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(1) If the album is released in 2012, humanity succeeded. (or whatever the future-tense of succeeded is)

(2) If humanity succeeds in gaining the 50k likes by 3012, we can also feel confident that the world does not end this year.

(3) If people stop liking the facebook page, none of this will come to pass, the world will probably be destroyed, and there will be no album this year. HOWEVER, I have a LOT of faith and confidence in the mankind of the next 1,000 years that they won't give up or be lazy or whatever emotion future people feel. So I think it'll all work out for the best.

(4) The album isn't out YET because time does not work that way. Events don't get "added" to the past, events can only take place in our future, or the future of the future, not the past of the future or our past. Does that make sense? So the album would have to be released in OUR future, but it will not exist in 3012 because that's a different timeline. (And I find it hard to believe djp would still have the site running in 1,000 years anyway. Facebook on the other hand, no doubt!)


:banghead: I'm feeling a growing hatred for Facebook. I hope the whole "50,000 likes" is an April Fool's joke. Just set a release date, please.

The album preview is great, though. I do look forward to listening to this. I hear a lot of great metal (I don't generally listen to much of it, either :-P).

Maybe Level 99 is Chaos since he knows whether the future likes campaign was successful or not... We should all keep a very close eye on Stevo... this smells Fishy and the tension is palpable....

I always knew that beard was hiding something...


Since it's a reasonable assumption that by 3012 OCReMix will get 50,000 likes, I'm going to let those poor saps in the future do all the work and just enjoy the fruits of their labor, since it'll then be released in 2012.

Procrastination for the win.

  • 1 month later...
Just saw this. The preview is cool.

Believe it!

People have been liking OCR on Facebook a lot, so it appears like this campaign will be a complete success! I wouldn't be surprised if we find out more information sometime in the near future about this album. :-)

//the april fools joke that never quit

  • 2 weeks later...

More FF goodness from OCRemix! Huzzah!

Looking forward to this and the FF IX album (and those elusive FFV albums, too!)

Oh, and if you're planning to include remixes of the extra FF Origins themes (Inside a Boss Battle, Boss Battle A, Boss Battle B, and Last Battle), even as bonus tracks, I will worship you forever. They need more love!

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