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Fucking shit. ANOTHER Rag attempt. Got him to 35% - sons phase went better, we still can't do it. It pisses me off every time I read "Rag takes no skill" or "Rag isn't a real raid boss" or "MC is training for REAL dungeons" when my guild is putting their blood, sweat, and tears into this fight.. farming consumables, watching videos, reading strats, etc. It's NOT AN EASY FIGHT.

Fucking shit. ANOTHER Rag attempt. Got him to 35% - sons phase went better, we still can't do it. It pisses me off every time I read "Rag takes no skill" or "Rag isn't a real raid boss" or "MC is training for REAL dungeons" when my guild is putting their blood, sweat, and tears into this fight.. farming consumables, watching videos, reading strats, etc. It's NOT AN EASY FIGHT.

Can you get me a video of it? I can maybe see what's going wrong.

No, no one has used fraps yet. I guess I can ask them to use it next time.

Prz do!

One thing I can suggest, if they don't do it already, is have the Hunters go literally fucknut-ballstothewall-krazy DPS on Ragnaros and then Feign Death. I mean, crit heaven, Arcane Shot laden, Aimed Shot Saturated, DPS goodness. They're going to end up have to DPS like this on everything afterwards if they don't already do it. A lot of Hunters save it for "emergencies" when they shouldn't; a full aggro wipe if non-resisted should be utilized every damn 30 seconds to push every bit of DPS out of them you can get.

Hunters and Rogues really end up being tied for highest DPS on Ragnaros. It just depends on how many of each class you have that determines which walks away home the leader.


Hmm.. where would I go to get an appraisal for my account? Or maybe some of you guys could help? This game is too addicting for me right now..

I have no significant alts, my main is a 60 Priest at pvp rank 7 (honored with AV - nearly revered, honored with AB, friendly with WSG). 5 Tier1 armor pieces, 1 Tier2 armor piece, Benediction/Anathema - all with very powerful enchants. A pvp gear switch including an MC epic belt. LOTS of potions (swiftness, greater mana, major mana, fire protection), bandages, other consumables, various ZG coins, 300 herbalism with herbs in the bank, about 185 Engineering.. epic mount.. etc.

Plus, Un'Goro is where you can start the "Legend of Zelda" series of quests.

wait what? i thought i did all the quests in un'goro... must have missed something.

anyways what did the GM guy mean by stuff that will rot? and what do they mean the hunter epic quest was a mistake? that quest is INSANELY hard to complete. you have to down domo, get a super rare drop from onyxia, and solo 4 elite demons WITHOUT A PET. i think anybody who can pull that shit off deserves a decent bow.

Plus, Un'Goro is where you can start the "Legend of Zelda" series of quests.

wait what? i thought i did all the quests in un'goro... must have missed something.

anyways what did the GM guy mean by stuff that will rot? and what do they mean the hunter epic quest was a mistake? that quest is INSANELY hard to complete. you have to down domo, get a super rare drop from onyxia, and solo 4 elite demons WITHOUT A PET. i think anybody who can pull that shit off deserves a decent bow.

It's in a wrecked ship in one of the 'ponds' in southern Un'Goro. You can't see it unless you're underwater, but it sends you to talk to Linken. The steps of the quest and storyline will show you what I mean by LoZ.

He meant that it was a mistake in that they only did two quests and left everyone out; in other words it wasn't fair. And yes, Hunter epic is *definitely* the most difficult quest in the entire game.


Took me 3 months :( and well, i'm still left with a shat class lol! But yeah, STUPIDLY hard. Literally, if i had a wing clip parried that was it, quest over, i lose.

Besides the fact everyone wants to help and gets involved, thus despawning the demons which are on a 3 hour spawn time...UGH


Hunters currently have 4 classes after them for being overpowered. Mages/Warlocks/Priests hate us for being able to one-shot them, and because Bestial Wrath prevents them from exploiting our deadzone anymore.

Rogues have always hated Hunters, and probably always will.

Hunters ARE the best pullers, but except for in raid instances, it's generally faster to let the warrior do it.

I had to scream tonight - UBRS group that made it all the way to the bridge right before Drakk with no problems, and both our pallies get punted off the bridge. We then go back down to bring them up, causing one of our warriors to leave in disgust. Then, our other warrior AFKs out. We make it to Drakk, and try to do Drakk with no warriors. 5 seconds into battle, someone hits the dragonguard that I had freeze-trapped, and I instantly die as my feign-death is resisted. Things go downhill from there pretty quickly, and the group wipes and disbands.


I just want to have rogues back to the "not sucking" level...

On another note' date=' I willl be looking for a guild for my main, since I want to get into higher level gameplay...[/quote']

Rogues own extremely hard. A friend of mine went to Blizzcon and played one of the 60 fully equipped rogues there (full tier2 with BWL weapons and trinkets) and against similarly equipped 60s of other classes, he completely trashed them. Rogues are generally a little more gear-dependent than most people think.

In battlegrounds, Rogues are fearsome. You just have to not be dumb and rush into a group of 10 people. You stealth, let your Warriors charge, and then get into the back lines and pick off the healers. 2 rogues working together can do that very fast.

Hunters ARE the best pullers, but except for in raid instances, it's generally faster to let the warrior do it.

No, they're still the best then. Trying to let a Warrior pull in MC, ZG, or BWL is suicide.

That's...exactly what I meant. In MC, ZG, or BWL it's plain out suicide for a non-hunter to pull. It's even safer to let the hunter pull in all other instances. However, it doesn't matter in most 5-man instance groups, and thus the warrior ends up doing it so that you can just roll from pull to pull the fastest.

I just want to have rogues back to the "not sucking" level...

On another note' date=' I willl be looking for a guild for my main, since I want to get into higher level gameplay...[/quote']

Rogues own extremely hard. A friend of mine went to Blizzcon and played one of the 60 fully equipped rogues there (full tier2 with BWL weapons and trinkets) and against similarly equipped 60s of other classes, he completely trashed them. Rogues are generally a little more gear-dependent than most people think.

In battlegrounds, Rogues are fearsome. You just have to not be dumb and rush into a group of 10 people. You stealth, let your Warriors charge, and then get into the back lines and pick off the healers. 2 rogues working together can do that very fast.

Okay, but what if you take 2 characters that can do any "pick up group" instance but not MC, BWL, or ZG. The rogue gets raped every time.


I love my rogue but I've been playing priest, and I've got to say, he is awesome too.

With my rogue, I like stalking people and the DPS is phenomenal; however, I am a big fan of instances and rogues are well, you know the rest...

With my Priest, I like having the feeling of the parties life in my hands (I'll have to talk to a shrink about that.) and hes pretty strong too. Also highly wanted for end game instances. The down side of this class is getting bitched at by idiots when you go to heal them and they run behind a wall and you lose line of sight but they feel its your fault. That's when i decided to rez then neglect them. (no heals for thier punk ass)

Anyway, I guess theres a time and place for each class. They need to incorporate something that makes rogues mor wanted for endgame but eh, i got my priest to play for now.

That's...exactly what I meant. In MC, ZG, or BWL it's plain out suicide for a non-hunter to pull. It's even safer to let the hunter pull in all other instances. However, it doesn't matter in most 5-man instance groups, and thus the warrior ends up doing it so that you can just roll from pull to pull the fastest.

Nah, I still use them in 5 man if one's in the group. Then again, I usually only instance with guildmates unless we're on a recruiting streak -- like now -- and we always, always, always take a Hunter. They can put out sick, sick DPS then just FD it away if they don't get resisted.

I'd rather have a bear tank than let a Warrior pull in a 5 man group. At least the Hunter won't pull when we're OOM since he has mana issues as well. Plus, with a Hunter we've got that extra AoE every what... 60 seconds?

Anyway, I guess theres a time and place for each class. They need to incorporate something that makes rogues mor wanted for endgame but eh, i got my priest to play for now.

Rogues consist of 80% DPS on almost every boss fight with rare, rare, exceptions. Anyone that told you they're not desired for endgame is an idiot. Anyone can play a Rogue; not everyone can be good at it.


A rogue from my former guild (Fate, it got disbanded after one member fucked thing up badly and had members leave the guild because the leader did not kick the guy at the time of the offense.), Shijima claims to be the most awesome rogue out there. He's well geared (all blue and some purple) dagger speced(apparently the best spec there is...) and he is uber.

I, on the other hand, am a very casual rogue sporting all blue sword/crit specced sporting Trash blade in my main hand (I still love it) and a Hanzo sword off hand (my friend is the only alliance with the Lionheart helm pattern on bloodscalp so she bought me a gift.)

So, despite the fact that I cannot, because of my specs, perform well in PvP, something I do admit quite candidly, I believe I have a rather good build for PvE. We ended up doing a UBRS run together, and in the damage meter, the only person above me in damage was a Warlock with the entire Nemesis set.

I outdamaged the Uber rogue by about 25%. Sadly, he is in a major guild and I am not. And now I am stuck with the reality that no guild needs a rogue, and the few that would have me, have no need for a casual player.

a tauren warrior by the name of Jupitor on my server (smolderthorn) has literally like 40 of those lionheart helms. he basically uses them as freaking currency, lol.

The purple item that needs about 12 arcanite bars, 40 thorium bars, 10 blue saphires, 40 wicked claws?

The thing worth about 1 month in farming per helm?

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