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I planned on the Chiptune show, but I was in line waiting for Nobuo's signature. Not complaining about that part, but overall I wasn't happy with the schedule this year. Too many things were going on at the same time. Missed too much. I'm sure everyone felt that way right?

D-Lux's story - I guess that happened after you left Aaron & I in the Nobuo line, right?


Just finished uploading the best of my photos to Facebook. Tag away!


Also, I shot some video with my 3DS... got some TSS, Minibosses, Super Guitar Bros, and maybe a bit of Danimal Cannon's chip set. Soon as I can replace the audio I'll be uploading the rest both to youtube and as a downloadable AVI file you can watch on your 3DS. Here's the first: Temp Sound Solutions playing TMNT and Moon Crystal.


edit: Here's Super Guitar Bros. with their Ninja Gaiden medley.


I planned on the Chiptune show, but I was in line waiting for Nobuo's signature. Not complaining about that part, but overall I wasn't happy with the schedule this year. Too many things were going on at the same time. Missed too much. I'm sure everyone felt that way right?

D-Lux's story - I guess that happened after you left Aaron & I in the Nobuo line, right?

I was sort of lukewarm on the schedule myself, but it is what it is. I didn't let it bother my enjoyment one bit and still came out with an amazing experience. Scheduling is not going to be made any easier with MAGFest getting so large, so I'm resigned to whatever happens anyway.

I was sort of lukewarm on the schedule myself, but it is what it is. I didn't let it bother my enjoyment one bit and still came out with an amazing experience. Scheduling is not going to be made any easier with MAGFest getting so large, so I'm resigned to whatever happens anyway.

Never said I didn't enjoy myself or that I hated MAG. Jeez Wes. haha


what are the forum nicks of the crew there ?


I think could name Bahamut, Zircon and his woman, DjBretzel, DrakeSword, i think theshaggyfreak (mm9 t-st-shirt?), dave mustain/he-man (or Eth Ledger [whatever the spelling is]) and brendon strader. Wondering if some people I didn't name are frequently posting on this forum.

also, where's the maverick rising announcement if there's any ? (video)

Yeah, that's me in the M9 shirt making a face as usual. There's a version of this on Facebook that has most people tagged.

Yeha but tagged with their real names, and I think I only know the real names of 3 people on this forum. Brendon (obviously!) melody and bahamut. Also, Liontamer and Zircon. and a dude named Stevo (only know this half) lol


In the upper right with the green shirt - Moguta

Right below Moguta and slightly to the right - D-Lux (Steven King)

Slightly below D-Lux and slightly to the right - I want to say that's Alexis, can someone confirm?

To her left - Jose the Bronx Rican (Jose Felix)

To his left and slightly above with the OCR hoodie - q-pa (Jon Heiman)

Between q-pa and me, and slightly to the left - Abadoss (Kenneth Keyn)

Just to the upper left of Abadoss - Theory of Nonexistence (that might not be his exact forum handle here currently, it might be Theory of N) (Dustin Lagaly)

Above ToN - Cerrax (Charles Koch)

Above Cerrax - chthonic, aka Ben Briggs

To the left of Cerrax - newt, BardicKnowledge's brother (Tom Thompson)

Left of newt - Skummel Maske (Thomas Bullock)

Above Skummel - SnappleMan (Andreas Kotsamanidis)

Below Skummel - BardicKnowledge (Ryan Thompson)

Left of Skummel - LuketheXJesse (Christopher Luke Keever)

Left of Luke - Lizz

Below and between Luke & Lizz - Scrobble (Robert Steele)

Left of BardicKnowledge - Vimk (Mike Beezley)

Left of Vimk - Murmeli Walan (Alan Bish)

Bottom left - Protricity (Ari Asulin)

Right of Prot - Audio Fidelity (Jay Yaskin)

Right of Audio Fidelity - bustatunez (Wilbert Roget II)

Slightly right and above bustatunez - TheShaggyFreak (William Chrapcynski)

Right of bustatunez - DrumUltimA (Doug Perry)

Bottom right - prophetik (Brad Burr)

To the left of me - wildfire (Beth)

Between Brandon Strader and Jose - Andy Goth (he seldom posts)

Who else am I missing (besides wildfire's friend Sam who is above q-pa)? If I didn't put a full name for the person, it's because it's not listed in their profile and I don't want to compromise their identity - that's not my place.

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