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  Ramaniscence said:
So, here I am a World of WarCraft: The Burning Crusade owner. Paid in full $40. Now, as most people here know, I have a (now) level 44 Undead Priest.

So, today I got bored with the grind and knowing the Blasted Lands had creatures from levels 46-50 something, I decided to go on an adventure to the Dark Portal.

I fly on down to Stonard, hop on my mount, treck on down to the Dark Portal, rush up the ramp and BAM....I go through it...but I'm still in the Blasted Lands. WTF? Big message stating "You must be level 58 to enter the Dark Portal."

Whoa whoa whoa whoaaaa. You're telling me I can't even SET FOOT into Outland unless I'm level 58? What the crap is THAT about?

Now, I know what you're probably thinking. "You're leve 44, you're gonna get RAPED in Outland, you have no business being there." Sure, I'll get raped in Outland, but guess what? I PAID for Outland. TO be more correct, I PAID for an entire new continent that's roughly the size of both the existing continents to explorer and enjoy at my will.

Guess what? I'd get raped in the Burning Steppes. I'd get raped in some parts of the Hinterlands. I'd get raped in a lot of places, but you know what? I can still walk through them AT MY LEISURE and I DIDN'T have to pay extra for it.

Sure, I can be a dreanei or a blood elf and go to their new towns and areas. Big fricken whoop. So I get to level from 1-25 in 2 "breath taking new areas" but once I finish up Ghostlands it's RIGHT back to the Barrens and Ashenvale and Thousand Needles until I'm fricken 58.

That's some SERIOUS bullshit, Blizzard. Seriously.


The reason I got so bored with levelling tonight is because I tried to run Ulda and my computer locked up 3 times. Now I know what you're thinking there: "That's what you get for upgrading to Vista."

Well here's some statistics for you: My video card is a GeForce FX 5200. While crap, nVidia still totes it as a "Vista essential compatible and ready to go!" video card.


But there's a catch...FX cards aren't up to date with the most recent drivers. Only GeForce 6 & 7 cards are still being updated to iron out kinks with Vista and anything before that is basically "Yea...it'll work...with a lot of problems...but we'll maybe fix it...eventually."

ATI, on the other hand, is getting all their Vista compatible cards (with pixel shading and all that crud) fully up to date and functional.

So Microsoft is not so much as fault here so much as fricken nVidia. F-U nVidia.

I can't wait until I get my 2.36 Ghz MacBook Pro next month. Then I'm gonna whoop some WoW ass.

dude, there is no nice way to say it but your video card is crap, i believe they recommend at LEAST 5700, but your getting the Macbook Pro so it wont matter soon anyway

sucks that you feel you were ripped off but to be honest i believe it was already stated that you could not enter until 58. You can always just get a port though.

  Noodle said:
Best bet is to go BM and kite the hell outta them and let your pet do most of the dps. It's lame but yeah, locks and all. Youll probably still need to get lucky. Also, use your Insignia of the Horde. Owait lol alliance. You can try and freeze their pet too. Even if you're out of fear range Death coil can screw you over into a chain fear so...yeah...

distance my friend......if your MM silence shot is god....then again it also depends on what spec they are, if you get distance on a lock by the time he gets close enough your pet and serpant sting will do him in....this is what has worked for me anyway

  DJ Mighty said:
dude, there is no nice way to say it but your video card is crap, i believe they recommend at LEAST 5700

recommend, yes. but the minimum requirements are much lower.

  WoW Requirements said:
32 MB 3D graphics card with Hardware Transform and Lighting, such as NVIDIA® GeForce™ 2 class card or above

i ran WoW for about 6 months on a GeForce 4 Ti4200. it worked just fine.

  suzumebachi said:
i ran WoW for about 6 months on a GeForce 4 Ti4200. it worked just fine.

I've really got to hand it to Blizzard. They really know how to make their games in a way that the requirements are relatively low (Remember Starcraft?). Of course, this only increases their potential target audience. But it's really nice to know that sometimes you don't need a fancy computer to play a game. But especially with an MMO game, it's important to find some balance between connection and processing power to minimize any horrible bottleneck. But apparently, their servers are the main bottleneck.. or so I've heard.

  suzumebachi said:
recommend, yes. but the minimum requirements are much lower.

i ran WoW for about 6 months on a GeForce 4 Ti4200. it worked just fine.

Yea, WoW ran fine before Vista and Vista drivers. Then it started freezing in full screen (with still good frames on full settings) so I had to switch to windowed. Now windowed is starting to freeze more and more.









It was the least we could do. They whiped out the Crossroads, Rachet, Grom'Gol, and God knows what else. (I fucking HATE the weekends).

Funny story, Suzu. The night after we did that Adrienne's guild raided Auberdine AGAIN.

  Shonen Samurai said:
1. You won't be banned for being below level 58 in Outland, don't listen to rumors

2. You can't walk through the Dark Portal at 58, but you can be summoned or take a port at any level

You say that, but I dunno sometimes. I was suspended for 3 hours for shooting people from a roof in gadgetzan. Ohnoes, pvp on a pvp realm! But if a mage uses slow fall to kill me while I'm flying, forcing me to spirit res, oh that's fine! Or if players queue for the arena in gadgetzan and then start killing lowbies as soon as the enter arena button pops up, and enter the arena before the guards kill them, that's just dandy too!

I don't understand GMs. >:[

Also, I need a new guild on Illidan, mine doesn't do shit. They talk a lot, "oh we'll do raids as soon as we're 70!" but almost everyone is 70 now, and we haven't even run steamvaults or shadow labs let alone Karazhan. Oh, and I hate shadow labs. I'm trying to get my Karazhan key there, but three times in a row the instance servers crashed before our slow ass PUG could finish the instance. Once when we were on Murmur too. :(

  suzumebachi said:
You say that, but I dunno sometimes. I was suspended for 3 hours for shooting people from a roof in gadgetzan. Ohnoes, pvp on a pvp realm! But if a mage uses slow fall to kill me while I'm flying, forcing me to spirit res, oh that's fine! Or if players queue for the arena in gadgetzan and then start killing lowbies as soon as the enter arena button pops up, and enter the arena before the guards kill them, that's just dandy too!

I don't understand GMs. >:[

Also, I need a new guild on Illidan, mine doesn't do shit. They talk a lot, "oh we'll do raids as soon as we're 70!" but almost everyone is 70 now, and we haven't even run steamvaults or shadow labs let alone Karazhan. Oh, and I hate shadow labs. I'm trying to get my Karazhan key there, but three times in a row the instance servers crashed before our slow ass PUG could finish the instance. Once when we were on Murmur too. :(

I'll hook you up with Cesar's guild. They're on the ball.


ANYONE (stealthed or not, i did it as a mage) can hug the wall and grab the container containing the key, it is on the left side when you look at murmur (his right). It is located on the first ledge, behind a protuding wall, you can see it if you are in front of murmur. When opening the container a elemental will spawn. You can kite him back to the front of murmur and kill him with 2-3 people, without going out of his aggro range. The elemental has 20k hp and hits clothies for about 800-900 regularly.

If you die the mob will return back to his container, the container will disappear, however the mob will not despawn. If you die for some reason or aggro murmur in the process. Just come back in and he will be waiting for you.

Blizzard also nerfed the amount of people that can loot the key at one time, you used to be able to switch out members for others to have a maximum of 2 groups (10 people) loot the key. It is now only possible as of the recent patch that only 5 maximum are allowed to loot it.


  suzumebachi said:
You say that, but I dunno sometimes. I was suspended for 3 hours for shooting people from a roof in gadgetzan. Ohnoes, pvp on a pvp realm! But if a mage uses slow fall to kill me while I'm flying, forcing me to spirit res, oh that's fine! Or if players queue for the arena in gadgetzan and then start killing lowbies as soon as the enter arena button pops up, and enter the arena before the guards kill them, that's just dandy too!

I don't understand GMs. >:[

Also, I need a new guild on Illidan, mine doesn't do shit. They talk a lot, "oh we'll do raids as soon as we're 70!" but almost everyone is 70 now, and we haven't even run steamvaults or shadow labs let alone Karazhan. Oh, and I hate shadow labs. I'm trying to get my Karazhan key there, but three times in a row the instance servers crashed before our slow ass PUG could finish the instance. Once when we were on Murmur too. :(

If you're in Azeroth/Kalimdor, attacking people in places that are impossible for guards to path to is against policy, regardless of your realm type. The mage thing is fine. The arena thing is shady, but what the hell are you doing in Gadge anyway?

I can personally guarantee that nobody has ever been banned for being in Outland below 58.

  Noodle said:
Best bet is to go BM and kite the hell outta them and let your pet do most of the dps. It's lame but yeah, locks and all. Youll probably still need to get lucky. Also, use your Insignia of the Horde. Owait lol alliance. You can try and freeze their pet too. Even if you're out of fear range Death coil can screw you over into a chain fear so...yeah...

BM with Bestial Wrath/TBW eats locks for breakfast.


Did they lower the maximum number of characters you can have on an account in the patch today? I tried making a bank alt, but it said I have too many characters, so I deleted a number of unused alts on other realms, but it still says the same shit, "you have reached the maximum number of characters." wtf mate? I would have posted in the customer service forums, but the WoW forums are apparently down as a result of DoS attacks from all the nerfed druids and priests (not that I blame them).

  suzumebachi said:
Did they lower the maximum number of characters you can have on an account in the patch today? I tried making a bank alt, but it said I have too many characters, so I deleted a number of unused alts on other realms, but it still says the same shit, "you have reached the maximum number of characters." wtf mate? I would have posted in the customer service forums, but the WoW forums are apparently down as a result of DoS attacks from all the nerfed druids and priests (not that I blame them).

I don't know about the character limit, but damn does the druid nerf suck (for everybody PvE-wise, not just them). It's pretty much impossible now for them to deal any damage in bear form, and forget tanking. It's become a last-ditch effort to prolong their life a little bit, if they run out of mana to heal themselves or need to give the healer extra time to get one off. Looks like Blizz definitely wanted to take the tank out of the druid.

  Fire in the Hole said:
I don't know about the character limit, but damn does the druid nerf suck (for everybody PvE-wise, not just them). It's pretty much impossible now for them to deal any damage in bear form, and forget tanking. It's become a last-ditch effort to prolong their life a little bit, if they run out of mana to heal themselves or need to give the healer extra time to get one off. Looks like Blizz definitely wanted to take the tank out of the druid.

Well, the damage dealt in bear form really was overkill; they had more health and armor than most warriors and could still do more damage than them while in bear form. I understand that they generated most of their threat through DPS, but their ability to tank would be easily restored if Blizzard would either allow them to Lacerate a ton more mobs, or tweak their abilities to generate more threat.

Of course, they didn't do this, so as it stands now, bear tanks are pretty much useless.

And Suzu, I believe the character limit is per-realm, not cumulative. How many characters do you have on Illidan?

  Reno Covault said:
Well, the damage dealt in bear form really was overkill; they had more health and armor than most warriors and could still do more damage than them while in bear form. I understand that they generated most of their threat through DPS, but their ability to tank would be easily restored if Blizzard would either allow them to Lacerate a ton more mobs, or tweak their abilities to generate more threat.

Of course, they didn't do this, so as it stands now, bear tanks are pretty much useless.

And Suzu, I believe the character limit is per-realm, not cumulative. How many characters do you have on Illidan?

I have 6 now. I was finally able to create another toon after deleting about 12 more characters. It seems like they did decrease the maximum number of characters. :/

Also, I agree that bear DPS was out of hand, but what they did was terrible over correction. All that really needed to be done was decrease the damage of mangle, and they should have left it at that. But then they went on to decrease their armor by 50%, significantly reduce their HP, broke savage fury, and turned predatory instincts into crap. Now not only can they not generate threat, but they can't mitigate damage nearly as well either.

The priest thing is totally overblown though, Prayer of Mending with no cooldown was amazingly overpowered, and a 10 second cooldown (as opposed to the 20 second one on test realms) isn't too bad. The shadow priest nerfs do suck though, as if they didn't cause enough threat as it is :/

You gotta question the timing of the huge druid nerf alongside a huge warrior buff. It's almost like blizzard is saying "dear druids, thanks for taking over the tanking duty while all the warriors specced arms to level. but now that there's enough level 70 warriors, we'll be forcing them back into prot spec and taking your tanking ability from you now. can't be having any dps warriors, shadow priests, or feral druids in end game instances you know! thanks."


I play a warrior on the Akama realm.

Yes, before this latest 2.0.10 patch, I'd have to say Bear form Druids were too much and Warriors needed some help. Just having any Druid stand toe to toe with me and bring me down 100 to 0 without a single shift was wrong. Since bear form is supposed to mimic warriors in a relative sense, so even though as a warrior, whenever I just stand toe to toe with people and trade blows I should be winning, it makes sense for a Bear form druid to be able to stand there against me. But what wasn't right was how it was simply stronger than I was when it was just a single form of the druid class. So it did deserve a nerf.

Since the patch, I haven't seen how Druids perform since either: They were nub druids and always will be nub druids and continue to to attempt to take everything from 100 to 0 in bear form. Or they respecced OOmkin... which I continue to think needs to be buffed, as even as counter-warrior Moonkins are supposed to be they are enjoyably easy. Or I just don't see them altogether, not many Druids.

However, I can not make sense of how my warrior changed so dramatically. Yes, we got a rage buff... however, anyone with experience as the warrior class should know that rage acted as a line. If you had enough rage, you used your abilities as fast as the cooldowns let you. Essientally, you were limited by cooldowns, not rage. If you did not have the gear to meet this line, you were gimp and needed to upgrade your gear. Now this line wasn't very hard to meet, and I knew I was already past that line. The 15-20% rage buff, while visible to any warrior, only real effect was lowering that line. Rage still plays a more crucial role in tanking than PvP and added uniqueness by being unlimited like energy, and only started at 0 instead of 100.

With that being said, I am concerned about actually being overpowered. It's crazy to think I could go from such extremes so quickly. How could it have happened? 1% chance to crit buff? Now, my performance in PvP is something that I'd expect... if I were in epics. I'm not in epics. I'm in largely outdated gear w/ a level 66 green weapon I bought from a vendor in Halaa. Look up Eten in the Armory if you're interested.

At this point, I fully expect a coming of a second "Arcanite Reaper glory days" for warriors. Only the weapons are the BS crafted epic weapons.

  • 3 weeks later...

I was kinda dissapointed in the tinfoil hat, since it was either mistakenly or intentionally leaked a couple weeks ago. If you moused over one of the dried rations in the rewards page, it brought up the tinfoil hat.

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