mecca Posted August 7, 2006 Posted August 7, 2006 hey shut the f**k up u bastards this is a good movie the female is not a gnome ano its a dwarf u a*s this guy is cool and he is a lady killer that means ladys think he is atractive so shut up i wish i could be there im a night elf and i could be the ring bear cuz i can turn into a bear so have appriciacion for this guy k this guy made this movie and its really romantic by the way im a guy and later. [Actually taken from comments] Quote
lazygecko Posted August 7, 2006 Posted August 7, 2006 Also, does the Korean version have dubbed character voices? Quote
i heart robots Posted August 8, 2006 Posted August 8, 2006 This a HILARIOUS video, and I'm mighty impressed wth people's ability to work together to make something so cool, no matter how NERDY it is. WoW WEDDING: Good soundtrack too. Scantly clad dancing gnome rogue alert. Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 Bomb. Shell. Quote
The Author Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 Shell. I think they may have revived my faith. Quote
The Author Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 I believe blizz realised that the 40 man thing was not sitting well with its attempts to reach casual gamers. By making the game more accessible, they may just make this an even bigger success. I hate that my 60 characters sit on a shelves simply because I don't have a raid centric guild. Quote
Russell Cox Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 I believe blizz realised that the 40 man thing was not sitting well with its attempts to reach casual gamers.By making the game more accessible, they may just make this an even bigger success. I hate that my 60 characters sit on a shelves simply because I don't have a raid centric guild. Not only that, but for raiding guilds this is actually a blessing as well. A lot of times it feels like JUICE is mostly 20-25 people carrying 10-15 through raids, and this will keep us from having to need to invite others just because "manpower needed from 40" on the post MC raid instances. Plus, smaller shit like ZG and AQ20, and even 5-10 man zones are a lot more fun to me. There's not as much 'wait' or requirements needed since it's more skill based rather than setup with numbers that small. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 this news is great! great great great on all fronts. Quote
The Author Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 I'm pretty excited about the shammy news as well, and to an extent, the pally news. It's true that by having them split in two factions, they had to keep an illogical balance between the two classes. Quote
suzumebachi Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 is broken and i see no mention of any kind of "bomb shell" on can someone please explain wtf is going on? Quote
JesustheDarkLord Posted August 12, 2006 Posted August 12, 2006 I play WoW but my account is closed until I get my new check card - it should be here by Wednesday. Garithos (Horde) ---------------- Amanshe - 24 Tauren Shaman Molto - 11 Undead Rogue Blackwing Lair (Alliance) ---------------- Haituyu - 17 NE Hunter Orko - 8 Human Mage As you can tell, I'm new to the game - I've only played for a month. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted August 13, 2006 Posted August 13, 2006 is broken and i see no mention of any kind of "bomb shell" on worldofwarcraft.comcan someone please explain wtf is going on? im sure you'll hear elsewhere before you read this, but I can bullet-point it for ya No more 40 man raids, the cap is now 25 PVP grind is replaced by a points system. You PVP, and at the end of the week, get points that you can use to buy gear with. No more honor decay. New Arena Battles, where you start a roster, similar to starting a guild, where you can do 2 man, 3 man, or 5 man teams, and they are not only cross-realm, but alliance can fight alliance and horde can fight horde. There's more, but those are the big ones. Quote
suzumebachi Posted August 13, 2006 Posted August 13, 2006 is broken and i see no mention of any kind of "bomb shell" on worldofwarcraft.comcan someone please explain wtf is going on? im sure you'll hear elsewhere before you read this, but I can bullet-point it for ya No more 40 man raids, the cap is now 25 PVP grind is replaced by a points system. You PVP, and at the end of the week, get points that you can use to buy gear with. No more honor decay. New Arena Battles, where you start a roster, similar to starting a guild, where you can do 2 man, 3 man, or 5 man teams, and they are not only cross-realm, but alliance can fight alliance and horde can fight horde. There's more, but those are the big ones. is the 25 man cap retroactive for MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx as well? or will those stay 40 man. that pvp stuff sounds NICE. very VERY nice. i imagine this will help alleviate the honor grind. it may actually take longer to get the stuff you want, but at least you won't have to play 20 hours a day to do it. also, i totally predicted the Arena Battle thing last night. i'm not even joking. some guy made a thread about the colliseum in orgrimmar, and i posted saying it could probably be used to organize 3 or 5 man fights. edit: is still broken. i wonder what's going on over there... Quote
Ramaniscence Posted August 13, 2006 Posted August 13, 2006 is broken and i see no mention of any kind of "bomb shell" on worldofwarcraft.comcan someone please explain wtf is going on? im sure you'll hear elsewhere before you read this, but I can bullet-point it for ya No more 40 man raids, the cap is now 25 PVP grind is replaced by a points system. You PVP, and at the end of the week, get points that you can use to buy gear with. No more honor decay. New Arena Battles, where you start a roster, similar to starting a guild, where you can do 2 man, 3 man, or 5 man teams, and they are not only cross-realm, but alliance can fight alliance and horde can fight horde. There's more, but those are the big ones. is the 25 man cap retroactive for MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx as well? or will those stay 40 man. that pvp stuff sounds NICE. very VERY nice. i imagine this will help alleviate the honor grind. it may actually take longer to get the stuff you want, but at least you won't have to play 20 hours a day to do it. also, i totally predicted the Arena Battle thing last night. i'm not even joking. some guy made a thread about the colliseum in orgrimmar, and i posted saying it could probably be used to organize 3 or 5 man fights. edit: is still broken. i wonder what's going on over there... Heartless Gamer writes "There is quite a few surprises waiting in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. The raiding scene in World of Warcraft is going to dramatically change once Burning Crusade is released. Here's the long and short of it: all of the new high-end raid content will be capped at 25 heads. Indeed, all the raid content that was mentioned in today's demo, with the exception of Kharazan (which is designed for 10 players) is being designed around a force of 25. Blizzard has completely done away with 40-man raiding; Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, and Naxxrammas will still exist, of course. There just isn't going to be any new 40-man content. How's that for earth-shattering?" Quote
The Author Posted August 13, 2006 Posted August 13, 2006 However: For now, the scaled instances will only apply to Burning Crusade dungeons, but Chilton doesn't rule out the possibility that other zones may someday receive similar treatment, "That's going to be only for Burning Crusade instances. It is something we can apply retroactively -- that might be something that we do over time, but for now it's just going to apply to Burning Crusade." There's a lot more from Tom Chilton coming soon on 1UP, but this is just the first taste of some of the new treats coming in the Burning Crusade. Scaled instances: If you run a 62 instance with a 70 team, it will be harder with better drops. If they scale up MC, I can't see why they would not readjust the player cap. And the part that has me excited is: Two key changes Chilton talks about are brand new skills that the once-faction defining classes will each have. The long-rumored Shaman ability Bloodlust from previous Warcraft games will be live in Burning Crusade and available to level 70 players. Bloodlust will be a party buff that will increase the speed of melee attacks and reduce cast times (and include the requisite growing animation and beastly howls Lore fiends would expect) for a short duration. The ability's duration and its and its cooldown are still undergoing internal testing. The Paladin class will see a class-defining ability of its own in an ability to pull aggressive creatures off of classes with a "snap-aggro" ability. That ability, Chilton explains as the equivalent of an AOE taunt, but instead of being cast on the enemies, instead, true to the Paladin's role of buffing and supporting players, it is castable buff on a party member. At that point, the mobs that were attacking the party member within an Area of Effect range will then turn and attack the Paladin. It continues to reinforce Blizzard's desire to turn the Paladin into a secondary tank and a healer, instead of the simple healer the class has been relegated to. This is why they gave both factions the classes: They don't need to justify any changes with a change to the other class as well. They will grow in very different directions. Quote
lazygecko Posted August 13, 2006 Posted August 13, 2006 I just wish each class would recieve racial skills of their own, like priests. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted August 13, 2006 Posted August 13, 2006 is the 25 man cap retroactive for MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx as well? or will those stay 40 man. I am thinking they will change the cap to 25, but remember that they are level 60 instances, and the level will be 70. It'll be like running ZF with 3 or 4 60's. Not as many as you are used to, but you are powerful enough that it doesnt really matter. Quote
Russell Cox Posted August 13, 2006 Posted August 13, 2006 Scaled instances: If you run a 62 instance with a 70 team, it will be harder with better drops. If they scale up MC, I can't see why they would not readjust the player cap. Because Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraji, and Naxxramas were all built with the input from 40 people. Molten Core I could *somewhat* see going to 25 man; it isn't hard so much as a an introduction into bigger raiding. Perhaps Majordomo/Sulfuron would give guilds a slight problem if the new cap was 25. But for the others, they're built with the DPS, healing, and support stance from 40 individual people. If you scale those instances and increase to difficulty to cater to level 70 players and THEN drop the size of the allowable raid to 25 you've made them impossible. You also have to take into consideration newer guilds coming into these instances with 25 'undergeared' people that are trying to go through the normal progression. Vael with blues? It's a DPS burn and one person's guarranteed to die every 15 seconds, 2 people every 45 seconds. 5 people die every minute, Essence of the Red debuff only lasts 3 minutes, and you've just scaled the instance to level 70 and only allow 25 people -- people barely get past 1% with 10 people alive in a 40 man raid, so I seriously doubt seeing 10 people trying to kill him from a good 14% after the three minutes are up (when mana/rage/energy ISN'T unlimited). Broodlord? Maybe for well geared 25 people that can burn him before the forced aggro cap turns the encounter upside down, but for newer people with it scaled it's a nightmare; 25 undergeared people at level 60 NOW wouldn't be able to pull it off, much less at level 70 when it's rescaled. Plus, there's also fights that you're forgetting are enrage-timer based (Princess Huhuran, Twin Emperors, Patchwerk, Grand Widow Faerlina, Loatheb, etc.) that are attuned to 40 people, and others that require 40 people just because of the amount of DPS/crowd control/man power going on (Fankriss, C'Thun, Ouro, Noth the Plaguebringer, Gothik the Harvester, Thaddius, etc.). I seriously, *seriously* doubt they will go back and reinstitute said caps. Jeff Kaplan's already said, at least on release, that the older instances will not move up in level/difficulty otherwise there would be no point in new content for progression. Instead, I could see them allowing 40 man, but guilds forming up with 30-40 members and taking dedicated 25 members through level 60 content at level 70. It would still provide them a challenge due to the lessened numbers, get them used to working with 25 caps, and get people geared up faster so as to not be so far behind on the newer content. Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted August 14, 2006 Posted August 14, 2006 I just wish each class would recieve racial skills of their own, like priests. They are. Quote
suzumebachi Posted August 14, 2006 Posted August 14, 2006 I just wish each class would recieve racial skills of their own, like priests. They are. source? also, does anybody know anything about the new talents yet? Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted August 14, 2006 Posted August 14, 2006 I just wish each class would recieve racial skills of their own, like priests. They are. source? also, does anybody know anything about the new talents yet? Haha, "source" Quote
suzumebachi Posted August 14, 2006 Posted August 14, 2006 what? you confirmed that all classes are getting their own racial skills, and i'm asking you where or who you learned this from. Quote
Russell Cox Posted August 14, 2006 Posted August 14, 2006 People will skip MC/BWL/AQ40 then. Incorrect, thanks for playing. Suz, it's information posted by Spybot. There's a thread in the RnD forums. If you don't know who Spybot is, think of him as inside information for the past two years. All 'leaked' patch notes and game changes he's posted has been true. Grats Warlocks. DOT PRIEST MORE DOT! MORE REND! "I will say this, for expansion the debuff limit is being increased from 16 to 40, combined with the focus on smaller raid dungeons, Warlock players will have more freedom and opportunity to use their debuffing abilities with less limitation. Beyond this, all classes will have new spells, talents and abilities that they will bring to the table by the time level 70 is achieved. " Quote
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