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I'm just going to play through with a normal starter that the game gives me because I'm not a fuck

That's my general approach as well....Although I do try to obtain the other starters later on from friends for Pokedex completion......


For gen 6 I hope they introduce a whole new 150 pokemon...I thought I would hate it for Black and White, I mean, they already had over 400, so just reusing those would be good enough, right?

That's what I thought, anyway. Once I started playing, though, it was like I was playing Pokemon Red again. I had no idea what anything was or how to fight it, and discovering it for myself was so much more fun than I could have expected. Catching a pokemon you'd never seen before and watching it evolve into something awesome was so much fun.

IMO, from now on each new pokemon gen should introduce a whole new roster of 'mons and you shouldn't see any of the old ones until you beat the game.


It doesn't hurt that as far as designs go, gen 5 was really strong. Personally I think it has the best designed set of monsters next to gen 1.

If they can keep up the strong designs, I wouldn't mind at all for each new gen to introduce a totally new roster.

IMO, from now on each new pokemon gen should introduce a whole new roster of 'mons and you shouldn't see any of the old ones until you beat the game.

agree wholeheartedly


Thirded. The time I spent with Black was great not just because there were completely new pokemon, but from what I saw, hardly any of 'em looked like total trainwrecks like from previous entries.

It almost seems pretty likely that this won't happen with B&W2, but maybe Pokemon 3DS?


Just a quick heads up, guys. Right now you can get Arceus in your B/W game by logging onto the global link website and typing in the code ARCEUSVOTE and meet it in your dream. Then you can transfer it over to your game and catch it in the entreelink, or whatever it's called. Got mine, but it's too bad I can't transfer it BACK to pearl. It's the LAST pokemon I need to complete my Sinnoh dex.

Psychic/Fighting/Dark starters. Make it happen.

I'm quite content with the current Fire/Water/Grass system they've had in effect since the series started. While I'm not completely opposed to your idea of using other types as the starters, I feel like it could throw too many people for a loop if it were used in an official main series pokemon game.

My main hopes for Gen VI are

  • for the pokemon designs to stay good
  • for the fire type starter to evolve into something other than another fighting type

The first one is the priority in my mind, but I'll be really pleased if they stop making a different version of the Torchic line for the fire type starter. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with the Chimchar and Tepig lines, but the type combination has started to wear out it's welcome after 3 generations of fire type starters.

For gen 6 I hope they introduce a whole new 150 pokemon...I thought I would hate it for Black and White, I mean, they already had over 400, so just reusing those would be good enough, right?

That's what I thought, anyway. Once I started playing, though, it was like I was playing Pokemon Red again. I had no idea what anything was or how to fight it, and discovering it for myself was so much more fun than I could have expected. Catching a pokemon you'd never seen before and watching it evolve into something awesome was so much fun.

IMO, from now on each new pokemon gen should introduce a whole new roster of 'mons and you shouldn't see any of the old ones until you beat the game.

I think that system would work amazingly well. That, plus the ability to go to other (previous) regions. If they did that like they did in Gen II, then the games would last SO MUCH LONGER and be that much more epic.

Psychic/Fighting/Dark starters. Make it happen.

Won't happen, for two reasons. It's not as understandable a relationship as Grass/Water/Fire, and Dark is outright immune to Psychic as opposed to just resisting it. It'd be neat, though, but it would definately be hard for newcomers to understand.

My main hopes for Gen VI are for the fire type starter to evolve into something other than another fighting type

yeah this definitely needs to happen

one fire/fighting was cool, two was lazy but tolerable, and three is just fucking horseshit

It's gonna be Fire/Flying for a change of pace

Fire/Flying wouldn't be too bad. At least there aren't 3 of those starters running around with there heads stuck in an empty KFC bucket crying desperately for someone to give a damn.

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