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1) Too much stuff?

2) Why post here and not respond to the email? :?

1) Driving lessons all week and optometrist guy, and have to mess around with the computers x_X Plus some other things I forgot about that I should really remember soon.

2) 'Cause I wanted to. Wanna fight about it? >__>


I can't seem to find a function in the GIMP like PS has for drop shadows. You can always make a separate layer underneath and fill your selection with black. Blur the "shadow" layer and change the layer opacity. Then set the "shadow" a little offset from the cut-out layer to give depth. If you have multiple cut-outs, you can still put all the shadows on one layer and blur them all at once. This would also make them all the same opacity in one step so everything's uniform.

Or you could just send me the file and I'll take care of it. :lol:


I use GIMPshop rather than vanilla GIMP, so I couldn't tell you where it is, but I do know I've seen a drop shadow effect somewhere in there.

Real helpful, I know. You can thank me later.


While the art is the main part of the project that needs to be done, there is still the writing and a couple of more songs that need to be done.

After all those are done, there is still the webpage to make and the fine tuning to the book.

I don't expect this project to be done for at least another two to four months, and that is if the art staff gets on the ball.

One year ani is coming up soon guys!


Two to four months? I think we just need another 200-400 manhours. I think that can be done in June if everyone's working at it.

Quick heads up. I need an artist with some good technical sense to work very closely with me on the Flash storybook interface. I'll have the time resources to work on that around the 12th and beyond. (If no one qualifies, I have a plan B.)

New Storybook version. I've also updated the 1st post. ;[


I'm a new member, I was searching around the internet when I came across this topic. Now I was really excited about it, and I want to help. You guys need a website for this project, well I can help you. If you want me to, I'll make a website and submit it for reviewal.

If ocremix offers web support, I can make it for that, but I'll have to know the specs. I use php a lot, so I'll have to know if it's supported. Or, I can put it on my website, since it's such a small site. I imagine it will be sort of like the Rise of the Star website? Links to mirrors that have the audio tracks and whatnot?

Anyways, tell me what you think. If stored on my site, it would be


I wish I knew about this project earlier, I'd help with music. I really like some of the Kirby music, and I have high expectations of some of these. (Especially the Battle with Marx, one of my favorites). Since I missed it I'll probably make my own remix album thingy. :)

Tell me what you think, I'm open to make websites. If you want to see what I have done before, I can show you. Actually, I would show you my website, but it's not finished quite yet.

I could let you see some of the not finished pages if you keep in mind that there's still some stylesheet work and MySQL/PHP scripting that needs edited. You'll definantly find some errors on the pages, but you can see the layout at least, and some of my work, if you'd like.

Tell me what you think.


Well I failed as an art assistant, but I still feel I can help. I have lot of server space an so I am willing to mirror for this project. So when you get to that point just contact me and I will work things out with you guys.

I've already got Fighter Kirby, but you can take it if you want. I've only sketched out an idea so far.

No no. I'm only as far are you are. You can have it.

Once I actually get to Milkyway Wishes in the game, I'll be able to do covers.

That would be a big help! I could also take pics or record videos of the game if you want. :)

Actually, screenshots would help me out a ton since I hardly have enough time to do the pictures, much less download and play through the game.

As far as Fighter goes, I kinda need an idea of what the area looks like and a general enemy or two found in that section of the game. I have the action layed out, but the details are still absent.

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