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Bloodscalp, Merry Band of Misfits.

In the next few weeks, we will have ZG on farm status, and we will start working on onyxia, we have 30+ level 60s, most of which who have the key. Seeing how we have a very good synergie and that most 60s have great gear (it's a policy to fill the extra spot with some lower level people if we have a good enough group, like brining 2 level 50s in a ten man scholo), Onyxia might fall before 2006.

Although that's me being optimistic.

Molten Core will be more problematic, seeing as most of us are casual... It may get easier when we get to the expansion. MC with a group of level 70s might work out better.

I love Nurfed UI.


Heh.. you don't need anything but a good tank and 8 healers (w/ consuambles) to beat Hakkar. You have have 11 other guys with green gear and still do it.

*engage Hakkar*

[Raid] [Giaz]: K, brb in 10 minutes, going to take a shower. Lemme know what dropped.

Priests, for example, really need some work (though shadow priests seriously can kick ass in PvP). Their holy and discipline trees need... some major improvement, as many of the talents are lacking.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Blizzard made a game where their classes were fucked to royal hell. They still need balancing until everything makes good sense. Honestly though, rogues have little to whine about. You're upset because you were nerfed, not because you were made weak. Rogues are still incredibly powerful and generally easy to play, and they're still the top DPSers in end-game instances. Damage counters in my guild instance runs always show rogues at the top, specifically Jubastar, who does like, 1,200,000+ total damage in MC.

Attention whiney dumbass:

It's fine, learn2play.

There isn't anything wrong with Priests beyond stupid players -- they want to have everything but still bitch about parties dying. The power of a Priest is Fade, shield, and quick heals with the ability to drop bomb heals if need be. They team up solidly with Druids, who are bomb and HoT healers, and together each is greater than the 2 of the other classes. Priests want major +healing, instant regen, unlimited mana, and a lot crits, and that shit isn't going to happen.

Secondly, "classes all fucked"? Go play Final Fantasy XI to see some fucked up classes. World of Warcraft is not *perfect* but the balance between the classes started off a hell of a lot better than other MMOs and gets better every patch.


Here are our problems.

1. Our primary defenses (Psychic Scream and Power Word: Shield) have been nerfed to the point of uselessness. The Fear only lasts for a short time, is on a long cooldown, and most classes can trinket out of it. Power Word: Shield is on a cooldown and now that it ignores armor, is a total joke. There are times when I will cast it and it will disappear in less than a second.[

2. We are always the primary target in PVP and lack the defenses of other healing classes.

Hint: You're a cloth wearer, and with Inner Fire your armor will exceed that of a leather armor class. Secondly, why are you trying to PvP alone? That's like hitting the can with the hammer, crying because it won't open, and then demanding the manufacturer make it so you can open the can with hammers.

The game is built around group PvP, not solo PvP. Two people in tandom will wreck more havoc than each going solo.

3. The Holy tree is next to useless. Most talents are total garbage, including the entire bottom half. For endgame, only about 3-4 talents are actually useful.

Wrong, nice try though.

4. The Discipline tree has about 10 points worth of abilities that all Priests MUST have or else they are totally gimp. Other useful abilities are scattered around. The 31 point talent is garbage (same with the Holy talent).

Again, wrong, nice try though. With this outlook it's no wonder you're quitting -- the attitude here and your comments about Ragnaros put off the aura that you're a shitty Priest. No wonder it took you guys so long to take down Rag, when it's the easiest one inside the instance aside from Shazz and Baron Geddon, if all your Priests share your outlook.

5. We are the only casting class to not have any method of mana regeneration. Because we are not hybrids (unlike Shamans and Paladins) we are totally useless when we reach zero mana. Mages can Evocate, Warlocks can Life Tap, Druids can Innervate (or just shapeshift and do something else) etc.

6. Our main stat is supposed to be Spirit, which doesn't work in 95% of all combat situations.

It's fine, learn2healrotate. 95% of combat situations? You get 3-4 healers on the MT, and do a rotation. It's not that damn complicated.

Secondly, your classes gets 1 mana per 3.33 spirit, whereas every other class gets 1 mana per 4 spirit. You have the highest *BASE* regen rate for mana while medding. Stop crying and learn2play.

7. Most of our spells are useless. Greater Heal has no utility out of 5/10 man instances, and even then, it is still rarely used. Prayer of Healing is good for basically one boss fight in the game. Renew is OK but Druids HoTs are better + more efficient, and you have to spec for it to be really worthwhile. We are reduced to spamming Flash Heal in most encounters.

Good thing you quit and don't go into Blackwing Lair then if you think Greater Heal is useless. Renew stacks with Regrowth and Rejuvenation fool and does more healing over the course of the spell than the former two, so yeah it's 'worthless'. Prayer of Healing is used in almost any fight where a C O M P E T E N T priest notices his group is all low on health and pops one off -- since it ignores line of sight it's perfect for almost every boss fight.

You are reduced to spamming Flash Heals because you are too lazy to learn how to properly play your class. Cry more, please.

8. We are the only class where if you spec for PVE you lose all PVP utility and damage dealing capabilities. Holy spec priests can barely heal better in PVP than a Shadow spec priest yet they are totally defenseless, have less damage reduction, and cannot do damage. WTF?

Get more dramatic, please? Yeah, if you go PvE you *REALLY* lose all PvP aspects since no one heals in PvP. Nope, no one.

Get a fucking grip.

9. Paladins, Druids, and Shamans can all meet or beat the healing efficiency of a Priest. Shamans especially can match us with their Lesser Healing Wave which is basically identical to our Flash Heal. They also have better armor and DPS capabilities if need be.

More garbage from a garbage Priest. The efficency of heals goes as follows:

Priest > Druid > Shaman > Paladin

Don't believe me? Go get a calculator.

Lesser Healing Wave? Lawl... They can cast that 6-7 times per mana bar, you can Flash heal almost 20 times with 6-7K mana with decent +mana regen. Yeah, it's really 'equal' :roll:

10. We do not benefit from +crit gear unlike most clases. +crit generates more aggro and causes overhealing. Even in PVP, our damage comes from channeled spells and DoTs, thus all of our gear has to be stamina, +damage, or +damage/healing, which is hard to come by. You have to gimp yourself in some way to get it, or have full MC/BWL-level items that are very hard to collect.

Wrong. Your Flash Heals benefit the MOST from +crit gear as you have a high chance of crits as it is, have a talent for +5% crit, and most of the gear tailored for Priests is loaded with +crit.

Secondly, overhealing does not generate more aggro, nor does a crit heal draw more aggro per point healed based on the fact it's a crit. You only draw aggro for the amount that you heal, not the full amount of the spell. If you healed for 900 and he's only missing 500 HP, you only get threat for the 500 that was actually healed, not the 900. Where do you get this bullshit?

You're not a fucking damage dealing class, get over it -- You're a H E A L E R. If you haven't learned that after hitting 60 I question your intelligence. You're a support class; use that knowledge to the fullest when PvPing, and perhaps you'll actually learn something. Find someone that CAN live long enough to decimate the opposition, and watch the HKs flow in. GGTHXKBAI.

Trust me, we have problems.

No, you don't. Learn2play.


Thank you.


*walks away before he gets burned for wanting more for rogues who actually wanna do rogue things instead of wacking ennemies and ranking highest damage.*



Lets see how me, as a rogue, is essencial to a group's survival based on my personal skills.

Maybe my leet mouse usage means that I hit SS better than the next rogue...

Maybe my build (which is a weird 17/31/3) hybrid makes me more powerful... oh wait, no, it makes me as good as any other 20/31 rogue...

Hey, maybe I have a real influence on how a fight goes. Kinda like how a good main tank makes a difference.

Oh wait no, I can't expose armor, rupture, or kidney shot. I cant use poisons. All I have to do is either hit SS or BS and use feint as often as possible. Any rogue can do that.

Seriously, what is the difference between a good rogue and a "easy mode rogue." The good rogue gets bored spamming SS as the only "viable" strategy for high end gaming.

My DPS does not make as much a difference in a fight than the proper tanking, or the proper healing does. Paladins suffer from the same problem. Their main trait (hybrid Melee/healing) is neglected to the point that they become buffbots backup healers. Rogues, the best melee/hindering/debuff, are stuck doing only damage. When a rogues goes in "No, you won't fight" mode, the ennemy is stunned, ruptured, and exposed while mind numbed and slowed. At that point, any ennemy is dead even if it has 90% life.

As soon as I walk in MC, all I do is "wait for signal, right click mob, then use feint/ss and eviscerate every 12 seconds."


Russell; wow, shut the fuck up. No need for the personal insults. All of the problems I've explained are not only WIDELY accepted on the Priest forums, but the CMs have acknowledged them and agree they all need fixing. I'm glad you know more about my class then me, the entire Priest forum, the CMs, and Blizzard.

Stop being such an asshole. Me quitting has nothing to do with my class, it has to do with wanting to pursue music and my schoolwork. As for Rag, our healing was never a problem. We just had a shitty strat. This was obvious because we went from wiping on phase 2 and losing 14 people in phase 1, to completely dominating him when we changed the strat with virtually no deaths.

Wait a sec...

Blizzard is actually responding to what your community says?


Rogues believe that blue posts are a legend.

If I could 2 shot casters I wouldn't expect to see many blue posts in my forum either :P

Wait a sec...

Blizzard is actually responding to what your community says?


Rogues believe that blue posts are a legend.

If I could 2 shot casters I wouldn't expect to see many blue posts in my forum either :P

Yeah... about that...

We can 2 shot casters

When they are drinking

And have some cool downs

And are not geared in epic

And are stupid enough not to hit their "defense" button (Blink/Psychic Scream/Death Coil.)


Other than that it's "ambush oh damn I'm fear/he blinked away/WTF IT CANT DO ANYTHING."

Oh and most warlocks I know at level 60 have about 4000 life.

Wait a sec...

Blizzard is actually responding to what your community says?


Rogues believe that blue posts are a legend.

If I could 2 shot casters I wouldn't expect to see many blue posts in my forum either :P

Yeah... about that...

We can 2 shot casters

When they are drinking

And have some cool downs

And are not geared in epic

And are stupid enough not to hit their "defense" button (Blink/Psychic Scream/Death Coil.)


Other than that it's "ambush oh damn I'm fear/he blinked away/WTF IT CANT DO ANYTHING."

Oh and most warlocks I know at level 60 have about 4000 life.

I was kinda kidding about the 2 shot part, but my point is that rogues aren't weak by any means. that's why they, mages, and shamans (my class) dont see a lot of blue, because we are in the least need of fixes. not that there aren't problems with the class, but other classes have it a lot worse.

Wait a sec...

Blizzard is actually responding to what your community says?


Rogues believe that blue posts are a legend.

If I could 2 shot casters I wouldn't expect to see many blue posts in my forum either :P

Yeah... about that...

We can 2 shot casters

When they are drinking

And have some cool downs

And are not geared in epic

And are stupid enough not to hit their "defense" button (Blink/Psychic Scream/Death Coil.)


Other than that it's "ambush oh damn I'm fear/he blinked away/WTF IT CANT DO ANYTHING."

Oh and most warlocks I know at level 60 have about 4000 life.

I was kinda kidding about the 2 shot part' date=' but my point is that rogues aren't weak by any means. that's why they, mages, and shamans (my class) dont see a lot of blue, because we are in the least need of fixes. not that there aren't problems with the class, but other classes have it a lot worse.[/quote']

Well, there are some serious problems with rogues in high end instances. Being a rogue should mean something more than just outputting damage. We don't have a good role, we're just doing some SS and some eviscerate. We do not have a real role other than being a high damage stat that does not depend on the skill of the player but simply on how well they press SS.

Wait a sec...

Blizzard is actually responding to what your community says?


Rogues believe that blue posts are a legend.

If I could 2 shot casters I wouldn't expect to see many blue posts in my forum either :P

Yeah... about that...

We can 2 shot casters

When they are drinking

And have some cool downs

And are not geared in epic

And are stupid enough not to hit their "defense" button (Blink/Psychic Scream/Death Coil.)


Other than that it's "ambush oh damn I'm fear/he blinked away/WTF IT CANT DO ANYTHING."

Oh and most warlocks I know at level 60 have about 4000 life.

I was kinda kidding about the 2 shot part' date=' but my point is that rogues aren't weak by any means. that's why they, mages, and shamans (my class) dont see a lot of blue, because we are in the least need of fixes. not that there aren't problems with the class, but other classes have it a lot worse.[/quote']

Well, there are some serious problems with rogues in high end instances. Being a rogue should mean something more than just outputting damage. We don't have a good role, we're just doing some SS and some eviscerate. We do not have a real role other than being a high damage stat that does not depend on the skill of the player but simply on how well they press SS.

imo, that's the price of owning face in PvP. in this regard, rogues and shaman are quite similar. both classes are extremley powerful in 1v1 PvP, and also quite good in group PvP. rogues are also excellent grinders, I've spent far less time taking my rogue alt to where she is than any of my other characters. however, neither are that important in endgame PvE, with rogues just doing damage, and shamans being healbots/wipe prevention. I wish I could do more in 40 man instances, but every time that I go to battlegrounds, Im thankful for the class that I picked.


you could say all classes are like that in end-game (except for MTs and maybe feral druids).

mages: pyroblast, fireball, fireball, fireball, wand, wand, wand, wand, wand, wand, repeat

hunters: hunter's mark, aimed shot, multishot, feign death, repeat

warlocks: shadow bolt, shadow bolt, shadow bolt, shadow bolt, life tap, death coil, repeat

shamans: totem, totem, totem, totem, heal, heal, heal, heal, earthshock, repeat

warriors (non MT): enrage, battleshout, rend, heroic strike, heroic strike, heroic strike, repeat

rogues: sinister strike, sinister strike, sinister strike, sinister strike, eviscerate, repeat

priests/druids: heal. repeat unto infinity.


Next person who asks me to make them water is gonna get sucker punched in the throat. (priest)

priests/druids: heal. repeat unto infinity.

You forgot to add the part where the people repeatedly yell 'heal!' over and over while you are in mid-cast of a heal on that player and when someone dies you get bitched at non-stop for the rest of the time in that party. Other than that you've got priests down.

mages: pyroblast, fireball, fireball, fireball, wand, wand, wand, wand, wand, wand, repeat

Actually, in high end instances, it's more like:

Frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, Evocate, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt. It's horrendous (yes, I've played one).

mages: pyroblast, fireball, fireball, fireball, wand, wand, wand, wand, wand, wand, repeat

Actually, in high end instances, it's more like:

Frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, Evocate, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt. It's horrendous (yes, I've played one).

My firemage friend does as much damage as a frost mage in MC using firespell on anything but elementals.

The higher base damage of fire means that when it hits, it makes up for the resisted spells.


I have a question, one of my friends wants to get the 10 day free trial. I googled it and found a few sites that said it had it for download (if you subscribe to the site), but I didn't see anything about the trial on the WoW site. Could you give me some info on it?

Which is why I wish Frost Mages had a bit more work. They need more skills; they've only got Frostbolt, Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, and Blizzard, and you don't use the second pair often.

Arcane Missile

Arcane Explosion



That's it.

Oh and improved blizzard rush. 2 or 3 frost mages, a group of mobs:

Mage 1: Blizzard (gets aggro)

Mage 2: Blizzard (+crit +slowed mobs and so forth)

Mage 3: Blizzard

Mage 1: (swarmed) Frost Nova, blink, Ice Block (removes aggro) Restart blizzard.

Mage 2: (swarmed) Frost Nova, blink, Ice Block (removes aggro) Restart blizzard.

Mage 3: (swarmed) Frost Nova, blink, Ice Block (removes aggro) Restart blizzard.

Fight over.


It depends on the context. Prayer of Healing is great in theory, and it's essential for some fights in BWL, but I personally haven't found all that many uses for it. In most encounters you don't have a lot of people getting hit at the same time. In PVP it is not useful because typically you won't be in range of your entire group, making it more efficient to simply Flash heal them, not to mention you can see a PoH coming a mile away because it takes so long to cast.

I suppose the main complaint that most Priests have is that for someone who is supposed to be the "master of healing", we really aren't. Thorough analyses have been done on our healing efficiency and power, as well as our ability to chain heal, and it has been proven that both Druids and Paladins properly specced can beat us in both those areas. Shamans can come close. Our primarily healing tree (Holy) has 4 offensive talents, a useless one (Holy Nova), 2 relating to Greater Heal (which is really not used often no matter what people want to tell you).. etc. It doesn't make any sense; other healing classes have more useful talents and get more "bang" per talent point.

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