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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History


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And I'm holding my breath for that preview. If I die from the lack of oxygen, "preview" will be among my last words.

Damn, girl...

Still, your enthusiasm for the project is a sorely needed source of energy and we appreciate you greatly. If only more people on this project were as enthusiastic about it...

Yes, I'm talking about YOU. Get your mixes in and let's finish this sumbitch ahready!

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Sweet, looking forward to seeing it. :D Also, yes, art notes would be awesome and your bio is a must. :D

On the topic of notes, if we don't get any track notes or artist bios, then we'll solve it my way. Remixers and others involved in the project may get an opportunity to write something about a source and the remixers' take on it, if we don't get anything from the artists themselves. As for bios, I'll make some shit up. You might not like it. Send me your real bio to avoid that. ;)

Also, obligatory consent form signage reminder. Link in first post.

Anyway, I've got updates from mak, Luhny, the OCPM, chris|amaterasu, Reuben Cornell, Blue Magic, Hylian Lemon, as well as Daniel Rosenqvist whose track you won't get to know anything about... yet. I'm also expecting updates from a few others, including DaMonz and Brandon Strader. Rexy and Dj Mokram are purportedly claiming new tracks. :D Did I forget anyone? (edit: yes, Archangel and pu_freak, who checked in in this thread. now I know.)

Actual tracklist update coming asap.

Edited by Rozovian
forgot some important ppl
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I listened to my track and there's a lot of things that are rough in it that wouldn't be that way if I had made it today... I know I already reworked a lot of the track previously, but times change. I am not going to rework it but I am mainly going to fix the mixing/mastering and take out of mechanical quantizing... I figure it shouldn't take more than an hour or so to do it, then I can finally give you that WAV you've been wanting for so long. :-P I just gotta do it after round 1 of this Wily nonsense

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Feedback on the tracks we got is coming, just not tonight. As for the tracklist, it could be better, but we've still got loads of blue. Sam English's tracks are now properly blue, and with a bunch of tracks marked red, we could get more ppl on board for this. Tell your music friends. :)

Also, Rexy's now officially claimed her track. :D

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Rozo, I just got in touch with Theophany on The Sacrifice Part II and he gave me the low down on his mix for it. Let's put his back up in the purple because, as far as I'm concerned, the arrangement is pretty killer as is at the moment though he wants to do some more with it. It just needs more mixing and some attention to the samples, but it's a purple as far as I'm concerned.

We should have more progress there in a couple weeks or so.

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Hey Rozo, just sent you an update. If you're cool with the arrangement, I've got a wav rendered and ready for upload. If not, I can keep working and detail it up a bit more.

I'm not Rozo, but I think you should do what you feel is right as the musician. If you think it does not need any more work, then finished it is; if you think it could use more work, well... it's not like the entire album is waiting on you. You have time (just not forever). There are some tracks that haven't been finished, some that haven't even been claimed; plus I need to do the arts. >o>

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I'm Rozo. Do what I feel is right. :P

As for final wavs, they're due sometime after all tracks are claimed and being worked on. As awesome as it would be to finish this year (and possible, too), we've got time. That doesn't mean we're supposed to just sit on our sources, so GET BACK TO WÖRK! ;)

(edit: argh, for once I'm just casually responding, and it's at the top of a page. why don't I do that when I have important updates or something instead?)

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I've just been adding sound design elements and mixing. Rozo had some concerns about source usage before so that's more what I was asking about in terms of being cool with the arrangement; I can go further with the sound design if Rozo likes the way it's sounding, or it can be scaled back if he doesn't. I didn't mean to sound like my arrangement was rushed or unfinished; I still have some final touches I want to put on, for sure, but Meteo asked me to render out a wav in the meantime just to lock the track in (because my source was in jeopardy of getting opened up to someone else). Like you were saying there's still time, so I can update the wav a little closer to eval if I don't get to everything this week (which Meteo was saying too). Still... Emu's DK3 album is currently in eval, so I'm trying to at least lock in my sd3 track before I finish up my DK3 tunes.

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To put a better clarification on what Theo's talking about, I talked with him privately and listened to his version of The Sacrifice Part II - thought the arrangement was fine as is.

The source track itself is so weird, in my opinion, that it's almost impossible for me or us to judge it as anything other than a kick-ass somewhat novelty track (hell, thats all the source IS), instead of trying to see where it fits in the album or as a postable Ocremix. It's just a weird track that requires some creativity to balance what can WORK and what is POTENTIAL.

So I figured we'd get one of both. I asked him to send me a better mixed version of what he has now, and said if he wanted to continue on with it as his time and energy permits, he could do that too and sub it out. Either way, we end up with a track that works in general.

I just wanted to clarify that in case there was confusion. I'm very f'n tired of tracks on here not being complete when they're so damn close it hurts, so it's time to get creative and get more finished tracks in.

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I might claim one of the minitracks, #65, to get back into mixing for this project. Stupid other stuff getting in the way and eating creative juices. It shouldn't take too long, seeing as it's a tiny little 5 notes in length. And then I'll FINALLY have a finished track of my own on here, something I made that's up to my own standard. Maybe I should have finished some tracks before taking on co-coordinating the project?

Quality vs. quantity, you know. And those of you who do both, certain ppl on this album thatis, how do you do it? ;)

Also, I listened to the stuff I got last week. I've got stuff written down, I'll get back to you all soon.

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