djpretzel Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 Welcome to the ReMixing Forum! Having a problem with Reason? Can't get Fruityloops to work right? Want an opinion on a piece of software or hardware? This be the place for technical questions regarding the wild world of ReMixing. Be sure to read the forum description, and check out the ReMixing resources page at to see if your question is answered there first. This is also a great place to post a tip or technique, or an opinion on a piece of software or hardware that you've used - doesn't have to be just Q+A format. It's very difficult to answer overly general questions like "How do I ReMix?" so also please try to get at specific details of what you want to know. Also, note that though this is definitely a place for beginners and pros alike, if you have a piece you want feedback on, please post your link in the ReViews forum instead. Hopefully, using this forum, we can all share resources and knowledge and help each other improve our abilities. Thanks, Quote
Gux Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 This forum is certainly a great initiative. It will probably become a good resource for all of us in the end. I'll try to help out with any sequencing/audio/musical questions that may appear. Quote
djpretzel Posted February 16, 2002 Author Posted February 16, 2002 This forum is certainly a great initiative. It will probably become a good resource for all of us in the end. I'll try to help out with any sequencing/audio/musical questions that may appear. Thanks a bundle - my opinion is that no matter how much we've seen or done, there's always something to be learned. Plus, I like to see what people are using and their opinions on different musical products. Quote
Gux Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 ...there's always something to be learned. Word! That pretty much sums up my life philosophy You can never learn enough. Quote
Jeff Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 Y'all might want to move some of the relevant threads to this forum, btw Quote
Legion303 Posted February 16, 2002 Posted February 16, 2002 Y'all might want to move some of the relevant threads to this forum, btw Yep, my Audio Links post should probably be in here where it's more appropriate. -steve Quote
Xaleph Posted April 24, 2002 Posted April 24, 2002 how much would a decent electric guitar cost? ~dj carbunk1e Quote
FireX Posted August 12, 2002 Posted August 12, 2002 The link in the main post is no longer on the site, since you switched to php. Just thought I'd give a heads-up. Quote
nostalgic gen Posted July 20, 2003 Posted July 20, 2003 Can I suggest that some threads are made sticky, since they often come up again and again. The FL Studio thread can fall into this category, although it usually gets enough posts to remain on the front page. But also a thread dealing with sf/sample requests would be highly appreciated. I'm sure other members can also think of threads which should be sticky... Quote
Xelebes Posted September 27, 2003 Posted September 27, 2003 Certain engraved members of the Remix101 forum, being Compyfox, Analoq and I... and a few others (yes, you too Protricity) have been coming across the laziness of newbies to the forum who post the same question over and over, even/especially if it has been posted with their own threads a multiple amount of times. I would like to state to all the newbies who come into this forum and make broad questions like "Where are some techno sounfonts?" or "Where are some drum samples?" or things like that. These aggravate the regulars of this forum due to these questions have already been raised and have been answered, and the answers STAY for quite a while. Please make note of that. Techno soundfonts? There are a few threads devoted to this. We also encourage finding the soundfonts for yourself and experimenting with each and one of them. Also, do not resort to just soundfonts. There are other sources of neat tools that will produce better than satisfactory results. There are tools like vst, vsti, dx, dsxi, au plugins which either manipulate or generate sounds. Seek them, and make sure you have the right software to run them. (FruityLoops does not run AUs... whish is a pity... that would be interesting to see it in FruityLoops 5 though. Very interesting indeed. Also, in this very topic about soundfonts, it is no flaming matter if you bring up a website that has it's own unique soundfonts. Please do share to others this newly discovered resource. Also, please make sure it is new and hasn't been proclaimed on these boards. Just remember, we want to reduce the flame wars that happen on this particular forum. Do not spoil it for everybody. I made my 5,000th post to point this all out. Quote
KaelitioN Posted September 28, 2003 Posted September 28, 2003 how much would a decent electric guitar cost?~dj carbunk1e Buddy, for a 'decent' electric guitar you could pay anywhere from 500$-4000$ (US). If you're REALLY interested in an elecric guitar , I would suggest either a Shecter Diamond Series A7 7-string (Great for that low-end Korn-ish tone) or an ESP LTD7 (same as Stephen Carpenter from Deftones). I'd personally go for the LTD7 (excellent humbuckers) cuz the Shecter (even though the sound is beautiful) is p r e t t y heavyweight(not good for live shows). Check out their web pages or visit your local retailer for more accurate specs on these (and many other) fine stringed instruments. BTW, you should have posted this as a new topic in ReMixing101, it would been answered faster and (probably) by someone with more info then what I can give you. Quote
Xaleph Posted September 30, 2003 Posted September 30, 2003 note, I posted this quite some time ago when I was a n00b to the forums =P in april 2002. it's almost 2004 Quote
KaelitioN Posted October 1, 2003 Posted October 1, 2003 note, I posted this quite some time ago when I was a n00b to the forums =P in april 2002. it's almost 2004 Ohhh,damn. Sorry,didn't take notice of the date posted. My bad Quote
whiteknight Posted November 17, 2003 Posted November 17, 2003 what i think we need to do is get together the regulars from the remixing 101 forum and the WIP forum(s) and set up a page with all the people, and their help specialties. also, a dedicated page with links to important threads would be a nice start. the judges already have important jobs around here, so we dont need to bother them with this kind of stuff. we could form an unofficial "prejudging" group of regulars and professionals from the boards to tackle the problems that come up here. meh, thats my 2 cents, for what its worth. Quote
Xelebes Posted November 17, 2003 Posted November 17, 2003 what i think we need to do is get together the regulars from the remixing 101 forum and the WIP forum(s) and set up a page with all the people, and their help specialties. also, a dedicated page with links to important threads would be a nice start.the judges already have important jobs around here, so we dont need to bother them with this kind of stuff. we could form an unofficial "prejudging" group of regulars and professionals from the boards to tackle the problems that come up here. meh, thats my 2 cents, for what its worth. a) I already tried that. Didn't fly too well. But I only made it a thread here so no wonder it didn't float. b)uh-huh. That's when all of I sudden see a pre-judge label under my name. I'm already a judge somewhere else, check my link. Quote
whiteknight Posted November 17, 2003 Posted November 17, 2003 and who said you were even invited xelebes? no, i'm kidding. you could probably school me musically. i do take it back though. last thing i would want is for a bunch of n00bs PMing me with really stupid/obvious/really stupid questions that they dont feel like searching for. Although, i think certain threads here that get more play then others (like the fruityloops 101) should be made sticky. wait...they already said that Quote
Conqueso Posted December 23, 2003 Posted December 23, 2003 Be sure to read the forum description, and check out the ReMixing 101 page at to see if your question is answered there first. I get a 404 error when I try to go there. Quote
GrayLightning Posted December 23, 2003 Posted December 23, 2003 Quote
DM Lee Posted April 25, 2004 Posted April 25, 2004 whered the 101 in remix 101 go? lol. I kinda liked the 101, made things seem more professional and stuff. Either way doesnt matter, just wondering what prompted this decision. Quote
Compyfox Posted April 25, 2004 Posted April 25, 2004 I also agree with DM Lee to that question. Just tagging it "ReMixing" morphes it kinda into a "I 4m t3h ubern00b and 4h can r3m1x0rz - l1sten t0 d1z... N0W!!!111!! *OHMG!LINK!LOL!111!!!1". Perhaps renaming it into "Technical Corner" or back to "Remixing101" would help more. But that word alone... uh... not so a good idea if you ask me. */me sees more and more nonsense threads popping up than they already do* Quote
GrayLightning Posted April 25, 2004 Posted April 25, 2004 The redesign is divided into sections. One of them is called, simply "ReMixing". The 101 indicates basics-only, and there's room for more intermediate and advanced discussion, plus this way the forum is named the same as the area of the site. Quote
Xelebes Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 Well, time to do it folks. Make my 10,000th post. It's been what? A year and a half on this messageboard? Even then, I've been here long enough to see at least one redesign of the thread. Anywho, we've seen lots of changes to this forum as the years slowly trek by. When I started here, Joe Redifier was a moderator and the site was puttering along. Unmod was going to hell in a handbasket and I was still in high school finishing off my courses, offering as much I could here. Anywho, I've seen a lot and regulars here will remember the great spam this forum had where Gray was made a moderator of the forum and then the cleaning up of the forum.... and uh... yeah. Damn, I thought I was going to type a whole lot more to this post... but I'll get around to fixing up this post. I'm tired right now... yeah that must be it. Quote
Xelebes Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 Reason can be considered a good program for mixagem? To the times I find that it is a short while false program, but of time in when good I have resulted. (It forgives if my way to write will be missed, I does not say English very well). If you have difficulties asking questions in English, I shall direct you to a forum that speaks Portugese and Spanish. I'll give you more links when I find them. I hope this link will prove to be useful for you. Quote
~Foxy Grampa~ Posted October 30, 2004 Posted October 30, 2004 what sort of music creating program should i use to create my own remixs? Quote
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