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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History


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Two weeks after another deadline? Hm... On the other hand, the MM compos. Hm... :D

I have 46 finished tracks in my finished tracks folder. That means we are, counting only finished tracks, 75% done. That's pretty good. We're pretty blue. (remind me to use a happier color next time I do a project. also remind me to make a smaller project)

Repeat: 75% done

Nice work guys. Now, if only we had consent for all those tracks... ;)

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Oh for crying out loud, people, just sign the damned consent forms already! It takes two seconds!

Want me to help you nag, Rozo? Just give me a list of names and I'll go Spam-Gestapo on them.

Also, I'm planning on finishing my final track after 12 January. That's the deadline for the Final Fantasy IX project.

Congratulations on all the progress, everyone! It's good to see that the project is moving forward.

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Guys, gals, we're looking at a beautiful 5- or 6-track, 4-image preview. Tracks are in mp3 format and tagged, images downsized (they were huuuge), we're just waiting on a final detail and we'll zip/rar it, upload it, and send out the link.

Of course, I need your email address to include you. If you're on the project and wanna see and hear this internal preview, make sure I have your email address.

Once that's done, I'll get to the public teaser trailer. There'll be a proper trailer later, too.

(and guess what, I just signed the consent form. :D)

Edited by Rozovian
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Okay, internal review is uploaded... Anyone on the project who wants it and whose email I don't have, email/PM/IM me. I haven't actually sent it out yet, so...

btw, I trust the internal preview stays internal.

I'll start working on the teaser this weekend, we already have some of it sketched out. If anyone has an opinion on whether their work should or should not be included, or preferences as to which of their works should be featured in the teaser, let me know asap.

... oh crap, I forgot something in the preview. Fix, reupload.... stupid 15 missing words....

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...aaaaand it's out. :D If I have your email. If you did not get the email with the link to the preview, get me your email address. (if you're on the project, I mean)

You have me email. Where's me preview? Arrrr! *swashes buckles and such*

I'll send you a poke in email to get that squared away, but seriously, how do you keep losing my email addy. xD

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Oh hey I got some kind of ad spam? I don't look at ads!

And not just any ad spam, Ad G spam. Somebody do an Ad G spam can image!

Terms for discussing the preview... uh, idunno. As long as nobody outside the project hears or sees anything, I don't think reading anything would do anything but add hype among those that don't know anything.

Which reminds me, I should let the guys at seikens.com know about the upcoming teaser AND my Heroes of Mana AOCC track. Sheexy must not have realized I did another Mana series track this year.

Moz, link coming once I've written this post. I must have left adding your email to my contact list for "later" last time. By mad.

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And not just any ad spam, Ad G spam. Somebody do an Ad G spam can image!

I would, but upon checking your facebook, you only have 2 profile pictures and they aren't of you, it's a cartoon and some kind of bird. You must be the ugliest guy ever to have no pics. Heck, even I have pics, and I've got a face only a mutter could love.

I forgot to check out the preview when I got the email, I read the email though. But I was all like... I AIN'T GONNA LOOK AT AN AD

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But I was all like... I AIN'T GONNA LOOK AT AN AD


That and I prefer what little anonymity (or facelessness) I can have. Just use my cartoon face, or my name or something if you're gonna do ad g spam can pics stuff. Or draw it yourself. How hard can it be to put a long beard on a can of spam?

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That and I prefer what little anonymity (or facelessness) I can have. Just use my cartoon face, or my name or something if you're gonna do ad g spam can pics stuff. Or draw it yourself. How hard can it be to put a long beard on a can of spam?

Ad's too sexy for a pic, so sexy it hurts. Or he's ugly as sin, just as Brandon said :nicework: But a can of Ad Spam would def. make my day.

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Are you going for more formal Japanese? Or more colloquial? Cause that can be a big factor.

Colloquial is easier for naturally speaking Japanese. But formal is possible for westerners. Like me... I could take a crack at it if you want.

I've done Japanese all my schooling... with good marks all round (except creative writing that sucks).

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