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Haha, wow, totally got ripped off for buying rage. The game goes at roughly 1 fps. Can run Batman: AC at 50, so I'm thinking it's that problem RAGE had with PC's. I thought they fixed that... And now Skyrim... Dang that's tempting, at least that would work...

Oh yea I was playing Jamestown with my friends at midnight yesterday and I got the achievement for it even before the new achievements popped up. :-)

Haha, wow, totally got ripped off for buying rage. The game goes at roughly 1 fps. Can run Batman: AC at 50, so I'm thinking it's that problem RAGE had with PC's. I thought they fixed that... And now Skyrim... Dang that's tempting, at least that would work...

Oh yea I was playing Jamestown with my friends at midnight yesterday and I got the achievement for it even before the new achievements popped up. :-)

Man, Rage at $15 is a steal. You gotta diagnose your system and see why it is running so slow. It runs super smoothly on my refurbished gateway and all I have is a geforce 9800gt. Fantastic game. :-D

Man, Rage at $15 is a steal. You gotta diagnose your system and see why it is running so slow. It runs super smoothly on my refurbished gateway and all I have is a geforce 9800gt. Fantastic game. :-D

Yea I was figuring it was just my video card driver is out of date. I've got an ATI 5850, yet when I updated it I still didn't have any luck. I also tried changing around a few settings on RAGE itself. I'll be looking around for more stuff I can do but I fear I might have to wait til another patch comes out for Rage.


If anyone just got Skyrim and has an nVidia graphics card, make sure you download the 290 beta driver.

They're not lying when they said it's a performance boost. Before it, I could barely get 30 FPS without AA, ultra settings (with Shadows on high). Now I can get over 30 FPS with 8xAA (and the previously mentioned settings). (I have a GTX 460 with an i7-2600 if you're curious)


Gang Wars achievement from today was just painful. Was a terrible game. But after all was said and done I ended up two coals richer. Yay. :x

I found someone through the trading forum though to take First Templar off my hands in exchange for this little gem. Fufufufu...

Well, I've managed to get 7 coals in a row, traded them all in for this. Totally worth it so far... >_>

Anyone want to trade?

That's...... really depressing. The gift giving is so pathetic I don't think I'll exchange any more coal. I'm up to 5 now. I thought once you exchanged you wouldn't get more coal, but no. More coal. So I might as well hang on to it. Not to mention my ma surprise-attacked me with a late Christmas gift of Modern Warfare 3. So eh, if I win I win, if not I'm just fine. :-D

Having said that, I do have Sonic 3 and Knuckles to trade if anyone can trade an equally enjoyable game (this will be hard to do, S3&K is brilliant)

That's...... really depressing. The gift giving is so pathetic I don't think I'll exchange any more coal. I'm up to 5 now. I thought once you exchanged you wouldn't get more coal, but no. More coal. So I might as well hang on to it.

Does somebody know the odds of winning this drawing thing? All I can say is they are really bad. I guess it's at least better than the lottery. I had a math class in 8th grade that we calculated the powerball odds. 8O

Well, since either way the prize chance seems to be pretty horrid, go for it if you want to. My brother, sister and I so far have masses of coupons(said absolutely useless coupons), and Killing Floor. I'm trading that off, though.


I won more coal. Yay. >>;

Trying to see if anyone on the Steam forums will trade me coal for a cheap game since many are doing that sort of thing. No takers thus far though. I figure in a bit if no one bites I'll just exchange the coal and then rage about the crappy coupon that I'll inevitably get.

My friend got me Beat Hazard though, which is way fun! bLiNd's Golbez n' Goblins is AWESOME on there. I'll have to get the rest of my music indexed since most of my OCR stuff is in another music folder.

I've been sitting with three coal and a 33% off of Value games coupon for a while. Most of the games they've put up are ones I don't have, so this thing's not been overly productive item-wise for me :lol:

I've been lucky and had some games. And I've been doing the ones for free MMOs. Which is sort of nice, because me and my friend discovered we like Spiral Knights. But also bad because CC: Gang Wars is so bad it nearly reduced me to tears. Seriously. Awful. AWFUL.

And I crafted my coal. 50% off Left 4 Dead 2. Oh boy.


I just bought Anomally: Warzone Earth today for $2.50. Inverse tower defense (tower offense, amirite?) game with an 80 metascore? I'll bite.

P.S. Anyone need a Humble Indie Bundle #3 STEAM download code?



So does anyone want a 50% off AC: Brotherhood coupon? I'm willing to give it away but a coal would be appreciated too!

Also, I've bought so many games from these holiday sales... I think the best deal was finally getting Arkham Asylum for just five dollars! Hell yeah

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