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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History

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That tease was a bit too harsh Meteo, so I'm sorry. I don't really have anything against you, just some stuff about reviews and asking for templates in the past, but nothing worth holding any kind of grudge over.

I'm going to unsubscribe from this thread as I don't have much more to offer the project, but I hope you all enjoy my 2 songs.


Brandon, and by extension, Wesley, I shouldn't have much against the two of you either. I SHOULD be friends with the two of you and I have tried to do so.

However, I cannot allow myself to take responsibility for your problems with me, for their own individual reasons, and I CANNOT allow it to spill into the project here. Both of you are project directors, I'm pretty sure you would not appreciate me coming into your project and starting drama out of left field to undermine you and make an already difficult volunteer project even more difficult.

What you fail to understand is I do not have a position of power in this project. I'm not the project equivalent of a general or a prince or anything - I'm a servant. I make none of the policies for this project, all I do is make them happen by any means available. This has been a particularly difficult project for the standards set before it, it is not as popular a game as others we are remixing, and because many key people we have needed have flat out disappeared. For those reasons and more, progress is slow and very difficult.

So the newest obstacle was last week and it scared the hell out of me. My Grandma right now is going through breast cancer AGAIN. My wife has a heart condition that is disabling. One of my cousins died from Huntington's Disease. Our family spread out between me and the missus have Malaria, disabling stroke, something on the lungs, diabetes and missing a ***damn leg.

Through this I have continued work for this project for 3 years and more. Now I have my own health crisis to be concerned about and THIS is what I get in response?

"Sounds good to me."

"Your management skills are poor."

"Go back to pooping blood and let the real men, etc."

So maybe I won't be too far out of line when I ask you cut me a little bit of a break, please.

I'm not trying to write a sob story here, but I think the two of you do not understand whats going on here, which has fueled this drama, which is negatively impacting the project. I cannot have that.

Your apology is accepted, Brandon. No one's telling you to leave or not do anything else with the project. You really are a talented workhorse that I envy but this has to stop. This is not about us, it's about the project and we're so close to finish it, it hurts. There is no reason to let personal shit get in the way of completing an awesome, dignified triple album that should be OCR's pride and joy.

That's what I have to say on the matter and it is closed. Let's move on now.



Finally got a hold of Usa and he has signed our consent form. We're also going to put his Faith Total Machine remix back up. I need to find a guitarist to do a lead section and I'm trying to see if my brother can do it, but thats all thats missing there.

TheDeath has also signed the consent form.

I've also helped finish up Karth's Powell remix, so we should have a shitload of new Blue tracks in soon.


Yup, I'm just waiting on wips now. That's how we do it now. Looking forward to hearing what you'll bring to the project, Malcos, likewise SX.

Wips. Tracklist openings every month. Progress. That's how we do this now. We should have done this years ago. :D


Dammit Rozovian - I know you're around somewhere goshdarnit. I've been trying to send you a newly finished track from beckett007. Quit ghosting like whatever the hell's been stalking us around the apartment complex and face me like a man! >:3

Angry kitten face makes everything serious...

Posted (edited)

Yeah, i got it. Sorry, I've had a lot on my mind this month, so my sd3 management has been pretty... bad.

Updating the first post now. Now Archangel's actually listed on a track he's doing, you're blue, and... well, the date is updated. :D

Edited by Rozovian
Cool. :D

Speaking of which, where the other one? :P

Been having some medical issues since January, haven't really been able to motivate myself to get things done. This is, unfortunatly, not the only project where I'm currently slacking. I'll hopefully get it done before somebody else delivers a final wav

Posted (edited)

SuperiorX has wip, beckett007 has track, Mokram has extension, Rexy has everything. I'm looking at opening Usa's, k-wix' and pu's unfinished tracks. And... doing something... else. More. Something.

We need consent from ilp0, the Dual Dragons, Jokey, and one or two names for 107.

I need to take time and get this tracklist update done. What moron decided to do deadlines every month?

Gonna take some proper sd3 time tomorrow, get through all the sd3 stuff that's been piling up. Progress has actually been piling up. It's both awesome and frustrating at the same time. :D

PS. Rexy clean up your PMs. :P

Edited by Rozovian
I've already signed the consent form... like twice already. Also, I'll just le someone else do my bio, or just put, "He makes music."

Well something was missing. Shows how well I run this ship. :D

I can write your bio. How do you feel about the name Shirley?

And track notes? Send by pm or email or something non-public plz.

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