Deesio Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 Imma shoot you an email with some art stuff. Yeah, cool. Just hit me up. Looking forward to hearing from you
Pavos Posted February 4, 2013 Posted February 4, 2013 Come on guys, finish your mixes. It only took me three years to finish mine
Meteo Xavier Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 Blaine turned in an awesome final WAV last night that I'm pretty excited for. Waiting on Rozovian to get to me on his thoughts for it (he seems to be harder and harder to find these days), but I'm pretty much willing to call it final.
Rozovian Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 Blaine turned in an awesome final WAV last night that I'm pretty excited for. Waiting on Rozovian to get to me on his thoughts for it (he seems to be harder and harder to find these days), but I'm pretty much willing to call it final. Haven't yet listened to it. Work eats up a lot of my time (mostly because of the commuting), and I'm spending a little more time gaming to unwind. Blaine's track has gone from quite newby to really cool sounding, I'm just gonna give him some final edits, if necessary. I haven't gone anywhere, it's just that I tend to process things slower now that I have less time. PMs on ocr and emails work fine, ppl. Facebook and Skype aren't as reliable, I'm barely on AIM or irc anymore, and I haven't ever received anything by carrier pigeon. That preview thing is probably gonna get somewhere next week. No work for a week! Just throw together a preview vid and finally show you guys what we've got. Also, I might get Frenzy a few steps closer to done then. And it's not like there's a lot of tracks left. Guys and gals. realistically, a month and it could be done and handed over for release evals. That'd be awesome. Also, remixers, sign the consent form if you haven't, send us a short bio, some notes about the track... and if you want, an improved, updated version of the track if you're not happy with it. There's still time.
RiverSound Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 A month? wow, that's some optimism right there. I hope it comes true, though!
Meteo Xavier Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 We're still waiting on whats-his-name to turn in you-actually-don't-know-what, and Usa's track is still taking a bit of time because he's busy on other things, but he assures me his track will be finished. I still need to fix up "Let Eternity Take Over", and its on my to-do list, I just needed a break from music and I haven't been able to make it come further up the list on my priorities yet. If I can EVER get a break from some of this other shit going on and pestering me and letting me recoup myself on a physical and spiritual level, I will get back onto it.
SuperiorX Posted February 12, 2013 Posted February 12, 2013 Also, I might get Frenzy a few steps closer to done then. And it's not like there's a lot of tracks left. Speaking of, feel free to go solo on Frenzy, if you'd like Ad. I know we haven't spoken about it in a loooooooong time, and last time I'd heard something you'd come up with everything anyway. I'm pretty busy these days with my Sonic CD project too, and I wouldn't want to hold this project up if you guys are wrapping up!
RiverSound Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 Now here's an idea u lazy, dirty sons o' moms:tomatoface: Just squeeze that preview out! It doesn't have to include all 63 songs, u know.
Phonetic Hero Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 Guys and gals. realistically, a month and it could be done and handed over for release evals. That'd be awesome. Yikes, idk if I'd be able to do a month from the post date... I'm solidly booked with AT LEAST a couple tracks a week until March 15-17 (depending on some coordination) for a triple release. I can certainly try to have something soon after that though! Apologies, didn't see the post until just now and things got real crazy for me real fast EDIT: I imagine you could make SOME part of what I already have work for a preview though
Rozovian Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 Realistically != probably. Just get it done as soon as you can. Also, you probably aren't in the preview. It'll be more representative if we focus on remixers more prolific on the album.... unless of course we think your remix well represents a portion of the album. We'll see.
Brandon Strader Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 It'll be more representative if we focus on remixers more prolific on the album. Prolific? Like what, mixers who make a lot of songs?
keiiii Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 I'm gonna go ahead and finish that group pic I emailed you!
Rozovian Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 Prolific? Like what, mixers who make a lot of songs? Yeah, those prolific on the album. I'd rather not spoil every track and every artist in the preview, or make the preview an hour long. We have a few unusual tracks on it, that I think we should keep secret until the release, or possibly include in the trailer rather than the preview. But as the preview is still in the works, there's time to change things. Anyone on the project disagree/agree/comment? - Said group pic kicks ass. Now you all know.
RiverSound Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 Prolific? Like what, mixers who make a lot of songs? he's talking about mixes that KICK ASS
Meteo Xavier Posted February 26, 2013 Posted February 26, 2013 Did anyone want to share anything with me?
Meteo Xavier Posted February 28, 2013 Posted February 28, 2013 Also, Hakstock and Blaine's tracks need to be BLUE'd.
Meteo Xavier Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 No Brandon, a lot of people have been really busy for months now and haven't had the right time and availability to finish up on this project. Rozovian is busy with work, I'm at least a month behind in my business due to a death in the family and a long, frustrating winter obstacling much of what I could have gotten done, Usa is busy with an album that took him longer to do than he expected, etc. etc. Just be patient. This project is not done or ignored or cancelled or anything, it just isn't complete yet for very good reasons across the board. All the time and everyone's effort to make this album incredible will not go to waste.
Rexy Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 It's also a strange one to ask, but how did some of the tracks in the track listing end up with second versions in spite of initial versions being considered done? As far as I'm concerned, HL and myself held the forts for Angel's Fear / Weird Counterpoint; think an explanation may be needed with this o_O
Meteo Xavier Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 We have you listed for Weird Counterpoint, but Angel's Fear I don't have any frame of reference with. Rozovian hasn't told me anything on it, it may be that it's just left off the list by accident (it tends to not get updated correctly very often). You didn't use any samples from the game itself in there, did you? Edit: Hylian Lemon, who I assume is HL, is listed for Angel's Fear as well. I think maybe its just a clerical mistake.
Rozovian Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 It's just a case of there being multiple remixes done for those tracks, for whatever reasons. No remix is "the" remix for any track on the ost, and we're not kicking anyone off the project for having done a mix of a track that was already in progress. I've always said that we're open to multiple remixes of the same sources, but the priority is obviously getting the whole tracklist covered. So if anyone shows up with a third take on Weird Counterpoint, I'm inclined to accept it, but not at the expense of delaying the project further. We've got plenty of delays already. I'm one of them. I've got some time without work, so I'm gonna go over what we've got, what we need, and start filling ppl's inboxes with reminders. We're not done yet, but we're super close.
Rexy Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 I understand, Rozo (and to some extent Meteo in spite of his confused response xD). I'm not meaning any harm on the duplicate arrangements, but I just thought that was a rather unusual move even for a large project like this one. Nevertheless, keep calm and mana on.
Brandon Strader Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 I'm glad that new mixes aren't being accepted, looking forward to this coming out so finishing what's left is a good plan
Phonetic Hero Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 I, too, am one of these delays. I'm about done with a school project, and with another high priority mix, so I'll be able to finish this one up pretty soon
Brandon Strader Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 and with another high priority mix Ah yeah I know how that is, haha! All you can do is try to prioritize them by when they were due.
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