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Level 68... flight form.

Druids have reasons to be happy.

If druids get that, why cant locks/pallies get something along the same lines? How much are those nether drakes gonna cost, anyways? I know that flight form only has 60% speed instead of 100%, but still...


Once again Blizzard gives absolutely no reasonable warning that the servers will be down for 36 hours, including that everyone will lose their friends/ignore list. Which makes no logical sense to me how the world's biggest MMO company who netted 80 million in it's first year of production can't backup and reload a simple text log...(I think they're deleting them on purpose).

Aswell the new priest talents/spells do not seem nearly that impressive, imo. In fact, they're just plain bullshit, besides the mass dispel which is nostalgic to WC3...which 90% of WoW has never heard/played...

It's been posted on the loading screen IN THE GAME for the past four days. Learn to pay attention.

]hunter talents

hunter talents.

hunter talents!




Not in alpha atm, but I can post some changes for you to keep you interested.

Retail servers = 1 AGI: 2 RAP

Alpha = 1 AGI: 1 RAP

RAP is getting sliced in half for AGI whores, while the AGI:Crit ratio is being lowered to that of a Rogue's. Giantstalker, Dragonstalker, Cryptstalker, and Striker sets are re-itemized to reflect the changes to our RAP adjustment (i.e. AGI sliced, raw Attack Power added in to compensate).

Aimed Shot is being discussed of moving to Survival Tree, and the cooldown has been extended. It's 3 seconds cast, 6 seconds + RAW speed for cooldown (i.e. AshofSmite is 3.4, so Aimed cooldown is 9.4 now).

All previous epic RAWs have their damage variance boosted by a good 10 DPS, some slightly more. Eye of Nerub will not be reitemized, and thus is a piece of shit when looking ahead -- current "ultimate" weapon is the Claymore of Unholy Might due to changes.

Pets will be adjusted and have their stats boosted to make them more desirable in groups, as well as having new types of pets that can be trained and new abilities that can be taught. Discussion is about whether they're going to allow a base % of the Hunter's stats to be added to the pet in addition to the buffs.

New types of shots will be added, and from the sounds of things they're moving away from a physical DPS class to more caster oriented. Hunters will also gain incredible raid utility beyond DPS; FFXI veterans think of Thieves and their main draw to a group, what a Hunter does now better than anyone, and figure it out.

Talents are still unknown, and will likely remain so until the last push before closed beta.

(On a curious note, a friend of mine has an Owl trained from Shadowmoon Valley. It's an elite and is bugged while trained so that it retains ALL of its stats. So, she's leveling up with a pet that has 18K health, 12K armor, and a floating raw DPS of 450).

Hunter's Mark has a new animation. Looks pretty badass.


Some notes of interest.

Debuff and buff limit is being raised to 40 slots.

All HoTs will be able to be used on a single target. I.e. 3 priests = 3 Renews, 4 Druids = 4 Regrowths and 4 Rejuvs.

STA's item budget is being cut in half (i.e. more Stamina on items), so level 60 players of all sorts can expect their health to double by level 70 if they keep with gear progression. The Alliance side is collecting all Greens "..... of Stamina" and boosting a Warlock to see just how high it can go. Last I heard, at level 64 he had almost 12K health with Fortitude and Blood Pact.

In case you're wondering why, this was introduced to keep PvP from being about one-shotting people (aka AP + Trinket + Pyro, Warriors with Might of Menethil, etc.) and not resorting to lowering everyone's damage across the board.

Yes, there are new PvP rewards whiney bitches. Warriors/Paladins/Hunters drool:

Gladiator's Greatsword

Binds when picked up

Two-Hand -- Sword

348 - 523 Damage -- Speed 3.80

(114.6 damage per second)

+32 Strength

+48 Stamina

Requires Level 70

Equip: Improves your critical strike rating by 32.

Equip: Improves your resilience rating by 33.

No, nothing is a typo from above.

+1% chance to crit/hit/etc. no longer exist as such. Instead, there will be ratings which basically are the same thing, but Blizzard can put in partial numbers instead of being hardlocked into full percents. (i.e. 14 critical rating = 1% crit at level 60; unknown how much is needed for the same at level 70).

ALL items will have a retroactive change to reflect this. This prevents blue items from being superior to all others (i.e. Blackhand's Breadth), since the ratings will be static, but the amount you need for a full crit (like AGI) rises with level.

Resilience = defense, but without the benefits of block/dodge/parry. Basically helps reduce your chances of being critted.


ack. all my hunter's RAP comes from AGI so... I just pretty much got my DPS halved? well bullocks to that. extremely lame if you ask me. quite disappointing. i imagine all future raid whore hunter gear will be compensated with regular AP, but levelling to 70 as a gimp is not going to be fucking cool. not to mention trying to PvP as a gimp. they shouldn't have "fixed" what wasn't broken. also i have never played FFXI so i have no idea what you're talking about in relation to the "thief" crud.

all these hunter changes seem like they're actually leaning towards making melee hunters more viable (think about it... focusing on raw AP rather than ranged alone).

however moving aimed shot to survival makes no sense at all. :(

edit: i just got around to reading the druid talents... holy crap. i may just have to respec to either resto or oomkin (although the improved leader of the pack is also very nice). i'm curious as to what the tree of restoration looks like. that seems kind of interesting... mass amounts of instant heals. you should be able to cast innervate too at least, but still it should be pretty interesting. i may have to respec just to try it out.

Will rogues regain the top single target DPS rating or will they gain raid utility?

Because right now they got nothing going. People see rogues like jokes (and I'll admit, many people make it easy to laugh at rogues) and invite them to raids to fill up "superfluous" spots.

Any raid that gets Rogues just to "fill in slots" isn't too smart. From MC to about I'd say Princess Huhuran in Ahn'Qiraj Mages, Hunters, Rogues, Fury Warriors are about equal in DPS; after that Hunters fall off because of shitty itemization, Mages came in next, and then Rogues and FWs tied due to really incredible items.

Nowadays Rogues/Mages/Warriors are all pretty much tied depending on the actual fight right now, since the Mage review. Yeah, Fury Warriors will go past them but they have to watch aggro; a Rogue can push to about 60% of the boss's health, Vanish, and then go harder than the Fury Warrior can and come out on top if he's smart.

As far as further raid utility? I have no idea; we don't have any Rogues in the guild that have alpha keys so I can't comment. I'm actually hoping that what they plan on giving Hunters will go to Rogues, since it'll make more sense as they're frontline fighters. They were shitty in MC because of high armor, but now they're one of the tops if the player behind the Rogue is competent.

I can so though, to whoever asked about Shamans and DWing and how it plays out. First week, our Shaman specced enhancement and while he doesn't have kickass gear his is pretty solid. He put Rockbiter on his weapons; highest rank gave him 1200 AP per weapon.

At 62, he tore up a level 68 elite in 12 seconds.

So... yeah.

They've been toned down a bit since then (i.e. 'enchants' on weapons are regulated, haven't paid much attention), but Shamans will DEFINITELY be DPS classes with backup healing in raids now. Anyone sticking purely to healing won't be playing to their full potential, whereas now it's folly to do anything BUT heal.

ack. all my hunter's RAP comes from AGI so... I just pretty much got my DPS halved? well bullocks to that. extremely lame if you ask me. quite disappointing. i imagine all future raid whore hunter gear will be compensated with regular AP, but levelling to 70 as a gimp is not going to be fucking cool. not to mention trying to PvP as a gimp. they shouldn't have "fixed" what wasn't broken. also i have never played FFXI so i have no idea what you're talking about in relation to the "thief" crud.

all these hunter changes seem like they're actually leaning towards making melee hunters more viable (think about it... focusing on raw AP rather than ranged alone).

however moving aimed shot to survival makes no sense at all. :(

Like I said above, the current endgame armor for Hunters will be automatically adjusted when you install the expansion (or maybe even beforehand for patch 1.13, I dunno). Depending on what your rings, neck, cape, etc. are, your RAP will drop probably 200-250 at most, but you'll gain a good 6-7% crit. XXXXXX went from 28.40 crit on live to 43.86 crit on alpha witout a Mongoose or Grace of Air, so it'll go up a lot.

They're moving people away from the "slower = better" mentality (which isn't wholly accurate), and slowly gravitating to faster weapons.

Funny you should mention melee Hunters. STR = 2 MAP for us now. Battle Shout affects RAP now, Orc's Blood Fury affects RAP/+damage and healing as well (scaling with level).

Scorpid Sting was removed, and then replaced. It is now one rank that reduces the target's chance to hit with melee and ranged attacks by 5% for 20 seconds.

A new aspect is in the works that gives us a % of our INT converted to mana per 5, which is pretty godly for PvE shit. Expect Hunter to shift to a more caster oriented DPS class (shots, etc.) instead of the purely physical one we are now.

Oh yeah, Arcane Shot > Aimed Shot atm. Not sure if it's intended, but it's getting flat damage + 100% spell damage + 25% of your RAP score. Aimed and Arcane now have separate cooldowns.


what are all of your thoughts on shadow mend as the priest 41 pnt talent? I have to admit, as a shadow priest, Im not too thrilled, as healing wasnt that big of an issue compared to a bettter escape option/raid friendly damage spell. im so used to dropping shadow form for a quick flash heal that shadow mend seems pretty pointless.


Once again Blizzard gives absolutely no reasonable warning that the servers will be down for 36 hours, including that everyone will lose their friends/ignore list. Which makes no logical sense to me how the world's biggest MMO company who netted 80 million in it's first year of production can't backup and reload a simple text log...(I think they're deleting them on purpose).

Aswell the new priest talents/spells do not seem nearly that impressive, imo. In fact, they're just plain bullshit, besides the mass dispel which is nostalgic to WC3...which 90% of WoW has never heard/played...

It's been posted on the loading screen IN THE GAME for the past four days. Learn to pay attention.

Yea, except "in reality" he posted that WEEKS ago whent he FIRST batch of servers went down for extended maintence. Blizzard posted the first advisory at around 9PM the DAY BEFORE, so if you didn't log on that night, you didn't know your server was gonna be down for 36 hours AND your friends list was gonna be gone until you tried to log back in after normal maintence would USUALLY be over.

So before you go correcting someone, you might wanna check the dates on the posts.

Or otherwise "Learn to pay attention."


I called that Greenpeen guy a faygala thinking it was you. He was like "wut!??!?" and I was like "err doug?" and he was like "no" and I was like "oh ok". Then I watched a retarded priest aggro a bunch of mobs and die and then he got pissed and followed me around for like 3 hours because I didn't go out of my way to save his stupid ass. He even got an alliance mage friend he had to start following me around trying to get me to attack him or something.

It was weird.

I called that Greenpeen guy a faygala thinking it was you. He was like "wut!??!?" and I was like "err doug?" and he was like "no" and I was like "oh ok". Then I watched a retarded priest aggro a bunch of mobs and die and then he got pissed and followed me around for like 3 hours because I didn't go out of my way to save his stupid ass. He even got an alliance mage friend he had to start following me around trying to get me to attack him or something.

It was weird.

LOL!! Yea, Marco was on his own character today...and I was on mine. I didn't fricken see you? What the crap, hoe.


Once again Blizzard gives absolutely no reasonable warning that the servers will be down for 36 hours, including that everyone will lose their friends/ignore list. Which makes no logical sense to me how the world's biggest MMO company who netted 80 million in it's first year of production can't backup and reload a simple text log...(I think they're deleting them on purpose).

Aswell the new priest talents/spells do not seem nearly that impressive, imo. In fact, they're just plain bullshit, besides the mass dispel which is nostalgic to WC3...which 90% of WoW has never heard/played...

It's been posted on the loading screen IN THE GAME for the past four days. Learn to pay attention.

Yea, except "in reality" he posted that WEEKS ago whent he FIRST batch of servers went down for extended maintence. Blizzard posted the first advisory at around 9PM the DAY BEFORE, so if you didn't log on that night, you didn't know your server was gonna be down for 36 hours AND your friends list was gonna be gone until you tried to log back in after normal maintence would USUALLY be over.

So before you go correcting someone, you might wanna check the dates on the posts.

Or otherwise "Learn to pay attention."

Again, incorrect. The first batch of servers involved Azgalor where my Paladin resides, and it was there a few days beforehand because I remember having to remind Joe the day before to not get any plans on playing his Paladin for the next two days.

Nice try, learn2readloadingscreen.

what are all of your thoughts on shadow mend as the priest 41 pnt talent? I have to admit, as a shadow priest, Im not too thrilled, as healing wasnt that big of an issue compared to a bettter escape option/raid friendly damage spell. im so used to dropping shadow form for a quick flash heal that shadow mend seems pretty pointless.

I see it as a toy more than a real bonus. The Priest talents are really lackluster. Hell, aside from Paladin, Shaman, and Warlock they all seem lackluster to me.


Again, incorrect. The first batch of servers involved Azgalor where my Paladin resides, and it was there a few days beforehand because I remember having to remind Joe the day before to not get any plans on playing his Paladin for the next two days.

Nice try, learn2readloadingscreen.

Announcement on extended maintence was made:

Maintenance Tuesday 09/12/06 | 09/11/2006 11:29:05 PM UTC

9/11 at 11:29 PM








Dark Iron




Emerald Dream









Kirin Tor









Twisted Nether




Azgalor is NOT on that list.

And THIS is the maintence that me and him were both talking about that we got NO notice on.

Next rebuttle?


In fact if you check THE THREAD ON THE WOW WEBSITE you see posts like:

* Re: Maintenance Tuesday 09/12/06 | 09/11/2006 11:41:06 PM UTC

quote reply

Wow, that's extremely short notice. I've posted on the Eldre'Thalas realm forum and my guild forum in hopes of getting the word out as wide and fast as possible, as I know a lot of people are going to be annoyed at losing their friends lists.


* 17. Re: Maintenance Tuesday 09/12/06 | 09/11/2006 11:44:58 PM UTC

quote reply

"Tuesday, September 12th the following realms will be down from 12:01 AM PDT until Wednesday September 13th at 12:00 PM PDT: "

Wait, so you're taking servers down for a day and a half, and you're telling us about 8 hours beforehand? And you planned this downtime? Are you...are you insane?









Again, incorrect. Learn2copypaste and fucking read.

Select Realm Hardware Upgrades - 9/7 & 9/8 | 09/06/2006 09:03:39 PM PDT

We will be performing hardware retrofits for the following realms as part of our long term realm performance improvement plans and due to the requirements for implementing this new hardware we will be working through an extended maintenance plan.

The maintenance for these realms is scheduled to begin at 12:01 AM PDT, Thursday September 7 and conclude at approximately 12:01 PM PDT, Friday September 8. During this time paid character transfers will be disabled. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to improve realm performance and stability through our continued hardware upgrade plans.

Due to the nature of these hardware upgrades, we’re unable to preserve the friends and ignore list for characters on these realms. We recommend that players take the necessary steps to back up this information, and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Argent Dawn



Bleeding Hollow


Burning Blade

Burning Legion


Earthen Ring







Laughing Skull

Lightning's Blade







Shadow Moon

Shattered Hand








Like I said, Azgalor was on the first batch. But, I guess you weren't smart enough to notice I said it was during the week, and not Tuesday like your illiterate friend.

First of all, not every god damn notice is on those boards. Stormscale(US) just had their 1.5 day maintainence this past Tuesday but it's not mentioned anywhere. I guess by your fucked up logic it DID NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE NO BLUE POST ON WOW FORUMS ROFLAMSKSDSD!!1!111oine!!!1 And, when they DO post on the Realm Status forum it's after or during the fact -- notice how the stupid ass post you listed is written DURING the damn maintainence? Funny how you managed to ignore that.

Second of all, if you or he had fucking read the L O G I N S C R E E N you would have known it was listed days before it happened. You know, the bigass block of text to the left of where you put in user name and password? Yeah, that's where your advisory was, and it came over the weekend. You're going to use WoW forum posts from dumbasses that STILL ask why the game was taken down "for no reason" every Tuesday, why healing is 'obviously' catered to women, and people that lists fucking reasons why Blizzard should ROLL BACK their characters because the dumb shits attacked a Dragonkin during the Stormwind Onyxia event, leveled, and fucked up their twinked level 29 character? Yeah, real intelligent decision there Bucko!

Lastly, it was posted, in BOLD FUCKING FONT, on the G E N E R A L forums, stickied at the top JUST like it was for Stormscale's maintainence this past week. If dumbasses like he can't read and look around themsleves, I don't feel any pity.

Jesus Christ, how god damn stupid can you be? You're trying too hard.





Again, incorrect. Learn2copypaste and fucking read.

Select Realm Hardware Upgrades - 9/7 & 9/8 | 09/06/2006 09:03:39 PM PDT

We will be performing hardware retrofits for the following realms as part of our long term realm performance improvement plans and due to the requirements for implementing this new hardware we will be working through an extended maintenance plan.

The maintenance for these realms is scheduled to begin at 12:01 AM PDT, Thursday September 7 and conclude at approximately 12:01 PM PDT, Friday September 8. During this time paid character transfers will be disabled. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to improve realm performance and stability through our continued hardware upgrade plans.

Due to the nature of these hardware upgrades, we’re unable to preserve the friends and ignore list for characters on these realms. We recommend that players take the necessary steps to back up this information, and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Argent Dawn



Bleeding Hollow


Burning Blade

Burning Legion


Earthen Ring







Laughing Skull

Lightning's Blade







Shadow Moon

Shattered Hand








Like I said, Azgalor was on the first batch. But, I guess you weren't smart enough to notice I said it was during the week, and not Tuesday like your illiterate friend.

First of all, not every god damn notice is on those boards. Stormscale(US) just had their 1.5 day maintainence this past Tuesday but it's not mentioned anywhere. I guess by your fucked up logic it DID NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE NO BLUE POST ON WOW FORUMS ROFLAMSKSDSD!!1!111oine!!!1 And, when they DO post on the Realm Status forum it's after or during the fact -- notice how the stupid ass post you listed is written DURING the damn maintainence? Funny how you managed to ignore that.

Second of all, if you or he had fucking read the L O G I N S C R E E N you would have known it was listed days before it happened. You know, the bigass block of text to the left of where you put in user name and password? Yeah, that's where your advisory was, and it came over the weekend. You're going to use WoW forum posts from dumbasses that STILL ask why the game was taken down "for no reason" every Tuesday, why healing is 'obviously' catered to women, and people that lists fucking reasons why Blizzard should ROLL BACK their characters because the dumb shits attacked a Dragonkin during the Stormwind Onyxia event, leveled, and fucked up their twinked level 29 character? Yeah, real intelligent decision there Bucko!

Lastly, it was posted, in BOLD FUCKING FONT, on the G E N E R A L forums, stickied at the top JUST like it was for Stormscale's maintainence this past week. If dumbasses like he can't read and look around themsleves, I don't feel any pity.

Jesus Christ, how god damn stupid can you be? You're trying too hard.

I really have no idea what 90% of what you're spouting off about means, or how it's relevant. When Illidan went down on the 12th, along with whatever server Sinsay played on, there was NO FUCKING NOTICE on the RIGHT SIDE. And when they DID post it, it was time stamped the SAME as that forum post. 11 PM the night before.

If it WERE on the forums BEFORE that, I didn't see it because I don't read the WoW forums. I just read the LOG-ON SCREEN.

So apparently me, him, and all those people who mentioned it on the forums MIRACULOUSLY MISSED the message that YOU claim was there for DAYS before. And I don't have a fricken time machine to go back and screenshot the damn logon screen when it WAS time stamped, but there was NO notice given before it was taken down for 36 hours and that our friends list were gonna be wiped until 8 hours before it happened.

There have been for everyone SINCE, but for that specific one, there WAS NOT.


So has anyone else here ever gotten their account hacked/hijacked? Just wondering... It happened to me earlier this week, Lost all my items and gold... Absolutely terrible. Still waiting on the GM service, since their fax number didn't work, so I had to mail them my info (I live on the east coast, they live in Cali).


I just got half of the tunderfury bindings on my rogue in a PuG MC the other day. It made me laugh a lot. It was a hell of a fight with Geddon though. The first guy who became the bomb was a dipshit and killed about nine people. By the end of the fight it was down to a warrior tanking, a shaman and a priest healing, and me doing whatever DPS I could. The final 3% health took forever to get down. It was really funny cause the tank screamed on vent "Fuck this!" and instantly switched to his 2-hander. Woooo, I'm half-way to a gigantic bill.


So...I'm in AB today. And I'm with 3 other priests. We're all 29. We're goin' up to the lumber mill and there's a level 29 pally up there. We sheild, all 3 Shadow Word: Pain, accordingly. I know I did DP, iduno if they did. Shadow Weaving was stacked 5 times, and we all 3 spammed Mind Flay, and he survives.





I just got half of the tunderfury bindings on my rogue in a PuG MC the other day. It made me laugh a lot. It was a hell of a fight with Geddon though. The first guy who became the bomb was a dipshit and killed about nine people. By the end of the fight it was down to a warrior tanking, a shaman and a priest healing, and me doing whatever DPS I could. The final 3% health took forever to get down. It was really funny cause the tank screamed on vent "Fuck this!" and instantly switched to his 2-hander. Woooo, I'm half-way to a gigantic bill.

Teh warrior was dumb. His auto-attack with a two-hander over sword n' board is a pretty crappy trade-off for the increase of incoming damage.

All he had to do was switch to battle stance and spam execute. He'd probably out-DPS YOU spamming execute while tanking, and execute damage is not effected by AP/weapon at all.

OMG yay on the tunderfury binding! Good luck on getting the rest of thunderfury.

So...I'm in AB today. And I'm with 3 other priests. We're all 29. We're goin' up to the lumber mill and there's a level 29 pally up there. We sheild, all 3 Shadow Word: Pain, accordingly. I know I did DP, iduno if they did. Shadow Weaving was stacked 5 times, and we all 3 spammed Mind Flay, and he survives.





+9 stamina on bracers

+7 stamina on boots

+100hp on head

+100hp on chest

Etc, etc.

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