suzumebachi Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Zombie shit is awesome. Forming packs of zombies with both Horde and Alliance members is fucking awesome. Ganking confused lowbies and turning them into zombies is awesome. Going as a zombie to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and setting my pet to aggressive and watching it eat dozens of level 6-10 humans in seconds flat is awesome. Exploding and infecting every NPC in Ratchet is awesome. The coolest thing about the zombie shit, is how the disease spreads on its own. I killed a shitload of low level allies in Goldshire, but there were a few lucky ones that managed to escape death, but still had infections. Once I was finally brought down (but not before exploding and infecting everything) by the level 75 spawned guards, I quietly observed a few of the infected lowbies. One in particular wandered all the way to the Murloc camps in the eastern part of Elwynn. I watched from a distance while he was killing Murlocs, then suddenly became a zombie. You could tell he was pretty confused, because he immediately ran deep into the Murloc camp and aggroed a bunch of them. He managed to hit a couple of them, infecting them, but didn't manage to kill any before he died. I watched for a bit but he never came back. Instead, along came another lowbie to kill some Murlocs. He killed a few, before finally attacking one of the infected ones. As soon as it died, it became a zombie, and infected the player. He managed to kill it, then ran away. A few minutes later a couple more of the Murlocs became zombies, and proceeded to infect the rest of the Murloc camp, creating a never ending cycle of Murloc zombie death and rebirth (until someone comes along to clean up). Meanwhile the 2nd infected player went to Eastvale Logging Camp, turned into a zombie there, and infected a few of the NPCs before dying... This shit is awesome. I hope Blizzard somehow keeps this in the game. Even if they make it more rare (right now it's super easy to get if you kill any roaches or open any crates). Even more awesome would be some kind of 3rd scourge faction that can regularly do this kind of stuff. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 24, 2008 Posted October 24, 2008 Zombie shit is awesome. Forming packs of zombies with both Horde and Alliance members is fucking awesome. Ganking confused lowbies and turning them into zombies is awesome. Going as a zombie to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and setting my pet to aggressive and watching it eat dozens of level 6-10 humans in seconds flat is awesome. Exploding and infecting every NPC in Ratchet is awesome.The coolest thing about the zombie shit, is how the disease spreads on its own. I killed a shitload of low level allies in Goldshire, but there were a few lucky ones that managed to escape death, but still had infections. Once I was finally brought down (but not before exploding and infecting everything) by the level 75 spawned guards, I quietly observed a few of the infected lowbies. One in particular wandered all the way to the Murloc camps in the eastern part of Elwynn. I watched from a distance while he was killing Murlocs, then suddenly became a zombie. You could tell he was pretty confused, because he immediately ran deep into the Murloc camp and aggroed a bunch of them. He managed to hit a couple of them, infecting them, but didn't manage to kill any before he died. I watched for a bit but he never came back. Instead, along came another lowbie to kill some Murlocs. He killed a few, before finally attacking one of the infected ones. As soon as it died, it became a zombie, and infected the player. He managed to kill it, then ran away. A few minutes later a couple more of the Murlocs became zombies, and proceeded to infect the rest of the Murloc camp, creating a never ending cycle of Murloc zombie death and rebirth (until someone comes along to clean up). Meanwhile the 2nd infected player went to Eastvale Logging Camp, turned into a zombie there, and infected a few of the NPCs before dying... This shit is awesome. I hope Blizzard somehow keeps this in the game. Even if they make it more rare (right now it's super easy to get if you kill any roaches or open any crates). Even more awesome would be some kind of 3rd scourge faction that can regularly do this kind of stuff. I'm in the Barrens right now attacking scared and confused lowbies, but 60 somethings keep flying in to eKnight and call me a n00b and fly off before I can rez and duel them, and then come back as a zombie and eat them. The plague is getting super resistant to cure disease, too. Abolish Disease even takes 2 or 3 times now before it sticks. Quote
lazygecko Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 Ding 70 It only took me 3 years to get my first max level Alliance character. Not going to bother grinding gear with WotLK just around the corner. There's plenty of raids going on for Zul'Gurub, Ahn Qiraj and other old world instances for achievements so I'm gonna take that time to experience some of the stuff I missed out on. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 25, 2008 Posted October 25, 2008 Me and starla were bored, so we started a controlled zombie invasion: Quote
Piracy Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 rofl we cleared TK in a guys have shitty realms. we, on the other hand, have shitty servers. Yeah we killed Kael with a PUG also. Some of the player inside had only been lvl 70 for 4 hours hahaha. Some noob mage named Corney also rolled need on a T5 chest when we had the rule to pass then roll /random 1000. After he needed the leader kicked him out of the raid and rolled need against him but he ended winning the roll. However he didn't receive the item since he was no longer in the raid and after I won the random roll I couldnt loot the corpse to receive the loot. So now my ticket has been escalated by a GM to see if I can get my token. I HATE NINJAS! I also crit the mechano-lord in mech where you stack the polarity for 19,000 THREE TIMES!!! Fireball, Fireball, (hot streak) Pyroblast! I was laughing so hard we literally killed him in about 15 seconds. My new guild cleared Hyjal tonight also, I was 4th on dps averaging about 2.8k for the entire time I was in there, with some ZA and t5 badge gear. That a huge improvement from my previous 1.1k pre3.0 We do have a sunwell geared druid (moonkin) averaging 4.9k dps! 0/50/11 Flamestrike + Icy veins + Combustion spam FTW! Also I noticed that flamestrike is only 460 mana with talents to cast. And with the flamestrike crits I was getting 600 (3x200) mana back from the master of elements talent. If I needed mana back I'd just spam it and actually regain to full. Probably a bug right now since you should only gain 30% of its original cost. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 OCR guild yeah?! Quote
Vilecat Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Join us, you know you want to! Side note: whoever says destro locks are useless in a raid don't know what they're talking about. Unless the destro lock doesn't spec Emp Imp (+20% crit). As if morph locks were any better. I'm still torn on which toon of which server i should work on first. Quote
suzumebachi Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Zombie invasion is over already. I am sad panda. I really hope they keep it in the game somehow. Maybe as a death knight ability with a really long cool-down, part of an instance, an extremely rare disease that humanoid NPCs can get, super rare plagued roach spawns in cities, or whatever. Or hopefully they at least bring it back every halloween. Seriously the zombie plague was the coolest thing they added to WoW basically ever and it's already gone. Quote
Yoshi3gg Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Seriously the zombie plague was the coolest thing they added to WoW basically ever and it's already gone. I agree completely It happened so suddenly, too... I never got a chance to do one last goodbye zombie raid on Stormwind. Quote
Vilecat Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Blame the whiny fgts that couldn't use their brain enough to find ways of dealing with it or to know what fun means. That's the kind of people that don't survive Barrens chat. Edit: Funny story I heard yesterday when logging on my main. One of our hunter guildies that kept raiding xroads got his mailbox filled with hatemail of how he was such "a retard, an asshole and a shithead"(sic) for just infecting the whole camp. Then once in a while some dude would bring their lv60+ to kill him and the zombies but would flee before our guildy could duel them. Wimps! Double edit because i can't spell edit, w00t! Quote
lazygecko Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Years, maybe even months from now, at least half of the people whining about the event are going to sit there with their bank alts and daily grinding and miss those few days. On the flip side, Blizzard has promised more stuff like this in the game world. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 I only hope that they make the arena and bg masters immune to zombie effects. THe only problem I had with this event was having to wait forever because all 4 cities had their bg and arena masters dead because of the zombie plague. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Not really prepared at all D: But starla made out like a bandit , she got loot from 4 out of 8 bosses. ninjar. Also: lol raid wide buffs <3 Quote
Incronaut Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 in your guys' opinions, is this game more enjoyable playing with "real friends" or with people you just meet up online? Quote
MaxFrost Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 depends what kind of person you are. For me, I'd rather just play with those I find in game. Although I've gotten like...10+ people that I personally know to play, I very rarely get to play with them, as my schedule looks nothing like theirs. Hell, my entire family plays, and we're in 3 different guilds for the 4 of us. If you can sync up with your "real friends", it's much easier to play with them. But if you're normally on your own anyways, just go play, and find people ingame that play on the same schedule, and maybe get some more friends. Quote
lazygecko Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 I would like to apologize to all the retribution paladins out there. Due to my jinxed nature it would seem that whatever class I choose to spend some time with will inevitably be nerfed into near uselessness, be it shamans, shadow priests or paladins. Quote
Vilecat Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Shadow priests didn't get nerfed at all this time <3 For TBC, I'm still grumpy on certain nerfs, but many were needed for spriests. It's just sad that they couldn't balance the classes more to be decent in both PvE and PvP like they've done now. Spriests finally melt faces again and disc can now do a little more than just shield themselves and outheal the dmg. And pallies are still fine. Many of those who PvP in my main's guild can wreck faces like nobody's business. I don't know about shams except that enhanc still is a pain to my undergeared druid in BG. I'll make sure to fix that at 80. As for playing with friends, it fails when I try IRL since they're either not on the same server as I am and/or don't play all that often. I prefer finding people online to play with, I tend to feel lonely when there's no one talking to me or in chat while I quest. Quote
wiredzombie Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 I just picked up WoW again and I'm right back to where i was stuck before my subscription got canceled I'm still a pretty low level (21), and I have nobody to quest with Bloodmyst isle is annoying me, i literally have nobody to quest with So if your in the Lethon server, and you're just starting out as a drenai, contact me Quote
Dyne Posted November 8, 2008 Posted November 8, 2008 Well, I've been playing again, so here's my characters. Illidan / Dyne / Krometicus / Blood Elf / Paladin Illidan / Dyne / Kahnna / Blood Elf / Hunter Illidan / Dyne / Rencuras / Tauren / Druid Illidan / Dyne / Mercurias / Blood Elf / Warlock My paladin is my main character, and my highest leveled character. I'm still below level 10 for my other characters, but that's going to change in time. Yes yes, I do have a thing for Blood Elves, whatever. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted November 8, 2008 Posted November 8, 2008 BE's ruined the horde. All of our alliance noobs rerolled BE because horde finally got a pretty class. Before, bg's were owned by horde on Ner'zul like 90% of the time. Now, it is pretty easy to win. Even AB is not hard to win anymore. Good times though for us alliance Quote
wiredzombie Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Does anybody play in Lethon? I SERIOUSLY need some help I'm like level 21 Dranai, stuck on bloodmyst isle I need a WoW buddy plz pm Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Does anybody play in Lethon? Lethon is the 4th smallest realm in all of WoW. Only 432 allies total. So to answer your question, no. Nobody plays on Lethon. When you go to the realm list and it says "recommended" what that actually means is NOT RECOMMENDED. You're much better off on a medium or high population realm (but not a full one, obviously). I recommend Illidan, that's where most of us play anyways. We're all Horde though, so rolling Alliance there would be dumb. I'd recommend a different server if you insist on playing Alliance, but quite frankly, I don't know any. My brother has an Alliance 70 on Bloodscalp, but it's kind of small too, and quite frankly they all fucking suck. The top guilds haven't even cleared Black Temple, let alone Sunwell Plateau. Even AFTER the "let's buff everyone to superman powers" patch. Meanwhile Illidan is doing Black Temple PUGs. :/ Quote
wiredzombie Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 thanks alot suzumebachi to bad i spent to damn long on lethon Quote
L.T.W. Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 damn, the installation process is very long, Im down to 55% in the last patch thingy. Quote
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