zircon Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 According to several guilds I know, Razoregore and Vael are the hard fights in BWL. Nef is apparently a disappointment, and easier than Rag. Most other BWL fights appear to be easy from the people I talk with. Quote
Russell Cox Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 According to several guilds I know, Razoregore and Vael are the hard fights in BWL. Nef is apparently a disappointment, and easier than Rag. Most other BWL fights appear to be easy from the people I talk with. Yes, well, most everyone else says it's impossible to tank the new ED dragons with one tank tanking and we do it that way better than rotations. Ragnaros isn't a hard fight, no matter how much you'll disagree with me on that -- learning it and not being able to spend all the time in the world on him like you can Lucifron are two different things. If people have trouble with Ragnaros, they're never getting anywhere in Blackwing Lair and beyond until they hammer him out. Razorgore is technical like Majordomo -- the 'hard' part is only in learning and executing your tailored strategy. The actual fighting of Razorgore is onpar with General Drakkisath in UBRS, except Razorgore occassionally throws out AoE fireballs for 700ish. Razorgore is slightly harder for the Alliance (horde has Earthbind totems and can kite cleanly), Vael is slightly harder for the Horde (Paladin's BoS ensures healers never get on the hate list until late for Burning Adrenaline). Vael is a DPS burn fight; it's not hard at all. Like every single boss fight you figure out positioning, boost FR for his fure pulse, then go to town on DPS. The only reason it took people so long to beat him was the cockblock before patch 1.8 -- you only had one hour every 12 hours to fight him. Broodlord is the third hardest fight in the instance, with Chromaggus taking the lead and Nefarian second, and even Firemaw matches Broodlord in stress factor. Broodlord's hate is very, very, very touchy the entire time. He hits with Mortal Strike for 4-6K non crit, and knocks back the tank which in turn reduces their hate by 75%. You do a tank rotation with at least four Warriors; if more than one dies it's game over -- once the surviving two get knocked back and lose that 75% hate healers and DPS immediately go topside; instant wipe. Hate is literally so shaky that wanding is literally the only way to go with him, and even THAT *WILL* pull hate if you take too long; Hunters are the main source of DPS on Broodlord because they can go balls to the wall and then FD -- if it gets resisted they stop and wait until they can perform it again. Plus, you're still in the 'active' suppression room while fighting Broodlord, so you're dealing with respawning groups of whelps, Dragonkin, and Taskmasters (think mages with Warrior hits). Plus, the actual units reduce attack, movement, and magic speed by 80% so if the ROgues aren't on top of the units the tanks get slammed hard. Chromaggus is... a bitch. It is a very fun fight, but it's incredibly difficult and *VERY* long, and yes I would rate him higher than Nefarian (which seems to be a pattern; Majordomo and Chromaggus are fights that take excessive control and really attentive crew and are before the final bosses, whereby Ragnaros and Nefarian are more encounters to entertain you that while are still hard, are more technical in nature than groundbreaking stuff). Healers are constantly dispeling magic, removing disease, abolishing poison, and uncursing -- AND they're trying to keep the tank alive during Affliction: Bronze, which is an AoE stun for 2-8 seconds with random timers. The types of breaths he uses really determines how hard he is; for the longest time he wasn't switching breaths and was only using Shadow and Frost. If you get Fire (Combustion with Conflageration) and Arcane (Time Lapse), it's damn near impossible to get past him that week. Nefarian is most definitely hard due to the fact that you're essentially dealing with the opening of Razorgore event to a degree (but with mobs twice as difficult, and twice as many), as well as Onxyia +2. Depending on which classes are 'gimped' repeatably determines how much easier the fight can go for you -- you get Priest gimps a lot and the tanks are going to die because Druids and Shamans/Paladins alone can't keep the MT(s) up due to the massive damage Nefarian puts out. He's still touchier on aggro than Broodlord or Onyxia, and you're constantly dealing with the chance of enemies if Warlocks get gimped, plus at 20% you'll have to deal with 50+ 60 elite Constructs (remember how hard those fuckers hit in Scholomance? Yeah.). So, yeah, Nefarian's easier than Chromaggus, but he's not easy at all. People were up to Broodlord by the first few days, and his first death didn't occur until 2 weeks after release of the dungeon even by the elite guilds, the drakes go by pretty fast though Firemaw is a bitch, and Chromaggus wasn't kill until the 6th or 7th week after launch. Nefarian fell the first time to Pacifist or Elitist Jerks the first time almost a month after Chromaggus went down (though, to give them credit back then you could only attempt phase 2 Nefarian (Lord Victor Nefarius > Nefarian) once a week). So yeah, 2 and a half, nearly three months before the final guy fell, whereas people were at Ragnaros within 3 weeks in MC, and he fell to Ascendent Sky a month and a half after release -- before Dark Iron gear came into play -- and some people want to say that a boss where most of the raid was still in blues is harder than one where most 1everyone in the raid has their tier set completed is harder? I don't think so. Quote
Russell Cox Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 Post whoring: http://mammae.org/images/1.9/1.9Loot_page1.jpg http://mammae.org/images/1.9/1.9Loot_page3.jpg http://mammae.org/images/1.9/1.9Loot_page4.jpg http://mammae.org/images/1.9/1.9Loot_page5.jpg http://mammae.org/images/1.9/1.9Loot_page6.jpg http://mammae.org/images/1.9/1.9Loot_page7.jpg Some of the new stuff the static guild we signed up for with a lot of other officers from their guilds to learn the instance before release. So, while Blizzard 'lied' in that they won't have sets in Ahn'Qiraj for classes, I think they meant full 8 piece sets. Each class has a 5 armor piece set, and a 3 piece set that includes a ring, weapon, and cape. Also, take good, long look at the mace that boosts Druid attack power in animal forms -- think someone goofed up hardcore? lol. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 wow that 'unseen path' hunter set is extremely weak compared to the other sets. rogue cape gives +1% to hit, warrior cape gives +1% to crit, and hunter cape gives you... agility. my current cape is better than that piece of crap. though i'd like to see what the set does as a whole. that axe is lame as hell too. i could give a shit about 3 mana every 5 seconds. where is the hunter armor set? edit: that 1h mace is fucked up. that can't even possibly be right. it's got more DPS than the strongest 2H in the game. and not just a little more either. Quote
zircon Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 According to several guilds I know, Razoregore and Vael are the hard fights in BWL. Nef is apparently a disappointment, and easier than Rag. Most other BWL fights appear to be easy from the people I talk with. Yes, well, most everyone else says it's impossible to tank the new ED dragons with one tank tanking and we do it that way better than rotations. Ragnaros isn't a hard fight, no matter how much you'll disagree with me on that -- learning it and not being able to spend all the time in the world on him like you can Lucifron are two different things. If people have trouble with Ragnaros, they're never getting anywhere in Blackwing Lair and beyond until they hammer him out. Razorgore is technical like Majordomo -- the 'hard' part is only in learning and executing your tailored strategy. The actual fighting of Razorgore is onpar with General Drakkisath in UBRS, except Razorgore occassionally throws out AoE fireballs for 700ish. Razorgore is slightly harder for the Alliance (horde has Earthbind totems and can kite cleanly), Vael is slightly harder for the Horde (Paladin's BoS ensures healers never get on the hate list until late for Burning Adrenaline). Vael is a DPS burn fight; it's not hard at all. Like every single boss fight you figure out positioning, boost FR for his fure pulse, then go to town on DPS. The only reason it took people so long to beat him was the cockblock before patch 1.8 -- you only had one hour every 12 hours to fight him. Broodlord is the third hardest fight in the instance, with Chromaggus taking the lead and Nefarian second, and even Firemaw matches Broodlord in stress factor. Broodlord's hate is very, very, very touchy the entire time. He hits with Mortal Strike for 4-6K non crit, and knocks back the tank which in turn reduces their hate by 75%. You do a tank rotation with at least four Warriors; if more than one dies it's game over -- once the surviving two get knocked back and lose that 75% hate healers and DPS immediately go topside; instant wipe. Hate is literally so shaky that wanding is literally the only way to go with him, and even THAT *WILL* pull hate if you take too long; Hunters are the main source of DPS on Broodlord because they can go balls to the wall and then FD -- if it gets resisted they stop and wait until they can perform it again. Plus, you're still in the 'active' suppression room while fighting Broodlord, so you're dealing with respawning groups of whelps, Dragonkin, and Taskmasters (think mages with Warrior hits). Plus, the actual units reduce attack, movement, and magic speed by 80% so if the ROgues aren't on top of the units the tanks get slammed hard. Chromaggus is... a bitch. It is a very fun fight, but it's incredibly difficult and *VERY* long, and yes I would rate him higher than Nefarian (which seems to be a pattern; Majordomo and Chromaggus are fights that take excessive control and really attentive crew and are before the final bosses, whereby Ragnaros and Nefarian are more encounters to entertain you that while are still hard, are more technical in nature than groundbreaking stuff). Healers are constantly dispeling magic, removing disease, abolishing poison, and uncursing -- AND they're trying to keep the tank alive during Affliction: Bronze, which is an AoE stun for 2-8 seconds with random timers. The types of breaths he uses really determines how hard he is; for the longest time he wasn't switching breaths and was only using Shadow and Frost. If you get Fire (Combustion with Conflageration) and Arcane (Time Lapse), it's damn near impossible to get past him that week. Nefarian is most definitely hard due to the fact that you're essentially dealing with the opening of Razorgore event to a degree (but with mobs twice as difficult, and twice as many), as well as Onxyia +2. Depending on which classes are 'gimped' repeatably determines how much easier the fight can go for you -- you get Priest gimps a lot and the tanks are going to die because Druids and Shamans/Paladins alone can't keep the MT(s) up due to the massive damage Nefarian puts out. He's still touchier on aggro than Broodlord or Onyxia, and you're constantly dealing with the chance of enemies if Warlocks get gimped, plus at 20% you'll have to deal with 50+ 60 elite Constructs (remember how hard those fuckers hit in Scholomance? Yeah.). So, yeah, Nefarian's easier than Chromaggus, but he's not easy at all. People were up to Broodlord by the first few days, and his first death didn't occur until 2 weeks after release of the dungeon even by the elite guilds, the drakes go by pretty fast though Firemaw is a bitch, and Chromaggus wasn't kill until the 6th or 7th week after launch. Nefarian fell the first time to Pacifist or Elitist Jerks the first time almost a month after Chromaggus went down (though, to give them credit back then you could only attempt phase 2 Nefarian (Lord Victor Nefarius > Nefarian) once a week). So yeah, 2 and a half, nearly three months before the final guy fell, whereas people were at Ragnaros within 3 weeks in MC, and he fell to Ascendent Sky a month and a half after release -- before Dark Iron gear came into play -- and some people want to say that a boss where most of the raid was still in blues is harder than one where most 1everyone in the raid has their tier set completed is harder? I don't think so. Rag was bugged for awhile. he got a lot harder at Rag 3.0, so I'm not surprised people beat him early. Vael in addition was also made harder recently. Finally, Razoregore is going to be made more difficult for Horde as they are going to make the mobs unkitable - that's why my guild is trying non-kiting strats, which makes it tougher. Also, Nefarian was beaten by DRAMA first on Shattered Hand. I would know as several of my IRL friends are in it and it was a huge deal. He was on instant farm status afterwords.. he's not that hard of a fight, apparently. Quote
GuitarNinja Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 The "new" Paladins are no worse than the old ones, which were very powerful already. The only reason you'd complain about them is if you try to play them like a Warrior. They are combat healers in PvP, and, if you have BWL-level gear, can pump out fairly nice damage as a bonus. But they're at not Warriors first, Priests second. I started the game as a Paladin, before my move to horde. Aaaaand the paladin changes are in the wrong direction for the paladin. Due to their long life, more DPS is bad with out tweaking it so they die faster. I'm not really happy with it, dusted off the paladin and ran around with the new holy/prot tree. I've never been a fan of the ret tree, it just doesn't do well in PvE. As for the new instance, and how powerfull the weapons are, they have to be. AQ to be opened needs horde and alliance to kill the fith boss in BWL, and some other overly complex actions. Meaning folks are going to be in BWL gear, so they need upgrades to drool over. Mind you, I'm in a group that is almost to Raggy, and we hope to be dieing to him by the 25th, so my information on things outside of MC is limited. Quote
Russell Cox Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Rag was bugged for awhile. he got a lot harder at Rag 3.0, so I'm not surprised people beat him early. Err, how was he bugged? The only problems off the bat with his fight were lockout issues with raids, and the Majordomo and Ragnaros event would not complete, so you could never attack him and have to try again the next day. The lava surges hit for about 3-4K but it was rare it did -- they lowered the damage to around 700-1,000 and made them a hell of a lot more often. Wrathfire (ranged BOOM shot) would go off randomly, and they changed that so he doesn't do it unless there is no one in melee range. He resisted spells a shitload until they lowered resist rates for mobs 3 levels over and raised HP of bosses in MC; that was a double edged sword as he gained a good 10% HP but now that Mages and Warlock weren't being resisted over and over the health increase didn't amount to much. The only real major bug occured when BWL went live, and it was Sons of Ragnaros spawning 10 seconds into the fight so you had them + him to deal with and it wasn't pretty (why the hell you'd do something as sensitive as Ragnaros on patch night I have no fucking clue) and even that was hotfixed the next day or day after that when they were messing around with the controller controls for Razorgore and latency issues. So, where's the "ultra hard" Ragnaros 3.0? Onyxia is the one that got major, major buffs over time. She kept getting buffed even past the introductions of Lord Kazzak and Azuregos. Ragnaros has been ninja nerfed all along, and Dark Iron gear just made the fight easier. Vael in addition was also made harder recently. Finally, Razoregore is going to be made more difficult for Horde as they are going to make the mobs unkitable - that's why my guild is trying non-kiting strats, which makes it tougher. Uh, Vael has been made easier as the hotfixes were implemented. When he first went live the fire pulse was around 1-1.2K a second, Essence of the Red didn't activate half the time, you could only take him once every 12 hours, the explosion portion of Burning Adrenaline sometimes went off right away and caused an instant wipe, and he often went into evade mode for no apparent reason. No, he hasn't gotten harder as time has passed, he's just slowly gotten easier for people to wedge room into BWL. The boss that has gotten harder is Broodlord; when he first went live his Mortal Strikes were like they are now (4-6K) but sometime about 3 weeks after release something fubared up and his MSs were only hitting 1-1.5K; they saw it and fixed that issue. Chromaggus was also a bitch before when his breaths were stuck on EZMOAD, and with people actually dealing with Time Lapse now he's a nightmare. And I'd love to see who told you they're making Razorgore non-kitable. Not only are they wrong and there's been no report of a hotfix, but I've actually been IN Blackwing Lair on the test server. We couldn't get into AQ today on test servers due to that instance server having some major lag problem and we went into BWL to see what's changed and find out any nerfs -- nothing has, though it seems like the trash pulls after Firemaw are harder and the Foot Soldiers seem to be using Brood Affliction: Green more often. Sadly, the server or instance servers crash as we were fighting Ebonroc so I don't know any changes to his fight (though he seemed normal), Flamegor, Chromaggus, or Nefarian. Whoever got their information about Razorgore is wrong. Who's DRAMA? I've never heard of them. EDIT: Wait, I remember that debacle. Supposedly A) they climbed onto the terrain in the room and basically went into evade mode themselves and nothing could attack them and they logged out tons of members in Nefarian's chamber, so when someone died to the Risen Constructs, Corrupted Infernals, or a random Rogue that was nailed with Shadow Flame after teleport they just switched them out. Half the guild says "no we didn't" and I'm pretty sure I believe them (because nothing spells MMO like thousands of people shouting someone exploited on a kill they haven't done) but ironically DRAMA is the only guild I've heard being accused of exploits on a boss fight (though you hear it in battlegrounds all the time from whiney 12 year olds) and a hotfix was immediately applied that night after they killed it. Anywho, lots of luck on Razorgore without kiting (this assumes you're taking out Hunter kiting dragons via aggro holding, which BOTH sides do). We tried it with the Priest Mind controlling Legos and using their special to slaughter the dragons while Rogue/Warrior/Mages kill the Mages, but apparently Priests freak out when they're not healing and have brain farts, so we scrapped that after a few semi-successul but sloppy attempts. Quote
zircon Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 Don't base your opinion on Drama from forum posts. Shattered Hand is a messed up server; the main guild in competition with Drama, "Death and Taxes", are a bunch of assholes that will do anything to cover up their lack of skill, from allying with Horde guilds to get easy rank 14s, to having Horde players repeatedly wipe Drama raids on Kazzak (but letting in DnT raids), etc. For the record, Drama did not exploit at all. They got the first worldwide Nef kill legitimately. Most guilds got kills within 24 hours after. There was no hotfix for their strat.. that's total BS. They've had him on farm status since the second they first beat him, their strat has never changed. They are the #1 guild and deserve that status. In regards to Rag, there were a few glitches where you could get him to not use his knockback abilities. I think one involved wiping before the fight so he wouldn't do it (or was it not submerging?) Anyway, I know that lots of guilds did it, and when they hotfixed him all of a sudden lots of guilds couldn't do the fight. Drama was one of the ones that could. We're just trying Razorgore now - kiting IS involved, it's just not the traditional figue 8 shaman kiting. MCing legionnaires works fine, several guilds I know do that, but we're not doing it that way currently. edit: Also, just talked to someone in Drama, they think that Ragnaros was ultimately a harder fight than Nef. It only took them 3 weeks to beat Nef, and longer to kill Rag. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 nice. we're currently working on hakkar now. we wiped our first try, but we managed to get him down to around 15%. unfortunately it was getting extremely late so the group pretty much disbanded after that. he's totally not as hard as you'd think though. hexxer is WAY harder. Quote
The Author Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 Errr... Sacred Charge and Fickle's Skinner acquired... Ok ok, means nothing... Quote
zircon Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 nice. we're currently working on hakkar now. we wiped our first try, but we managed to get him down to around 15%. unfortunately it was getting extremely late so the group pretty much disbanded after that. he's totally not as hard as you'd think though. hexxer is WAY harder. Yeah, Hexxer is the hardest boss in the instance by FAR. From what we've done of him, we've concluded that you really have to have a good group composition to beat him; for example, lots of high damage melee classes to keep up the pressure, a few good hunters to take down totems and multishot shades, and at least one Warlock to curse the shades and take a bunch down. But as for Hakkar.. how'd you wipe on him? He's really easy. Here's our strat for him. Final Boss - Hakkar This is an interesting fight. Positioning is a little tricky, so here's a map. Hakkar is the green ball. The MT (and ONLY the MT, along with a hunter/puller) is the red ball. Hakkar is pulled to him by the Hunter/puller, who then drops down to the rest of the raid (the white ball). Note that BEFORE the pull is made, the healers must all make sure they are in range of the MT and in line of sight. The MT should not move either. Strat: Throughout the fight, "Sons of Hakkar" are pulled from the lower left and lower right platforms. It's usually a good idea to have TWO people on the lookout for sons to pull, eg. a shaman and a warrior w/ a bow. Start the fight with two sheeped near the main raid. One is killed at a time, and that leaves a poison cloud. The raid (except for the MT) must touch the poison. Hakkar does a life leech attack, and for every person that is poisoned, he takes damage. This is how the majority of damage is done to him. A constant stream of Sons must be pulled, so as soon as poison wears off, another one should be sheeped and ready to go. To make the fight faster, a few (3 or so) ranged DPS classes like Hunters, Mages, Warlocks, or Rogues w/ good bows should go to the lower left platform (they are the yellow ball). They will be here as often as possible, leaving the rest of the raid to kill sons. HOWEVER, THEY STILL MUST RUN TO GET POISONED WHENEVER A SON IS KILLED! After getting poisoned they can run back to the DPS spot. As long as sons are getting pulled and the raid is getting poisoned every time they can, Hakkar will go down after 10-13 minutes. No one should be dying. In regards to healing, this IS a long fight so Druids w/ Innervate are very useful. Everyone should pop potions and tubers whenever possible. In the space after a life drain and before the next son is pulled, people can bandage. All cooldown abilities should be used as often as possible because the fight is so long, and they may be usable several times - Innervate can usually be used at least twice in one fight. The MT requires quite a bit of healing and should be topped off at all times, as Hakkar has very powerful melee attacks. Even an MC-geared, Protection spec tank can take up to 50% of his health in damage per hit, so it is absolutely crucial that at least several Priests and several Shamans constantly throwing 1.5second cast heals on him. The people who are not DPSing Hakkar in the lower left and not healing will be killing sons whenever they come up. One other thing to note; Mages are important for this fight to keep the sheep sgoing, so they do need at least one healer to watch them carefully. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 28, 2005 Posted November 28, 2005 well for one thing, we were trying to avoid the poison as much as possible.. anyways, the guild's started farming for tubers in felwood, as well as the crystal buffs in un'goro. any other cool goodies you can use in combat that don't share cooldowns with potions? also, that songflower buff is hella awesome. edit: just finished reading the 1.9 patch notes. time for the Argent Dawn Realm Dwarf Hunter tea party. Once again hunters get the nerf bat. And not a little one. Hunter pets can no longer attack while moving, and have had their movement speed normalized at 70%, thus making them entirely, utterly, and completely worthless in PvP, as well as MANY aspects of PvE. And considering my pet is about 25% of my overall DPS... this is a HUGE nerf. And I'm not even BM specced. Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Between tubers AND ndb AND potions.. you should be fine. Combat pots FTW in terms of cheap stuff. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 omfg. now we're getting even more nerfed. now it's flare. they've lowered the effect radius, increased cooldown and mana cost, and added a giant flaming fucking smoke signal in the middle that screams "DONT STEP HERE ROGUES!" do they put this in the patch notes? fuck no. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 now it's flare. they've lowered the effect radius, increased cooldown and mana cost, and added a giant flaming fucking smoke signal in the middle that screams "DONT STEP HERE ROGUES!" Hooray!---erm, I mean, dammit, Blizzard just doesn't know when to stop, do they? ... ::cough cough:: <=== Rogue. <<; Quote
DarkMessengerIX LOA Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 my guild is really starting to piss me off i've killed onyxia with other guilds plenty of times. wiping on her after being able to kill her so easily REALLY pisses me off. And thats not even the bad part- the bad part is that NOBODY wants to pull thier weight and step up to try ony after we wiped so many times. nevermind the fact that last time we attempted her, we got her down to 17% the fact is, people arent willing to do onyxia unless it means a gain to them. nevermind the guild. i guarantee you that once we down her, everyone will be lining up outside the instance to do it. people wait for hours for MC because it might mean loot for them, but they dont want to step up for ony because they're scared to pay a repair bill. I'm 6/8 Giantstalker's and a striker's mark. My repair bill fully damaged is about 11G. if i can pay 11g every single day we attemnpt her, everyone else can pay half that much. lazy assholes better pull thier weight soon or bad shit will happen Quote
The Author Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 my guild is really starting to piss me offi've killed onyxia with other guilds plenty of times. wiping on her after being able to kill her so easily REALLY pisses me off. And thats not even the bad part- the bad part is that NOBODY wants to pull thier weight and step up to try ony after we wiped so many times. nevermind the fact that last time we attempted her, we got her down to 17% the fact is, people arent willing to do onyxia unless it means a gain to them. nevermind the guild. i guarantee you that once we down her, everyone will be lining up outside the instance to do it. people wait for hours for MC because it might mean loot for them, but they dont want to step up for ony because they're scared to pay a repair bill. I'm 6/8 Giantstalker's and a striker's mark. My repair bill fully damaged is about 11G. if i can pay 11g every single day we attemnpt her, everyone else can pay half that much. lazy assholes better pull thier weight soon or bad shit will happen I got some flak in my guild for a stupid reason related to loot. Hell, I still get bitched by that one druid. We did UBRS, I got Rend's main hand, I know, no biggy, and then the skinner dropped at the beast. We have no rule against getting more than one blue, and we have a rule stating that an upgrade is good for the guild. So I rolled on the skinner. I rolled a 100, and the druid, only other skinner, rolled a 92. Naturally it was mine. I asked twice if I could take it, they said ok, so I grabbed it. Then they tell me I was greedy. It's kinda annoying that the people who support the "upgrading a guildy is good" rule don't like it when it applies to something they also want. Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 my guild is really starting to piss me offi've killed onyxia with other guilds plenty of times. wiping on her after being able to kill her so easily REALLY pisses me off. And thats not even the bad part- the bad part is that NOBODY wants to pull thier weight and step up to try ony after we wiped so many times. nevermind the fact that last time we attempted her, we got her down to 17% the fact is, people arent willing to do onyxia unless it means a gain to them. nevermind the guild. i guarantee you that once we down her, everyone will be lining up outside the instance to do it. people wait for hours for MC because it might mean loot for them, but they dont want to step up for ony because they're scared to pay a repair bill. I'm 6/8 Giantstalker's and a striker's mark. My repair bill fully damaged is about 11G. if i can pay 11g every single day we attemnpt her, everyone else can pay half that much. lazy assholes better pull thier weight soon or bad shit will happen It's a common problem. A system where you can award point bonuses and/or penalties to people is helpful. Good players and a good leader are nice too. My guild was sort of lazy but once we got Rag for the first time, people are getting motivated. We now have a fighting chance at being one of the top Horde guilds on the server. Quote
GuitarNinja Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 now it's flare. they've lowered the effect radius, increased cooldown and mana cost, and added a giant flaming fucking smoke signal in the middle that screams "DONT STEP HERE ROGUES!" Hooray!---erm, I mean, dammit, Blizzard just doesn't know when to stop, do they? ... ::cough cough:: <=== Rogue. <<; And the big red arrow that humps your head. Quote
The Author Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 now it's flare. they've lowered the effect radius, increased cooldown and mana cost, and added a giant flaming fucking smoke signal in the middle that screams "DONT STEP HERE ROGUES!" Hooray!---erm, I mean, dammit, Blizzard just doesn't know when to stop, do they? ... ::cough cough:: <=== Rogue. <<; And the big red arrow that humps your head. Hunters that go "wah wah nerf" make me laugh. DoTs no longer break aspect of the cheetah/pack. Priests and warlocks will no longer be able to stop you should you want to run away. Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Yeah, Hunters are really an EXCELLENT class. They are not overpowered but on the verge of being there. Right now, Priests need the most work, followed by Rogues. Quote
The Author Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Yeah, Hunters are really an EXCELLENT class. They are not overpowered but on the verge of being there.Right now, Priests need the most work, followed by Rogues. Priest I can see have a slight damage ability added for Holy and Discipline, with a bit more utility thrown in Shadow. Rogues... Well... rogues... we have a lot of very small and very annoying issues. Mainly how every time a cloth is buffed, it is made harder for us to kill them. We are supposed to be caster killers but we have no defenses against them... that is probably my biggest issue. The other is that at first, rogue had a roguish style. We were the assassins. Killers that went unseen. Then people complained about how dangerous a rogue was. And we got condemned to being "DPS in Leather." I think blizzard, for rogues, has to solve some problems: Raid/Group PVE utility. Redefine our PVP role. SOLVE THE ITEMIZATION IMBALENCE. Stop the abusive nerfing because we used our abilities. Seriously, some people complained that "a rogue killed them when they were at half life." I don't complain every god damned time a priest mind controls me and throws me in the lava. If we, as rogues cannot use our abilities, then warriors should not wear armor and mages should not cast spell. As such, Rogues may need many small adjustments, but the class would benefit from a complete overhaul. If stealth cannot be our main weapon anymore, then give us mail, magic resistance, and some kind of group buff. Quote
Skilless Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Everytime I cast Inner Fire on my priest and I see that it has a buff time of 3 mins my eyes bleed. I dont think priests need any work, we are very powerful as is when you are specced shadow. We melt faces in PVP. Its like Raiders of the Lost Arc. Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 I'll write a real response here in about 30 min.. after class Quote
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