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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ReMix Project - On Hold

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Guys, I would hold of on doing anything serious on this project until Emu or Theo dive in here and give us an update on things. I know they are in the process of making some changes. At the very least, ping one of them before spending too much time on something!

Yeah, I figured things were being revamped. I'll mostly be listening to the other wips then, but I ain't laying a finger on my track again for a long while (I've mostly been making adjustments based on everybody else's overall sound anyways; so I don't want to step too far out in another direction and when everybody starts working again my track ends up like "whaaaaaaat is this doing in here?").

  • 3 months later...

Hey guys, I just finished remixing 4 tracks for this proj--

please hold off on submitting/creating anything particularly for the project until further notice!

But I have tracks and I h--


But can I still submi--

At least for now, hold off on throwing anything together for this project. You'll hear an update from me or Theo soon.

Okay, well, Imma start a new OoT track and send it to you.


  • 3 months later...

use 'dead' and 'project' in the same sentence one more time.... I dare you. I prefer better euphemisms such as "it's undergoing fermentation." :razz:

You are so right, my bad, dead is a terrible word... let's just say... the project is.... extremely sleepy. Extremely. Sleepy. In fact, it is a coma, on life support, with the family and a priest and the doctor hovering nearby, hand on plug. :(

BUT... I still have hope that Theo and Emu will revive the project, I just have no idea when that would become a priority. But I'm always an optimist. :)


Just wanted to chime in and mention that Theophany and I DO have plans for this album and definitely intend to continue it, but the timing isn't right for either of us to really give it the attention it deserves and truly see our vision to completion. I'm in my final year of college while working full-time, and Jason is pretty much the busiest mo'fo in the universe between his job, personal life, and the Majora's Mask project, so we both have a lot to clear off our plates. We've got a very definitive concept of how we want the project to play out, but we need to clear up some things in both our lives before that can really become a reality.

I really can't speak for Jason on this, but if anyone is really interested in starting up a new Ocarina of Time project, we can't really stop you, and more OoT love really can't be anything but a net-positive in the long run, but we don't intend to discard or walk away from our particular vision for an Ocarina of Time remix album either. I think if another project was to be started, it would be better to just start from scratch with a different concept & vision, rather than trying to revive this particular one. However, if anyone's feeling particularly motivated, you're free to go for it and start something up.

Just my two cents!

Posted (edited)
I really can't speak for Jason on this, but if anyone is really interested in starting up a new Ocarina of Time project, we can't really stop you, and more OoT love really can't be anything but a net-positive in the long run, but we don't intend to discard or walk away from our particular vision for an Ocarina of Time remix album either.

This. I don't think turning over a project to other leadership is always the right answer. "Getting it done" and "getting it done right" are two different things, and it's not worth compromising the original vision just to get SOMEthing done, especially when the current album heads are VERY capable individuals. Look, it's in good hands, and people get busy, it's fine. Cool your jets y'all :D

EDIT: If you just want to hear some Zelda tunes and have a Zelda project get done, someone start badgering whoever's running this project. It has quite a different vision, and the concept is a really cool one. It's also been dead for like 2 years...

Edited by Phonetic Hero
  • 5 months later...

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