SilentHinata Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 Anyone interested in trading account? Like I said, I've got a handful of 60's () and then a few high level characters. am looking to trade my account. here is what is on it. 60 Warlock Has 7/8 Felheart (Tier 1 Set) 2/8 Nemesis Has Imp for Epic Quest Great rep with all BG's and factions Bank loaded with nexus shards and items that can be sold for $$$ Unguilded on a PvP server with a high population and lots of guilds recruiting locks for end-game. Or just own in BG's like I do. Currently Rank 5 60 Priest Has 3/8 Prophecy Vestements of Shifting Sands (AQ epic) Glowing Brightwood Staff with +22 Intellect, Epic Mount, Portals Deck Trinket (epic) HUNDREDS of gold worth of stuff in bank, stacks and stacks of thorium. Has epic bug mount from AQ EXTREMELY rare. Currently rank 7, shadow with my gear and spec I am top of the charts every game in KB's, and this is againts rank 13 warriors and mages. Use silence and fear right and the only class that you will have trouble with on this character is a warlock if they resist too much. In a low-level guild with a funny name since I've been just PvPing. Get into any guild on the server running end-game though since you are a priest. PvP server. 60 Warrior 1 Piece of Valor, 300 Alchemist, 300 herbalist, 251 fisher (catch a ton of stonescale eels, this took forever) 150+ cooking. TONS of stonescales and rare herbs in bank. PvP server. 60 Priest Unguilded on a PvP server, 300 tailor, 297 enchanter. Has 5 or 6 Devout, has been a while since played. Server is old and established so it would be easy to get geared. 56 Hunter 300 skinner, 280 or so tailor. Server is only a few months old, but many guilds are clearing MC and going into BWL (too easy now ) Has materials for two Dawn's Edges and lots of rugged leather and rare goodies on him. In a one-person guild for humurous purposes (funny name) till I hit 60 and went raiding guild hunting. PvP server. 49 Mage 280+ engineer, has good gear, couple hundred gold on her, all rested. Stay in bracket to PvP or level to 60 and start owning. I had a 60 Rogue on the same server, but I deleted him to roll on the other faction (stupid, I know) PvP server. 43 Shaman First character. Was on a PvE server, not my cup of tea. 26 Rogue Twinked out with some amazing gear, I'm not even 29 and I own warriors with crusader in that bracket. ****HERE IS WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR**** A hunter is my highest priority. Rogue second, but considering all the stuff you are getting I would prolly expect either some alts or some money to make up for it. Post here or e-mail me at Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 ... Not to mention your pvp whores who mod like mad.. I've seen players that the only thing they do is run and jump around in combat as their programs read off commands and use the skills it finds appropriate, he just uses his other UI's to swap equipment as he sees fit while the UI does the rest... These mods he's supposidly useing should no longer work after patch 1.10, they made it so that only the default UI is allowed to use "hooks" in its code. Also, even before 1.10 they were illegal and a bannable offence. If these players have mods that allow them to play without giveing any real input to the game they might as well be botting and I have heard and seen people have their account terminated for much smaller offences. Quote
SilentHinata Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 ... Not to mention your pvp whores who mod like mad.. I've seen players that the only thing they do is run and jump around in combat as their programs read off commands and use the skills it finds appropriate, he just uses his other UI's to swap equipment as he sees fit while the UI does the rest... These mods he's supposidly useing should no longer work after patch 1.10, they made it so that only the default UI is allowed to use "hooks" in its code. Also, even before 1.10 they were illegal and a bannable offence. If these players have mods that allow them to play without giveing any real input to the game they might as well be botting and I have heard and seen people have their account terminated for much smaller offences. Watch Ming on LB. He honestly doesn't do anything but move and thats just foward and backward. all the turning and everything else is done for him. And he is still doing it. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 Watch Ming on LB. He honestly doesn't do anything but move and thats just foward and backward. all the turning and everything else is done for him. And he is still doing it. I beleive you, I'm saying it's illegal and if you report him for it enough they will eventualy look into it and terminate his account. It's the same with anything else, lots of farmers get whiped out simply because people report them enough, sure a new crop of farmers/exploiters show up within a few days, but Blizzard actualy does investigate people that cheat in the game and take action for it despite all the whineing and bitching you see people doing. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 agh. i'm disappointed. i rerolled a pally. D: being used to playing horde, i found it impossible to get into the alliance groove. IMPOSSIBLE. alliance folks are far into doing their own little things and ignoring everything and everyone else. priests won't buff you, even if you buff them first. hell half the time they won't even buff themselves. and forget getting anyone to help you on a quest, the best you'll get is "HAHA LOL NOOB". and to top it all off, i was told by like 10 different people when asking if pallies had any way to pull stuff to "shut up" and be the "buff bot" i'm meant to be. nice. i'm going back to horde. hopefully on a well established, balanced server. where should i reroll this time guys? (looking for a PvP server in either mountain or pacific time) Quote
zircon Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 You can play with me on Gorefiend. I'm in a really cool guild where I'm an officer; it's been around for about a year now, we do all sorts of content, and we have a <60 division too. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 do you guys do a lot of AV? Smolderthorn was great for PvE (especially once Transcendance, Exo, Nightmare's Asylum and company came over) but was pretty lacking on the PvP side. AV pretty much only happened on AV holidays, and even then only once or twice. Otherwise there was no such thing as a pickup BG except on AB holidays. Quote
zircon Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 AVs are usually going all day starting at 10AM EST. By prime time you can expect 2 AVs. On holidays there are way more. Both AB and WSG run all day, pretty much; as Horde, we bitch if the queue time is more than 3 minutes. Most times you get in almost instantly. 5-7 instances of AB and 2-3 of WSG is not uncommon in prime time, and on holidays you see sometimes 10 or more of the holiday instance (AV aside). Gorefiend is a very competitive server overall; it's lots of fun. For example there is a Horde guild called "No Quarter" EXCLUSIVELY devoted to PVP. They basically don't PVE at all. Once in awhile they *might* run a 20 man but that's it. All of their members are geared out in basically pure PVP gear and despite the fact that some alliance guilds like SiNister and excessive are deep into AQ, NQ is so good at PVP that they often win against guilds with far better gear. Also there are usually at least a handful of Horde grinding to rank 14 at any given time (I know 3 people who are offhand) and even more going to rank 12-13. These people will often form all-day pickup BG groups so they can get fast honor. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 awesome. i know where i'm going then. Smolderthorn wasn't entirely devoid of PvP (there were a few rank 14's) it just lacked the overall population to support it :/ Quote
Phoenix Down Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 If and when I get WoW reinstalled and stuff, I'll probably be playing on one of the free fan based servers considering I can't exactly afford the $15 a month to maintain the normal and regular servers of WoW. I used to play on Shadowsong. My regular character was a leather/skinner Craftsmen known as Lhrayven who is a Nightelf with a black nightstalker known as Ebony as her only companion. I'll keep people posted as to when I will get back on and on which specific free-server as well. It would be nice to play with some reliable people. And hopefully people around the same level as me who can help me out with some of my quests. *groans remembering some of her old quests* Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 Sargeras is a good pvp server, it's not as balanced as it once was, but the alliance don't outnumber us horribly. It'd be nice if Horde got more players though, and horde side is fairly friendly/drama free. (Unlike the alliance side). PVP is strong, and all bg's I've played in can go either way now. (At one point horde reined surpreme, then all our "big" guilds transfered off.) I prefer it going either way myself just cause it means theres some meaning to playing the game. There is plenty of world pvp. PVE wise most guilds are playing catch up because all the big ones left in our transfer. We currently have 2 guilds hordeside that can kill nef, and several on their way. There are many large and small guilds with onyxia on farm status mc up to rag and downing him. If you want a leveling buddy I'd be willing to possibly roll something with ya...I guess a priest or actualy level my 5 rogue.... Quote
Phoenix Down Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 If I could I'd like to play a bloodelf instead of a Darkelf. If I do eventually play horde again, I think instead of undead I'll play as Tauren or Troll. Troll's, if I remember right, don't care so much about nature as do the Tauren's so I might just picked Tauren based also upon that particular position they have in the horde. But I know I'll be starting with alliance and most likely I will play as Nightelf, unless I get the update for bloodelves. What exactly is the difference between the PvE server and the PvP? I know what PvP stands for, but PvE I'm fairly foggy on. I've never been much of a PvP player, namely because I would hate to think about being killed while I am a low level trying to do my quests and having to run back to my corpse everytime a jack-ass kills me. Is it like that so much? Or is it a bit different from my conceptions? Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 PVP isn't that bad, there's three types of areas on a pvp server, friendly, contested, and enemy. In friendly territory someone of the other faction can't attack you unless you're flagged for pvp. In contested territory you're automaticly flagged and anyone can attack you (and you can attack anyone.) And in enemy territory you can't attack anyone unless they are flagged for pvp. It's not really that bad, yeah there is occasional ganking, but if you're an alert and good player it won't happen that often. (It's always fun to kill people that are trying to gank you ) On a PVE realm all territory is pretty much friendly and the other faction can't attack you unless you're flagged for pvp. (PVE means player vs environment). If you don't want to worry about being ganked on occasion play on a pve server and never type /pvp. Quote
The Xyco Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 What exactly is the difference between the PvE server and the PvP? I know what PvP stands for, but PvE I'm fairly foggy on. I've never been much of a PvP player, namely because I would hate to think about being killed while I am a low level trying to do my quests and having to run back to my corpse everytime a jack-ass kills me. Is it like that so much? Or is it a bit different from my conceptions? It's quite different. The only system difference between a PvE and PvP server is that you are always PvP-enabled in contested territory on a PvP server. While in friendly territory (which accounts all the newbie zones up to level 20 or so) you're PvP tag will be disabled, although you have the option to enable it and disable it at will. However, in enemy territory, you will be PvP-enable while the opposite faction will not be, which allows them to attack you at will. The same goes for enemies in friendly territory. Naturally, you won't see a difference between a PvE and PvP server until around level 20, and even then, the contested areas you'll be fighting in (Wetlands, for example) generally won't have very many players of the opposite faction running around killing everyone. The real differences start to manifest themselves around level 30, where you'll be leveling in zones where Alliance and Horde flightpaths and towns that are in relatively close proximity to each other (Arathi Highlands, for example), OR zones with neutral cities where both factions have direct paths to (Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale initially, and later on Gadgetzan in Tanaris). From what I've heard, most players that moved from PvE to PvP thought that PvE was boring and lacked confrontation... almost as if there was no need for there to be two factions. I only played up to level 12 on a PvE server before my friend convinced to join PvP. Being on a PvP server feels more of a liability than it does an actual conflict. On a PvP server, you've got to accept the fact that you WILL be ganked by players much higher level than you, and it WILL be frustrating at times. However, it also makes the game feel more exciting. It's one thing to be running from an angry raptor in STV, but it's a completely different feeling when there are 2 or 3 horde players chasing you down the road. I distinctly remember my early days in STV, and how scary the place was with a flightpath directly from Orgrimmar being so close. I'd also like to add that being on PvP server makes grouping much more fun. Like I said before, it's one thing to group together to kill an elite quest mob, it's another thing to group together because there's horde lurking nearby... Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 bwahaha or 1 lvl 60 tauren hunter chasing down 2 or 3 lvl 40 allies i can't stand PvE servers. there's no fear of the unknown. just mobs. and when you're in an area filled with mobs around your level, there's pretty much no fear at all (with the exception of stray elementals, but those are few, far between, and only in specific areas). on a PvP realm you never know what to expect. you don't know if around that next corner is a shammy willing to help you, or an alliance raid waiting to kill your retarded ass. plus on PvP realms when you're waiting for BGs to start or waiting for an instance or whatever there's always things to do. like ganking people. funtimes. go park yourself outside of some low-level instance and kill anybody you deem unworthy. it's cruel, i know, but it's all fair game. especially when you recall all the times you got ganked when you were levelling up. or if you're not the cold-blooded killer type, you can even help lowbies of the opposite faction. i tell you that gets 'em even more on edge than anything. half of them is glad you're helping, the other half is scared shitless at what your next move might be. or or or another fun trick is when you come across a group of enemies, kill all of them but 1. wave at the 1 and leave. then come back and do it again. repeatedly. keep the same 1 alive every time. psychological warfare man. end rant. edit: i was watching my brother play earlier, and i noticed the dredge strikers in silithus no longer send you flying 300ft when they charge you. disappointing Quote
zircon Posted April 17, 2006 Posted April 17, 2006 Also there's something to be said for being on a server where saying someone's name inspires fear into the opposing faction. There are times in the BGs where your average horde pug will see a single name on the opposing list, pee their pants, and AFK out. My guild is a guild that inspires terror into Alliance teams - even the very best. And that's a GREAT feeling. Quote
Phoenix Down Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 Wow, thanks for all the info guys. Yeah, I remember the times I ran into horde. There was this one time I was on my way to a quest and this, I believe it was a Tauren, was within the area I was and I was like, "Oh shit, oh shit, please don't kill me". *laughs* I decided to wave at the Tauren when he saw me and he waved right back, I tell you I thought that was pretty damn awesome. They can give us a language barrier, but actions like that are just plain cool, especially if they are friendly and just leave you alone to do whatever it is you are trying to get done. As I said, thanks for the info and I don't know if I will wind up on a PvP server because I'd like to be on one of those servers where they increased the EXP you receive from monsters, so...I don't know how many of those are PvP vs. PvE. PvP probably would be a better experience considering you never know what could happen and that is just half the fun of it, unlike witht he PvE servers. Quote
xinster Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 fuck battlegrounds and the stupid honor system. All bg did was breed honor whores and make open world pvp extinct. Quote
zircon Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 I still have TONS of fun in BGs. As long as you don't turn it into a grind, then you can have fun with it. I pull 75-125k a week - nothing special - but I have a blast. Quote
xinster Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 I still have TONS of fun in BGs. As long as you don't turn it into a grind, then you can have fun with it. I pull 75-125k a week - nothing special - but I have a blast. I'm on one of the oldest servers, bleeding hollow. Sure, i get my kicks on bg once in a while, even without my epic mount, but the power disparity between someone whos been 60 for 3 months and someone whos been 60 for 7 months is just humongous. there was a video of a guy frostbolt critting for 5k...obviously under very limited circumstances, but he's likely critting regularly for 3k, the trinkets are nerfed, but not THAT nerfed. The pursuit of advancement is what makes this game so successful, unfortunately the power disparity that results is enormous. Meh, there's plenty of ways to have fun with this game anyway. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 On Smolderthorn there were a few groups that would cause the other side to pretty much AFK on the spot. Alliance had Transcendance, Exo, and the KiSS "All-Stars". Trans and Exo weren't the best PvPers but they were geared like f'ing crazy. KiSS all-stars on the other hand was quite skilled. Horde had Nightmare's Asylum. 'nuff said. Horde also had Marverick and Crondizzle who were both High Warlord in their time and either one of them (let alone when you get the two of them together) were capable of carrying an entire BG in their favor. Anyways I'm about to go roll on Gorefiend Horde. Dunno what I'm gonna make though... You know what would be cool (but unlikely)? If we all rolled on the same server (like the next time a new PvP server opens up or smth). Quote
zircon Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 On Smolderthorn there were a few groups that would cause the other side to pretty much AFK on the spot. Alliance had Transcendance, Exo, and the KiSS "All-Stars". Trans and Exo weren't the best PvPers but they were geared like f'ing crazy. KiSS all-stars on the other hand was quite skilled. Horde had Nightmare's Asylum. 'nuff said. Horde also had Marverick and Crondizzle who were both High Warlord in their time and either one of them (let alone when you get the two of them together) were capable of carrying an entire BG in their favor.Anyways I'm about to go roll on Gorefiend Horde. Dunno what I'm gonna make though... You know what would be cool (but unlikely)? If we all rolled on the same server (like the next time a new PvP server opens up or smth). If you're interested in joining my guild, we're low on Hunters and Druids more than anything else. We're completely full on Rogues, satisfied with Warlocks, and have a decent Priest rotation. Shamans can fluctuate but we're not overpopulated on them, same with Mages. If you're into PVP, we have basically 1 Priest that PVPs - me. No Druids, hardly any Shamans, very few Hunters/Warlocks. Tons of Warriors, Rogues, and Mages though Quote
Hydro Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 I've been playing on Daggerspine since I started. I recently re-activated my account and rolled a new troll mage. I could never play one class for too long, and I had a 29 tauren warrior, a 25 orc hunter, and a 24 tauren shaman. Amongst various others 20 and below. Im hoping to make this new guy my main. I know a guy who said that you can make 60 in a few days if you play hardcore and know exactly what you're doing, but I dont believe him. an OCR guild would be kinda cool. But I dont think too many of us on ocr play, and most of us play on different servers, and most dont want to play less with their guild as opposed to more. But if someone starts one ill make a guy and play. Quote
Rodin Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 I would also think that the guy was talking about days /played - that is, not a few days real-time but a few days of playing. I believe the record the last time I checked was 6 days /played to get to 60. Quote
The Author Posted April 18, 2006 Posted April 18, 2006 Discipline Priest + Frost mage = easy grinding. The priest does a mass pull with a psychic scream, he shields himself, then the mage, and then he keeps the mage alive. Quote
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