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I'm very lucky to be one of the top 3-4 tanks in our guild of like 10-12 warriors.

Eko is currently trying to get the helm of transcendence. We keep getting unlucky every onyxia run. It's been like 2-3 months before one has dropped for us =/.

Huhuran is still a pain to get past, so we're going through a recruitment phase.

It's like AQ is just a huge block for average raiders. We've found that we have like 30 main raiders who show up 80% of the time.

recruitment is not fun =(


It's amazing how much rogue is better for farming than warrior is. Sure, a warrior can kill much faster, but a rogue can do it overtime and barely take any damage.

Right now, I'm using my friend's level 59 Combat rogue (with mostly greens) at the blood elf area in EPL and barely take any damage when fighting 3 mobs at once...sap one, pop Evasion, Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush, kill the 2 then finish off the sapped one.

Rogues just have too many damn skills in this game. Why should they get a Sweeping Strikes that isn't limited by a number of attacks and Vanish/Blind when things go sour?

It's amazing how much rogue is better for farming than warrior is. Sure, a warrior can kill much faster, but a rogue can do it overtime and barely take any damage.

Right now, I'm using my friend's level 59 Combat rogue (with mostly greens) at the blood elf area in EPL and barely take any damage when fighting 3 mobs at once...sap one, pop Evasion, Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush, kill the 2 then finish off the sapped one.

Rogues just have too many damn skills in this game. Why should they get a Sweeping Strikes that isn't limited by a number of attacks and Vanish/Blind when things go sour?

We wear leather.

Crappy leather.

Seriously, rogues die quite easily. Hell, 2 of the classes we are supposed to be good against (warlocks and priests) have ways to destroy us easily. In PvP, if the first hit isn't perfect, you have two choices: Vanish or die.

Also, Blade Fury and Adrenaline Rush are in the combat tree. You should compare them to same level abilities in various trees.

Abilities like a mages's blast wave, combustion, ice block, ice shield, or a priest's shadowform or vampiric embrace...

Also, we have basically the same role as a warrior (be in melee range and deal as much damage as possible) but we have less than 6000 armor. It is also exceptional to see a rogue with more than 4000 life fully buffed.

However, a combat rogue is made for facing multiple weaker ennemies or one powerful ennemy as long as they don't cast spells.

Level up a rogue instead of playing a near 60 one, you will learn a lot more than you think about the game...

It would probably make you a better warrior.

Oh and geko OMG!!! if you want that money, you go up to the mob and stick your hand in his pocket...)


hahaha PvPing in a good group is great. yesterday was great. we won like what... 10 matches in a row? zircon and I were pretty much just supporting the other guys and keeping them alive so they can kill shit for us. i went through like 3 games without dying once. on one occassion i recall getting gangbanged by 3 rogues simultaneously and zircon saving my ass just in time for the shamans to come rape them. and rape them they did. they were what.. a general and a warlord? never before have i seen 3 epic rogues die so fast.


Seriously, rogues die quite easily. Hell, 2 of the classes we are supposed to be good against (warlocks and priests) have ways to destroy us easily. In PvP, if the first hit isn't perfect, you have two choices: Vanish or die.

My question is, why should rogues even get the option to vanish? Of course, I'm not limiting this to rogues, as druids can just shapeshift to escape, mages can frost nova, blink and hope to mount etc. However, even if vanish breaks, you can still hit sprint and make it away before the enemy can retarget you...

Also, Blade Fury and Adrenaline Rush are in the combat tree. You should compare them to same level abilities in various trees.

Sweeping Strikes was only in the Arms tree and not only did everyone whine about it, it got nerfed.

My problem with Blade Flurry is that it's not limited by a number of strikes. Everyone cried to have Sweeping Strikes nerfed, and now it ends up doing much less damage but no one screams about Blade Flurry...probably because 90% of the WoW population is rogue.

Blade Flurry is just as effective as Sweeping Strikes+Whirlwind used to be. If that was overpowered, so is Blade Flurry.

Also, we have basically the same role as a warrior (be in melee range and deal as much damage as possible) but we have less than 6000 armor. It is also exceptional to see a rogue with more than 4000 life fully buffed.

A Warrior in PVP shouldn't have 6000 armor. If you wear a shield or tanking gear to PVP (unless you're flag running), you're gimping yourself.

Level up a rogue instead of playing a near 60 one, you will learn a lot more than you think about the game...

Quite frankly, I don't see how this makes sense. 60 is where the game counts, and now I've played some PVP and instances on the character and can tell you, it's much, much too easy. Cheap shot, kidney shot, vanish, cheap shot, kidney shot, blind, cheap shot, kidney shot, death. And that's for plate wearers.


You need to stop talking about tanking. Tanking is *not* difficult, at least not compared to PVP.

The fact of the matter is, rogues can effectively keep a target stunned until it's dead simply by blinding and vanishing before a target recovers from a previous stun. Controlling almost every aspect of the battle = overpowered.

It's not an opinion...please don't feign ignorance. Rogues have the skills to win 1v1 no matter what class your opponent is.

While that is not entirely true, it's the rogue's job.

They are the assassins.

They are supposed to be the highest single target damage output.

They don't heal, they don't buff, they dont have long range damage.

They cant port, travel form, wear plate, do AOE damage (other than blade fury), use mail, wear shields...

Fuck, what do you want them to do? not deal damage in addition to everything else they can't do?


It's obvious. The stuns (or blind) need to have their duration reduced. Under NO circumstances, level differences aside, should your opponent be stunned throughout a whole fight. It's exactly the same as if polymorph wouldn't break due to damage and wouldn't restore HP.


Hate to spoil the argument but well... Rogues SUCK.

Unless they are top top top geared and stupidly skilled they are a joke of a class.






A Rogue has to be absolutely on his game to beat these classes. Yes they can vanish, thats about it. Stunlock? pfft. Trinkets ftw, that and spamming.

They beat mages and shamans..thats about it from my experience. I think you'r just having a case of I'm Scissors, Paper is fine, Nerf Rock.

The role of highest damage class is even in dispute. You show me a rogue who does stupidly high damage and i guarantee there will be hunters and mages and god forbid fury warriors up there too.

*If you're having a hard time as a warrior, remember your trinket, and beserker rage removing incapacitate effects.*


In a battle vs. a rogue, a trinket will only break 1 of 6 possible stuns, and berserker rage will only break sap and gouge. It's not that easy, ever.

Trinkets become useless when you can vanish or blind and start from scratch.

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