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Everytime a patch comes out for me, it says Im behind a damn firewall when I dont have one. The patches go extremely slow. 2 episodes of ATHF down and Im at 3%.

Same here, man. I normally just remain patient though, and after like 40 minutes, it jumps from 2% to 100% in like .5 seconds flat. :? WTF indeed.

Honestly, this patch has been a HORRID download, otherwise getting it through fileplanet was pretty quick

Fucking thing won't install..keeps failing CRC check and asking me to reinstall (which I have).

So does Stormwind have an Auction House then? I hope so, perhaps it'll make people migrate there rather than the ugly and depressing Ironforge.

I certainly hope so..also can't wait to check out this improved queueing system.

Second guild MC run last night, Lucifron down again.

'Grats. Hopefully you guys'll start downing Magmadar soon.

He drops a bit of the nicer stuff in MC...and is a little more well-rounded in terms of loot, too.

Over here, we're working on Rags. He's still being a bitch and refusing to die. Then again, a lot of us are sadly lacking in terms of Fire Resistance equipment...but we're working on it. Surely.

EDIT: Wish me luck. Going all the way to Shazzrah tonight...I want my damn Brutality Blade!

Hah! We said screw MC and went to Onyxia.

Aftermath? I'm a happy boy.


Woo for Bloodfang!

Funny that should happen, we did Ony last night too and Bloodfang also dropped. A rogue still on his trial got it, the jammy git.

The patch screwed with rogues.

Slice and Dice now requires a target to use.

Yeah...kinda bothersome, but I can usually end up pulling off my Slice and Dices before the mob dies.

Hah! We said screw MC and went to Onyxia.

Aftermath? I'm a happy boy.


Woo for Bloodfang!

Funny that should happen, we did Ony last night too and Bloodfang also dropped. A rogue still on his trial got it, the jammy git.

Heheh, over here, I just had the most DKP out of everyone, so I took advantage of the opportunity.

Never know the next time it'll drop, right?

The patch screwed with rogues.

Slice and Dice now requires a target to use.

Yeah...kinda bothersome, but I can usually end up pulling off my Slice and Dices before the mob dies.

Also, although that one needs more testing, I have been doing "miss"es with my gouge.

I have +7% hit chance, maybe even +8, meaning I should be sure to hit and not end up with a miss, only with dodges, parries, resists, immunes, and blocked.

I have +7% hit chance, maybe even +8, meaning I should be sure to hit and not end up with a miss, only with dodges, parries, resists, immunes, and blocked.

I'm not sure. Maybe it's a label error...but no matter how high your hit chance is, there's always the chance to miss a gouge.

Maybe you just had odd bad luck? I personally haven't noticed if my gouge changed. And I'm a hemo rogue, so I woulda noticed.

While miss labeling is possible, with my precision and item +to hit, I never have a "missed" SS, I never miss an eviscerate, and I never miss any special move.

They are only resisted in a ton of different ways on which I have no influence.


Don't know here, then. Just sayin', even with really high +to hit bonuses...I really doubt you'll ever be able to attain 100% accuracy against equal-or-better opponents. Special attack or not.


Okay, all classes in melee have a flat 5% miss chance at proper skill level. I have 300 with swords, meaning I can hit without even worrying about it everything up to level 62. Even a full defense spec warrior will be hit by all my attacks, seeing as the defense skill overrides critical hits and damage (glancing blows in the combat log).

Rogues (and any dual wielder) have 25% miss chance on auto attack. Instant attacks still have 5% miss chance. With +5 (or in my case +7)% hit, this means that I hit with 102% or my attacks, meaning that I can hit without any problems stuff that is about 2 levels above what I could hit normally (like a level 63 or 64).

I never miss with my special attacks in MC.

I had 3 gouges in a row do MISS.

I'm 95% sure they changed something.


I'm aware of that...and I'd bring up enemy's dodge rates and stuff, but that'd be exactly what it is, a dodge, not a miss.

There might be some unaccounted factor enemies have, or whatnot. But so far, with gouge, I myself have noted no change. Seems to be working fine for me...


Some updates on my case.

First of all, I am only one piece away (armor) from the whole SC gear.

Yet I only wear 4 pieces as of now, because I acquired bloodsoaked boots, and the primal batskin set. While, according to the paperdoll, I lost a good lot of AP, and according to my spell book, I only gained marginal improvements in dodge, I have had an effective jump in DPS, somewhere around 30. I still have to test it out a bit, but I did not have much time to do so. In a recent molten core run where I was actually holding back on most fights, (past experiences have shown me that a bladefury AR rogue can pull nasty aggro even over experienced tanks with mobs as fickle as those in MC, I also have learned that when things go south, people love to see a rogue able to pull a mob off of a tank to allow healers to bring him back up, so I kinda keep the buffs for emergencies) or I was simply dead; I ended up being in the top 10 on DPS. It seems that I pack a lot more of a punch than expected, seeing as I died on the first lucifron guard (Decursive has been messed by the "quick fix" so decursing was slow and rogues are not top priority), and in the first 20% of the magmadaar fight (a fluke really, I had just started bandaging when I got hit by his "fireball" attack.)

Something tells my I have to push myself a wee bit harder and I will make the top 3 of the raid.

Also, guild wise, we downed magmadar. He drop fairy pants... err... arcanist leggings.

And lucifron dropped cenarion boots and felheart gloves. That one was pure luck.


Cool stuff. Grats on your MC progress.

My guild beat Vael over the weekend after dedicating all of Saturday and Sunday to him. We've also mastered the supression room before Broodlord, but we've only given him one attempt (80%). I think our tanks are geared enough, so we should be able to take him this weekend.


Every 4 to 6 weeks, Blizzard adds new content. While it is mostly relevant to 50 and higher characters, it does change the world balance. The quests at lower level remain the same, but I have about 8 characters over level 20 alliance side, and not 2 of them has had exactly the same progression. But I have Character attention deficit disorder... so your experience might be different.

The big thing you have to do is to learn your class. I have seen many a druids not know which form to take to tank and so on. I cannot recommend a class as easier than the other though so it's up to your preference.

The game changes a lot depending on what class you are. As a rogue, I see instance runs as opportunity to ballance damage output with aggro (drawing the mob (monster)'s attention.) If I do a lot of damage without being directly hit, then I'm doing it right. As a priest, the challenge is to keep others alive, mobs off of you, and the mana as high as possible.

Each classes have a different and challenging type of gameplay. By that virtue, my rogue going in the stockades was a lot different from my priest.

They do come up with new content, new challenges, new abilities, and that is what makes WoW a lot better than other MMORPGs, that new content is free.

They do come up with new content, new challenges, new abilities, and that is what makes WoW a lot better than other MMORPGs, that new content is free.

Well...technically, you're paying the ~$15 a month for them to keep the servers up, and pump out new content, soooo...I wouldn't call it free, by nature. :roll:

But what do I know.


15$ per month is cheap as well.

ZG last night because our priests were not available for MC. We got 5 bosses down in under 3 hours, with only one wipe at the spider boss, which made us decide to kill the speaker then reset the encounter next time.

For the first time in a while, I decided to go all out. Previous experiences with some less able tanks had gotten me to think that going all out would be a very dangerous thing in most instances. It proved a good experience since I only got 2 straight attacks on a boss, the panter one, and it's because I was AR ing and I critted it with five SS followed by a crit evis... Such a random string of luck is not that frequent so I figure I won't be pulling aggro soon. (Simple math means that under 7 seconds, I did 5 times 600 plus 1800 damage, for a wooping 4800 added to my regular hits.)

Tonight we go for the Bat boss and Hakkar. Most people believe we are not ready for the edge of madness or hexar, but I would love to see us try, we are progressing faster than most guild were.

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