The Author Posted June 26, 2006 Posted June 26, 2006 For the last 10 levels, she has not been to the AH other than to sell stuff, all of my gear is drops and gifts from my 295 tailoring mage. Quote
lazygecko Posted June 26, 2006 Posted June 26, 2006 Then just grind with your mage and send the money to the priest? Quote
The Author Posted June 26, 2006 Posted June 26, 2006 Why does that seem to be the only solution? Anyway, I'll grab my rogue and go have fun in Tyr's hand. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 27, 2006 Posted June 27, 2006 well Gorefiend isn't listed as down on the realm status page, but I can't get in. It's been sitting at "Retrieving Character List..." for like 20 minutes now. All the other realms I've tried are working just fine... edit: Can't login to the forums either......... Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 27, 2006 Posted June 27, 2006 If I don't have rank 10 tomorrow after maintenence, I'm cancelling my account again. This lag is making it impossible to enjoy PVP, or anything else in the game for that matter. Quote
The Author Posted June 27, 2006 Posted June 27, 2006 So I went questing with my priest. Somewhere in Hinterland trying to get money for my flight out of there (I was sure there were hinterland quests at level 40... anyway, plus I sold some stuff to get money to pay for my mount and level 40 training so I was really broke). I kill a wolf, and I get the Grim Reaper, a level 36 blue polearm worth about 10 to 15 gold on bloodscalp's auctions. I'm kinda happy that I'll manage to get some money in my priest's pockets. In my search for a place to quest (I hate the 40s, nothing to do that is quite as fun as going in the plagues.) I end up in STV, where I go and slay the dangerous and terrifying miners of the Venture Co. operations. I say dangerous because a miner dropped Speedsteel Rapier, a blue one hander worth around 100 gold on AH. I will be able to reimburse my other chars for their contribution to the mount fund. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 27, 2006 Posted June 27, 2006 *sigh* Login today, find myself close to rank 10 but just short...then I look at my record and see my 1st dishonorable kill. Almost 40k honorable with no dishonorable, and one of my friends plvling their shitty characters goes and kills a civilian in Badlands. Quote
The Author Posted June 27, 2006 Posted June 27, 2006 Well, one day I was ripping through low level mobs in Durnhold keep for cloth when some mob attacks me. I kill him and boom, dishonorable kill. Seriously, civilians run away and hide, they don't fight back. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 Gorefiend is broken again... also, I agree with you about civilians. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Civilians should not be PvP enabled. Period. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 The lag is really getting old. I just died about 10 times on my 28 Druid trying to do the same quest against weak level 26 mobs. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 ok this has got to be the buggiest patch since i've started playing WoW. it's getting god damn ridiculous. since last tuesday, realms have been absolutely PLAGUED with lag, crashes, and worldwide spam attacks. half the animations and sound effects in the game are now bugged out. and bear form has been horribly nerfed. hell the WoW client itself is unstable as fuck now. since last tuesday, WoW has locked up maybe 30 times. in the 4 or 5 months before that, maybe... 3 or 4 times? the constant crashes in tandem with the absolutely horrid login problems (i've literally sat at the "Retrieving character list" screen for 30+ minutes on MANY occassions since the last patch) are making this game into a serious piece of shit. i just joined a new PvP guild and on my FIRST fucking match with them we were tied 2-2 in WSG and i was running the flag back for the 3rd cap when guess what? IT FUCKING CRASHED. AGAIN. and thanks to the 30 minute "retrieving character list" load time i was unable to get back in. and of course when i finally DO get back in i am greeted by nothing but angry guild mates shouting "OMG YOU COST US THE MATCH WTF!!!!!!!!" thanks blue. i don't suppose you can refund my reputation as a WSG flag carrier, can you? no? oh ok that's fine, just call me back when you fix your broken game. /wowquit Quote
SleazyC Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 Haven't noticed too many problems on my side. Although I must say Naxx is an awesome instance. Bravo to Blizzard for actually getting a raid instance about 80% unbuggy, not full of meaningless trash mobs, and with fun boss fights. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 apparently there was supposed to be a hotfix tonight to fix the abominable crashing problems, but they pushed it back to who knows when. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 Yeah, good thing they're adding raid instances instead of fixing existing lag and stability problems... Quote
mecca Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 So I just rerolled hunter on a PvP server after sixty levels of hot roguery action, and I gotta say it's pretty refreshing..and damn true that it's 'easymodekthxbai'. Definitely getting this chick to 60 Quote
The Author Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 So last night, I saw a former guildy who I enjoyed doing stuff with, so I whispered him with my priest. He said that a big part of the guild felt that what happenned to me was kinda unfair and all. However, after a bit of thinking, I realized that my rogue being guildless is the best thing ever. Since I don't feel any duty to anyone to play with Jan, she stays on the sidelines. Instead, I play with my priest, and while she is not my first love (Rogue for ever!!!) I am learning a whole new aspect of the game. Yeah, I'll go back to Jan one day, but for now, I am a healing machine. Plus I educate some rogues on the finer points of undyingness. And I get shadow priests so bored they stop attacking. Seriously. I was running in Ashenvale at level 38 when some 44 troll priest attacks me. Shadowform and all. I know I would not stand a chance so I just make a run for Astranaar which is about 5 minutes away on foot. So basically, all I did was shield, renew, and dispel magic. He followed me trying to kill me for 4 minutes, saw Astrannaar in the distance, and turned to run away. I finally hit 41 yesterday, my +10% healing is filled up, now I'm gonna get +15% on renew. By 48 I should be done with holy and move into disipline. And at 60 I will switch my "healing after a crit on me" talents into the armor thing... I think. I love having a rogue ambush me for 1000 damage, and to have healed 250 of that damage for free by the end of the psychic scream. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 So I just rerolled hunter on a PvP server after sixty levels of hot roguery action, and I gotta say it's pretty refreshing..and damn true that it's 'easymodekthxbai'.Definitely getting this chick to 60 I find Hunter is the second easiest class for me to kill next to Druid. They simply don't have enough CC/snares or damage to kill a melee target before it catches up to them. Even rank 14 ones can't do enough damage to save their lives. Of course, they probably have a much easier time vs. casters, but I have no problem with them on Warrior or Rogue. Just saying don't get your hopes up and thinking Hunter is going to be so great at 60 Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 Near as I can tell, there've been a few realms with stability issues, but uh, buggiest patch ever? Freaking hardly. You know Blizzard, and you know that things get taken care of if you give them a little while. If they take time to work on the servers during playtime, everyone whines. If they take time to work on the servers during realm maintenance, people say that not enough work is being done. If they halt all content production to work on every bug ever, people bitch. If they halt all bug fixes to work on instances, people bitch. If they work on both at the same time, people bitch. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 You know Blizzard, and you know that things get taken care of if you give them a little while. That's odd. I could swear everytime I Charge/Intercept with Crippling Poison on I still overshoot the target by about 20 yards, which is a problem that has been around since before I started playing in July of last year. But I must be wrong... Quote
Russell Cox Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 Curious, what boss fights do you consider to be the most fun, doesn't matter endgame or not AQ, BWL, MC whatever, post your thoughts.For me Nefarian is pretty fun, but no way near as fun as Twin Emperors fight in AQ40. Ah that was fun , (but not the repair bill rofl), nothing beats the exhiliration of caning those twins. C'thun's cool too, giant eye beams, and tentacles are cool. Instructor Razuvious in Naxxrammas. Our Priests finally get to do something else besides pure healing in a boss fight again. Anub'Rekhan is cool just because of his yells and the voice acting for him. Too bad they took out Thaddius's zone-wide genderbender voice acting ; ; Lethon was fun when he first came out, because people were still figuring out what his shadowbolt volley was synced to and people getting fucksmashed by it. Now he's more boring than Lucifron and Ysondre is arguably harder. Broodlord and Sartura are kickass for Hunters, because we can just go balls to the wall whereas other classes still need to be cautious (BL's uppercut for hate reduction/Sartura's whirlwind+Cleave on clothies). Chromaggus has to be the most fucking annoying fight yet (Azuregos being a close second); I hope he retains that title and nothing else in Naxxrammas we haven't killed takes his place. Quote
The Author Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 I'd have to say so far I love the Gnomeregan boss fight simply for the bombs. But I think Barron Geddon, as a rogue with low FR, takes the cake. That fight was a fun run through do 2 SS avoid AOE. Run back through do 2 SS avoid aoe. Run back through do 1 ss and one eviscerate, avoid AOE. For a rogue's who's job can get pretty boring at that point (see target, hit target until it is dead. Dont get hit by target, Repeat until Barron Geddon), the sheer crazyness that you can throw in the fight if you try meleeing with low FR is fun. Quote
PJ Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 my god russell cox your right, you have a priest as well right? inspector rasuvious is sooo fun, my guild won't let me do it yet though, because I have no +spell hit gear lying around haha, my MC always breaks early and big o.0. heh, i agree with you on most of the fights, its great when a fresh fight comes up for us priesty's. P.s. your Final fantasy remixes are awesome xD, your name sounded familiar. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 i am so fed up right now. this week has been absolute HELL. last week was great, i got 160k honor, went from friendly to revered in AV, ranked up, found a new guild, got some new gear. this week however, sucks nuts. it's what... wednesday? i've got a grand total of... 12k honor so far. lag, absolutely wretched login times, and the fact that i have literally been screwed out of my bonus honor FOUR TIMES NOW (i keep getting disconnected from the realm literally seconds before the general in AV goes down, and thanks to the fucking 30 minute "retrieving character list" wait i am unable to get back in in time to get any honor, rep, or tokens), not to mention having been horribly nerfed (SINCE WHEN DOES SHIFTING INTO BEAR FORM CAUSE DAMAGE?!@??!?!?!?!?!?!) have added up to this being a HORRIBLE week for me. AV itself... i dunno what the fuck happened... but... the first couple of days after the patch horde was winning AV at about 60% of the time. since then, it's literally been about 4%. i am not exaggerating. 4 fucking percent. since i hit revered, i have done maybe 20 matches and gained a whopping 1/2 bar of rep. at this rate, it'll be another 6 fucking months of AV to get exalted, and my head is going to explode LONG before that. wtf is going on? we were winning AV in 45 minutes or so. now alliance has taken our fucking relief hut within 5. /boggle Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 29, 2006 Posted June 29, 2006 Be happy you're not playing the old AV matches where many could last for over 12 hours. Quote
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