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IM BACK! Not only am i finacialy stable, but i ditched 56k modem for HIGH SPEED internet!

::snif:: its amazing...

first off, am i still in? I know Ive had a LOOONG absence and it could not have been helped. Secondly, man its already been a year? I was one of the first to jump on this project and it doesnt seem like that long ago.


Writing hopefully will be done by july, but no later than august. I have basically finalized the spotlight for this in an issue of nintendo power when the project is finished.

Also, I am in dire need of an artist to draw me an epic picture. Yes, this will take you a very long time to do. I am going to be stingy about it to, so I am looking at oltri, g man, neoforte, or carefree captain.

I am looking for someone to draw me a picture of kirby sitting on a warpstar in space. I want the background black with dots representing the stars. I also want written on it "To dream on a star...". I am going to be turning this picture into an iron on to put on a shirt. I want this picture to be f'ing gorgeous. I know one of you can take this task. Please do step up. This is for the project. Trust me on this. I want the picture to be 11 x 8 1/2 (in other words grab a piece of binder paper and rotate it 90 degrees).

Thanks in advance guys.

I am going to be stingy about it to, so I am looking at oltri, g man, neoforte, or carefree captain.

Are you saying I don't have the stomach for criticism? Are you callin' me YELLOW?!


  • 2 weeks later...

ok i got 2 things to ask you.

1. If possible, can someone e-mail what writing you have done and the latest story book.

2. Can someone PLEASE let me come to thier animal crossing WW town? i just got my WiFi 2 weeks ago and i never got to use it yet 8O. That or Mario Kart IDONT CARE I want to use it. Thanks.

Please tell me that this project will be done in August!

Emperor be with you.

I'm sure Project Chaos has already reserved August.

I'm thinking this might be out around October/November.

The correct answer, however, is probably "When it's done."

And I'm pretty sure SoS is reserved for being right after Project Chaos, which is after OCR1500. Don't quote me on that, though.

Not RIGHT after: Projects should have at least 3-4 weeks of front page exposure before the next one rolls out.

Oh, natch. Sorry for not clarifying there - I meant that.


We need an artist to work on Inside Nova. That's the last major thing this project needs.

Arek. Stop delaying this project. I'm not carrying it throughout my Senior year.

He's got a point, though, Arek: this project has been dragging on, despite the fact that the music, which is the main part everybody's gonna want, has been done for ages.

Someone should update the first post with this info, because it still looks like the music's only half-done.


So you WANT to release a project that looks half assed?

Hell no, I am about quality.

I want a project on a schedule. We're no Rareware.

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