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we're doing a guild ZG raid today. i'm not sure what to expect because i know so little about it. i hear there's epic mount drops there though which is awesome.

If you find any, tell about it, and post picture if you can.

we're doing a guild ZG raid today. i'm not sure what to expect because i know so little about it. i hear there's epic mount drops there though which is awesome.

If you find any, tell about it, and post picture if you can.

We've had the epic tiger mount drop (horde side). It's reddish with brown/white hue stripes. Really kickass looking.

We haven't seen the raptor one drop yet, though.

If I remember correctly, Team Ice on Illidan killed Onyxia many months ago.

But I could be wrong.

Anyway, my guild downed Ragnaros about a week ago, and ran through Orgrimmar shouting about it.


I'm kind of off-and-on with World of Warcraft... I began playing about six months ago, and quit around July, just to come back to it three months later. The game really isn't all that interesting in the earlier levels; it's just mostly a tedious grind 'til 60, with a few fun things along the way.

I'd actually say it's the opposite. In my experience level 1-59 is the most interesting bit, with the whole solo content and exploration, and at 60 you're suddenly either forced to raid instances in large groups or grind honour in BG all day if you want to keep playing.


I always thought I'd play the game if I was finanically secure, in charge of my own work schedule, and had no committments or obligations to anything in life.

Seriously, I know friends who were A students flunking out of college or at least their majors. They were almost grad students, then WoW came along. If I played this game, I would most likely flunk out of college and move back in with my parents. Or if I managed to get a job, I'd be fired within 3 days. I strongly believe this came is quite possibly more addictive than crack/cocaine. I've never touched an MMORPG, and I don't plan to soon.

So other than that, I basically complimented the game. :lol:

I always thought I'd play the game if I was finanically secure, in charge of my own work schedule, and had no committments or obligations to anything in life.

Seriously, I know friends who were A students flunking out of college or at least their majors. They were almost grad students, then WoW came along. If I played this game, I would most likely flunk out of college and move back in with my parents. Or if I managed to get a job, I'd be fired within 3 days. I strongly believe this came is quite possibly more addictive than crack/cocaine. I've never touched an MMORPG, and I don't plan to soon.

So other than that, I basically complimented the game. :lol:

Those people did not have self-control. I play it, and I always do schoolwork first. Games almost always come second, even World of Warcraft.


pre WoW GPA: 3.66

post WoW GPA: 3.76

Just gotta know how to control yourself. There are weeks where I raid and weeks where I don't touch the game until I am done studying or doing other things I need to prepare myself for tests/labs/finals.

pre WoW GPA: 3.66

post WoW GPA: 3.76

Just gotta know how to control yourself. There are weeks where I raid and weeks where I don't touch the game until I am done studying or doing other things I need to prepare myself for tests/labs/finals.



*does the linked AHs dance*

Now I can actually go cruising around Winterspring without having to worry about the pain in the ass that is going back to Ironforge to buy stuff off the AH. I can just hop a ride to Darnassus and do business there.

Linked AHs are going to be the frickin' BOMB. That alone makes this next patch worth waiting for.




Too bad I'll be in the middle of moving, so I'm literally going to miss the entire opening ceremony/weeks and the first few bosses :\

I'm loving WoW and more each day endgame. The green dragons are a nice distraction and gearup for AQ, and the Nefarian fight alone makes the suppression room and Chromaggus fight worthwhile.


Guild Wars was a waste of 30 pounds and five months.

I want to play a MMORPG where you don't have to level to be a better player, I want a Secret Of Mana esque game (that lower level'd players who have skill can defeat higher players)


Quoted from my guild forum:

I have been thinking about retooling my current build:

Improved Eviscerate Rank 3
Malice Rank 5
Assassination Total: 8

Improved Sinister Strike Rank 2
Lightning Reflexes Rank 5
Deflection Rank 5
Precision Rank 5
Riposte Rank 1
Dual Wield Specialization Rank 5
Blade Flurry Rank 1
Sword Specialization Rank 5
Aggression Rank 3
Adrenaline Rush Rank 1
Combat Total: 33

Master of Deception Rank 5
Camouflage Rank 5
Subtlety Total: 10


Improved Eviscerate Rank 3
Malice Rank 5
Ruthlessness Rank 3
Improved Slice and Dice Rank 3
Relentless Strikes Rank 1
Assassination Total: 15

Improved Sinister Strike Rank 2
Lightning Reflexes Rank 5
Deflection Rank 5
Precision Rank 5
Riposte Rank 1
Dual Wield Specialization Rank 5
Blade Flurry Rank 1
Sword Specialization Rank 5
Aggression Rank 3
Adrenaline Rush Rank 1
Combat Total: 33

Master of Deception Rank 3
Subtlety Total: 3

As you can see from my previous build, I am a combat rogue, sword specialised. In the new build, I might put either 3 points in improved slice and dice or go for a partial lethality. I have put 3 points in MoD because I hear rank 4 is the only top one that makes a difference. I am open to suggestions though.

Any suggestions here? I think seriously I will ignore improved slice and dice and go for lethality.

Quoted from my guild forum:
I have been thinking about retooling my current build:

Improved Eviscerate Rank 3
Malice Rank 5
Assassination Total: 8

Improved Sinister Strike Rank 2
Lightning Reflexes Rank 5
Deflection Rank 5
Precision Rank 5
Riposte Rank 1
Dual Wield Specialization Rank 5
Blade Flurry Rank 1
Sword Specialization Rank 5
Aggression Rank 3
Adrenaline Rush Rank 1
Combat Total: 33

Master of Deception Rank 5
Camouflage Rank 5
Subtlety Total: 10


Improved Eviscerate Rank 3
Malice Rank 5
Ruthlessness Rank 3
Improved Slice and Dice Rank 3
Relentless Strikes Rank 1
Assassination Total: 15

Improved Sinister Strike Rank 2
Lightning Reflexes Rank 5
Deflection Rank 5
Precision Rank 5
Riposte Rank 1
Dual Wield Specialization Rank 5
Blade Flurry Rank 1
Sword Specialization Rank 5
Aggression Rank 3
Adrenaline Rush Rank 1
Combat Total: 33

Master of Deception Rank 3
Subtlety Total: 3

As you can see from my previous build' date=' I am a combat rogue, sword specialised. In the new build, I might put either 3 points in improved slice and dice or go for a partial lethality. I have put 3 points in MoD because I hear rank 4 is the only top one that makes a difference. I am open to suggestions though.[/quote']

Any suggestions here? I think seriously I will ignore improved slice and dice and go for lethality.

Couple quick questions; are you primarily going to be PVPing or PVEing or both? Either way I would suggest looking into imp kick. A good mage is a very tough matchup for a combat rogue and 2 seconds of silence is very powerful in this battle. Also think about putting one or more points into expose armor as it really does help against plate or a feral druid in bear. I don't really see anything bad with the build either way just wanted to give my two cents.

Improved kick doesn't really cut it. Since I don't backstab' date=' I use gouge and kick as spell interrupts more than anything. 2 seconds silence is nothing.

What I want is a hybrid PVP/PVEsolo/PVE group build.[/quote']

With 2/2 imp kick you are looking for an 100% guaranteed silence and with duel wield spec the white damage generated by a combat rogue is going to hurt. Combat is all about white damage in my mind and a 2 second guaranteed silence against a mage can generate a good chunk of white damage (and thats not counting in crits or if you sword spec procs).

It's killer v priests.

So' date=' where do I take these 2 points?

It seems to me that overall, lethality (instead of improves slice and dice) would be a much better overall choise than improved kick.

What about MoD?[/quote']

Depends, are you a human rogue? If so I would drop MoD outright. If not then you might want to think of moving those two points out of Lightning Reflexes.

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