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Mass Effect 3: Every Dialog Choice Can Be Answered with "Charge"

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Alright, I grabbed a copy of ME3 through the sale so I can finally play this game every one has been giving a hoot about.

I played as a vanguard in ME1, in the second one I switched my guy to engineer and loved it, so my question is now this: Do I switch again completely? I've gone face first with vanguard, held back and chucked plasma with engineer, and I enjoyed both. I was thinking of infiltrator just because it would switch up my gameplay the most but after playing the demo I remembered I suck as a sniper. So any advice on the class you guys had the most fun with this time around would be greatly appreciated.


ME3 combat extends what was in ME2

if you had an engineer and knew how to work it, you should be just fine keeping him there

they just add more perks to what each class had


Alright, I guess I'll delve a little deeper, can I eventually get something like Neural shock, then get engie's absurd cooldown time to one shot a husk every half a second?

That was amazingly satisfying, and if I can get something like that I would love it. Also I guess I'll say I wasn't a big fan of the combat drone (but the auto level up was -_- ) I just liked chucking a bunch of my own stuff and having great cooldown's. Is the engie still like that?


I use the infiltrator class for ME3 and instead of being a sniper I opted for the quick cool downs like you mentioned above. The level up perks for each ability go from 1 to 6 now (1 to 4 in ME2). 1-3 being static and 4-6 being able to choose between two differing abilities (Like increased head shot damage VS 30% quicker power cool down time). Whatever class you choose it will be fun. They did a really good job with the co-op multiplayer too. One choice for the level 6 invisible perk is to remain hidden after firing one power. This one is awesome on the hard / insanity difficulties because it lets you kill stuff with the inferno blast without anyone insta-gunning you down. Invis is good for aiming your teammates powers at well fortified positions and reviving dead members.

Did you choose the shield replenishment option with biotic charge? That helps a TON - makes him nigh invulnerable to all but one-hit KO'ers (Phantoms, Banshees, etc.), especially if you only carry one weapon.

kroguard *must* have the 100% shield recharge on biotics, and needs to carry only a disciple or a handgun for maximum recharge time. i'm charging every four seconds or less and spending literally the rest of the time meleeing (completely maxed out melee damage, try to find a melee damage amp for your gun as well) trying to get into rage mode for the extra damage ignorance. even phantoms on silver and later can be killed with a charge and a heavy melee while they're stunned, and against primes and atlases you just keep charging shit and meleeing. when it gets really rough, use your barrier (sparingly, since it increases recharge time) for the extra 25% damage ignoring.

don't even put points into carnage. it's a worthless skill for his skillset. if you don't, you can max the other trees completely. basically you play like the krogans do in ME2 - they get in close and tear you to shreds.

Alright, I guess I'll delve a little deeper, can I eventually get something like Neural shock, then get engie's absurd cooldown time to one shot a husk every half a second?

That was amazingly satisfying, and if I can get something like that I would love it. Also I guess I'll say I wasn't a big fan of the combat drone (but the auto level up was -_- ) I just liked chucking a bunch of my own stuff and having great cooldown's. Is the engie still like that?

Husks are no longer instakilled the moment they're hit with a crowd control power, unfortunately. Neural Shock as a standalone power is gone, but you can evolve Overload to do the same thing. The evolution, appropriately enough, is actually called Neural Shock.

You can easily spec your Engineer to specialize in casting Incinerate, etc. or spamming Drones to distract enemies. Both work quite well, and the new weight-based cooldown system means that you can easily throw out a power every 3 seconds or less, provided you're willing to tote lighter, and thus usually weaker guns into battle. (Which honestly shouldn't be a problem, given that doing so lets you spam powers out the wazoo.)

It should be noted though, that at the maximum level of 60, you'll have enough points to max out every power except 1, with enough points to get that 1 power to Rank 4 and a few extra to spare. This is with a bonus power -- if you opt not to take one, you can max out everything. You'll still need to choose how to evolve the powers, but you don't need to worry about leaving any of them unexplored. You can also respec your powers at any time on the Normandy -- first time is free, each additional time costs 5k credits, then 10k, 15k, etc. Same for squadmates.


I've uninstalled the game for the time being, was too much of a distraction. I wasn't getting any work done lately with the temptation of "Just one more multiplayer match, it's only 20 minutes!" on here :)

I really love the combat in 3. In my fantasy, they'd go back and redo 1 and 2 just to implement the combat system. (As in, leave the games as they are, but just make the combat what it is in ME3).

That said, I cannot stress enough just how STUPID it is that there is one button that does everything. There should be separate keys for sprint/dodge, take cover, and revive. I can't count how many times I'd try to revive someone, only for the game to misinterpret the almighty space bar as "Oh, I'm going to make you jump swiftly to the left and take cover over here instead" or the times I wanted to run away to safety and instead the game decides "Nope, I'm going to make you crouch DIRECTLY in front of these two pyro geths instead" or when I've been running to revive a teammate, and I brush a wall with my elbow, and the game decides I want to take cover against that wall instead. And when every second counts, I try to back away from the wall and continue running towards my downed teammate, and the game makes me do acrobatics instead.

Seriously. I understand that they didn't want it to be *too* complicated, but dumbing it down to a ONE-KEY-DOES-ALL mechanic was just, well, dumb. Anyone else feel my pain here?


I'm gonna dump a few thoughts here, since I've started playing:

  1. Loading times are some of the shortest I've seen. I can't remember a load time of longer than a second, and that's a huge boost from ME2's mediocre performance.
  2. What is with the control scheme? That one-button-does-all really doesn't belong. I understand that was probably necessary for console controls, but for PC, it really doesn't cut it. It's one of my primary frustrations right now, as it makes it very, very difficult to maneuver in even simple combat. Cornered by a Brute? "Sorry, can't jump over the ledge behind you. We'll assume you were trying to roll instead... oh, that's too bad, the Brute's in the way. Oh well, I guess you'll just have to try again."
  3. Enemy squad tactics are downright ruthless. I'm playing hardcore, and I may just have to tone it down a bit, 'cuz the sheer numbers of the enemy is sometimes pretty overwhelming for a three-man squad.
  4. What happened to all the interaction, the things to find in corners of the Citadel, the fantastic humour from ME2? I understand the darker tone doesn't leave much room for humor, but even then, I expect to be able to talk to more people or read more things than those that are directly related to me and the missions I'm on. It feels like they spent so much time wrapping up the writing from the previous games that they missed the opportunity to continue world-building and adding things to be discovered in this one. I can't even talk to EDI, which makes me fairly disappointed. Hoping some of these show up as the game continues.
  5. What happened to the hacking minigames? I really liked those!

Still fun, but at the same time it feels like there's something... missing. And I can't quite pick out what it is yet.

EDIT: Hah, never mind about EDI! Some humor is definitely coming through, now that I'm past the first few missions. And I guess they decided to make a lot of the 'discoverable' points passive instead of active.

And I guess they decided to make a lot of the 'discoverable' points passive instead of active.

That was pretty much my experience too, although I also picked up quite a bit from eavesdropping characters.

I noticed the humor got rather toned down, too, at least in the first part of the game, but it was a lot more prevalent in the second half, so I didn't mind that much.

EDIT: Hah, never mind about EDI! Some humor is definitely coming through, now that I'm past the first few missions. And I guess they decided to make a lot of the 'discoverable' points passive instead of active.

Oh god yes, EDI is comic gold in this game, full stop.

started the multiplayer today and it was fuuuuuuuuuuun. weird, glitchy shit happens when i play as vanguard though. at the end of one match i was at least 10 miles under the actual map with my left arm inside of my body

vanguard on the lower difficulties is hilarious - you can solo geth pretty easy (they're the only one with no instakills) once you've got the 100% shield regen for biotic charge. upper difficulties against anything but geth get kind of annoying though. they're good at taking out isolated phantoms, but since both the atlas and phantom and both the brute and banshee can instakill you, it makes it hard to do much in those on silver or gold unless you're really careful about where you charge (which takes the fun out of it).

honestly, i think instakills should be replaced with just really damaging attacks. why a sword can kill a krogan is beyond me, but i'd much rather have those just do a lot of damage to allow for vanguards to actually be viable on upper difficulties. they're totally worthless on gold, and only in specific situations on silver. same with sentinals and soldiers - they just don't have the supports to do damage on those difficulties, and just get gibbed repeatedly except against geth.

started the multiplayer today and it was fuuuuuuuuuuun. weird, glitchy shit happens when i play as vanguard though. at the end of one match i was at least 10 miles under the actual map with my left arm inside of my body

Lucky you. There's a huge debacle right now that prohibits most of the existing users (myself included) from being able to access the DLC or online features (like multiplayer). Lotta people up in arms about it (and rightfully so).




What a mess.


They say they know what's wrong now and they're working on a fix - https://twitter.com/#!/masseffect/status/198126565232623616

Oh god yes, EDI is comic gold in this game, full stop.

Tricia Helfer actually does a great acting bit when Joker first comments about his new bot...

"Jeff... I'm... right here."

If stunned disbelief can be monotonised, that was it.

some of the really irksome questions (i.e. SPOILER Why is Liara getting off the crashed Normandy when she was lasered with me not a half hour ago? or Why is the Normandy trying to fly away from the energy ball? Did they leave the battle? /SPOILER)

Those events were pretty clearly the result of bugs in the game. Many people, including myself, didn't get that. And yeah, that specific character was in my party.


Sooo, I recently read Ender's Game for the first time, and the connection between the Rachni and the 'Buggers' became pretty obvious. The hive-mind mentality of the Rachni isn't the same as the Hive Queen's biological extensions, but certainly ends up being very similar in practice. The lone remaining queens, the races' ability to communicate instantly (via ansible or otherwise); hey, you could even say that the Rachni Queen has her own...

Speakers in the Dead. 8-)


Honestly, they made me think of the Pseudo-Arachnids from Heinlein's Starship Troopers a lot more. Then again, Starship Troopers is easily one of my favorite books, and I only read Ender's Game once in sixth grade, so that might be experiencial bias talking.


So I've been scooting through the story and I've gotta say I've enjoyed this. Haven't beat it yet, so I don't know if I'll be mad at the ending or not. Honestly, I think I've already gotten over the ending possibly being bad, so I feel like I'll be cool with however it ends.

Anyways, went with infiltrator and I'm glad that I did, the drastic change to my play style kept it fresh. And one shotting a shielded enemy has been amazingly satisfying.

Also great dialogue through the entire game so far.

Tricia Helfer actually does a great acting bit when Joker first comments about his new bot...

"Jeff... I'm... right here."

If stunned disbelief can be monotonised, that was it.

I think my favorite EDI moment happens if you (mild spoilers) encourage her and Joker to hook up.

"Jeff assured me that I did not have to conform to societal standards of feminine beauty. I called him on his bullshit, and we proceeded to talk normally."

She actually says "bullshit" too. It's amazing.


edi in this game is likely my favorite character.

so i did my first gold over the weekend - well, we did it twice before we had to break up the team. we had my geth engineer (geth shotty and smg), a geth infiltrator (geth shotty and viper, which he was incredible with) as a team, and a turian sentinel with a scimitar and geth smg and a salarian engineer with a widow III as a team.


we did geth on the cerberus facility map from the demo (starts you on a platform outside next to a shuttle). the salarian and the turian were in the console room down on the left side, and we were outside. it was literally easier than any silver i've ever done. the only thing we had to worry about were a few hunters occasionally who'd close in, but between my geth turret and infiltrator/hunter-mode charged shotgun blasts, we were pretty much fine. it was awesome because i could use my turret to shoot into the room where the other team was at to assist-magnet and help their shields out occasionally. it was hairy once when we had to go occupy an area, but we had so much burst damage - since everyone had overload with double jumps except the infiltrator, and we spammed the crap out of it - it was over with pretty quick. i think the most times we went down was like three or four? we got a five rounds survived one run.

we got 72k gold per run, and each run took about 27-29m. considering it was the 99k spectre pack this week, i'd say that was pretty solid.

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