have written most of the basic song structure and looking for a vocalist to sing it so I can remove the original acapella (very dirty sounding but it was hard to rip it from the source).

I've changed the chords quite a bit to to fit it into my usual style of mixes. Right now, it's a rough draft version and I really want someone to provide vocals before I can go further. The source acapella is making it difficult to listen to at the moment.

WIP 1:


WIP2 (Almost finished):


WIP3 (Finished Arrangement w/ Cynthia Harrell's vocals):


WIP5 (Claire's vocals):


so what do you guys think? sounds interesting or no? Like the new chords, direction etc?


Just including that little Konami jingle made me nearly cry from nostalgia, hearing that every time my stepdad started up the game when I was a young'un... oh my goodness the memories.

The rest sounds equally solid (hah!), as the work in progress goes. Once you get those original vocals and incorporate more themes it'll truly shine, but still this is shaping up quite nicely. Can't wait for more updates!


Thanks guys! Glad you enjoyed it so far :) I now have an almost finished track. I still have to add a few more layers and do a final mixing once I have some vocals to work with. The key change at 3:36 needs some more convincing transition but that too, depends on how the vocals will sound during that part. The ending also needs a bit of a work too.

WIP2 (Almost finished):


Any complains/suggestions/comments arrangement wise? I hope I can find someone soon to complete this track!


Not marking it as finished yet but the whole arrangement is done and only waiting for vocals and final mixing.

Here's the final arrangement (still includes Cynthia Harrell's vocals ripped from the source):


I've fixed what I could and adjusted everything I wanted. So its all open for comments/suggestions/feedback etc. until we get a vocalist to do her part. I especially would like to find out if ending makes sense..... or not.


Claire Yaxley has agreed to provide her vocals for this. I think she has the perfect voice (and range) for this track :D


Sounding good to me! I love the new feel this gives to Snake Eater, shame the vocals are such low quality at the moment, I'm looking forward to hearing this with Claire's voice, I'll try and give a more in depth critique when the new vocals are in, but for now I'd say it's SOLID (pun fully intended)

Incidentally, was anyone else aware that the 'Konami logo sound' was actually taken from the Policenauts soundtrack?


Thank you everyone for the lovely comments! Claire has completed her vocals part and has been very creative with improvisation and also added some background vocal elements as well.

WIP5 (Claire's vocals):


I was blown away with the quality, power, range and beauty of her voice so I shared it immediately. What's left is to add a few layers to fill in some vocal gaps and final mixing of the track. Hope you guys like it. I personally love Claire's vocals! :D

and yes I am aware that it is originally from Policenauts :) but since we're doing an MGS only remix, I didn't put it as a source.


Thank you so so much for the awesome comments! The track is finally finished and ready to be shipped to the panel.

'Innocent Deception' (Finished):




Claire certainly has well exceeded all the expectations I had for this track. I am inclined to say that her vocals made this track 100 times better than I could possibly achieve on my own. What an amazing voice work!

I better book you for future tracks before you start getting requests left and right and I never get my turn again :D


I have nothing to add really. Well, apart from one thing but I don't think it really affects the track in any massive way. I feel like the acoustic lead at 2:29 could be a bit more lilting. Its a tad mechanical. Saying that the vocal performance is just fantastic, the intonation is pretty much spot on. Its very impressive as the end section sounds like its a difficult part to sing. A lot of passion and a lot of heart in the performance. I love your voice Claire. Good job guys, I'd love to be able to give you something more substantial but nothing is really jumping out at me that could improve this.


I'm all done with this mix and just have finished uploading the music video:

'Innocent Deception':

Hope you enjoy the video :D It's mostly aimed at people who are familiar with the story. Whenever I remember Snake Eater's story, it just breaks my heart. I don't think any game in my entire life has been able to have such an impact on me.

I'm going to submit it soon too :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Good thing someone brought this thread back, since no mod has come in and done a review yet.

Wait a minute... Princess Clairey?! HEY! I haven't forgotten that I want to write a remix with you! YOU ABANDONED ME?! That makes me a sad remixer... :cry:

*sniff* Anyway, time to man up and give this a review.

Gorgeous singing, Clairey - nice way to make me feel even worse that we haven't moved forward with our collab yet. The steel string guitar work was superb, as well, making for a perfect combo.

I liked a lot of the Metal Gear theme stings on strings + horn that you threw in there, but they're quite far into the background with some low tone instruments. I would find them more interesting if they could be heard a little better - maybe even bring up some of the strings involved an octave, just to make it a little more poignant.

The sampled instruments are relatively low quality, in comparison to the rest of the mix. They lack the shine that a little high EQ would give them. Making some of the strings an octave higher and boosting the EQ on the highs a little bit would be ideal.

To be honest, the arrangement starts to plod along after about the 3:38 (even despite the pitch change - it's still the same textures, same style...). It treads all of the old ground from earlier in the mix, which is boring. I'd like to see something change up a little bit by then - different drums, maybe a new instrument to add a different color, something. Your track is really good and will probably pass the panel no problem regardless, but if you could somehow make this last section more interesting that would make this close to perfect.

Great mix, otherwise. Loved it, and wish you luck on the panel when you submit it!


Thank you everyone for the lovely comments. I totally forgot about updating this thread (sorry about that). The mix has been submitted some time ago. We are super happy with the feedback we got so far; we also got some great feedback from Konami, Kojima/Suda51.

oh, and Happy New Year everyone! Here's hoping Desmond finds the grand temple, gets the last piece of eden and stop the templers/doomsday before Dec. 21, 2012 :D

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