Dafydd Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 I don't want to/won't take your job, but here's what I imagine the cover might sort of look like?
prophetik music Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 THAT was the title! i knew we had one at some point. starzander, sorry i forgot what it was. hopefully this clears this up for you.
Toadofsky Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 I don't want to/won't take your job, but here's what I imagine the cover might sort of look like? Hey! That looks great! I redid Kapora, with more of a sketchy feel... hopefully this nails it now.... Might need some adjustments, let me know what you think...
Toadofsky Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 i like this version. Boo ya! Or as Mario would say.. "Hee Hee Igot-et!" Yeah, epic fail I know....
Dafydd Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 This version is very nice. I know I was complaining about the sword before but the shape of the arcs was much nicer in the first one, I think. Also, how big is the owl supposed to look like? You've extended the handle a lot, the witdh/length ratio is over 3 times what it was in the original picture, so when you picture Link's hand on the handle, the owl feels only half as big as it was in the first picture. Maybe it's supposed to be that small though. Would it be too much to ask to have you try removing about 1/4 of the handle's length? I really don't know how much effort this would take on your part. The rain looks much better, except for a few strokes in on the left edge, especially the upper part. Cropping 10-20 pixels off the left edge would probably get rid of that though.
Toadofsky Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 This version is very nice. I know I was complaining about the sword before but the shape of the arcs was much nicer in the first one, I think. Also, how big is the owl supposed to look like? You've extended the handle a lot, the witdh/length ratio is over 3 times what it was in the original picture, so when you picture Link's hand on the handle, the owl feels only half as big as it was in the first picture. Maybe it's supposed to be that small though. Would it be too much to ask to have you try removing about 1/4 of the handle's length? I really don't know how much effort this would take on your part.The rain looks much better, except for a few strokes in on the left edge, especially the upper part. Cropping 10-20 pixels off the left edge would probably get rid of that though. Yeah, I'll crop off that side, and as far as the owl goes, I know Kapora is really big, at least in Ocarina he is. But I'll shorten the handle a bit more. But right now, I've gotta get off this computer, and get to the gym. Haven't been in like a week or more (that, and I'm tired of sitting in this apartment).
prophetik music Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 if link's sword is a true longsword, the handle should be almost a foot in length to reflect the fact that the sword is a mile long. gives you more room to adjust your hands as you strike, and helps balance it as well. i don't mind the picture sizing ratio the way it is. can you do a rainy beach with some flotsam cast up on it as well? some driftwood, a shell or two...reflecting link's status as flotsam in this world as well. we need a title text that can be used as a banner on the site (threshold of a dream). and, lastly, mind doing a stylized rendition of the box cover as well? thanks. edit: a seagull flying off would be cool too.
Dafydd Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 That beach idea would look nice on the back cover... anyway, about the handle, maybe it's supposed to be that long, but then the owl should be bigger. But right now, I've gotta get off this computer, and get to the gym. Haven't been in like a week or more (that, and I'm tired of sitting in this apartment). I should probably go too... been meaning to for days now but I'm just sitting here, getting fatter every day.
Toadofsky Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 I would kind of like to keep the owl the size that he is, if I make him bigger, then it might look awkward. Then the sword wouldn't be as visible at the bottom, at least that's my opinion. And yeah, I'll try to do a beach image, that'll take time since I was never that great with backgrounds. And the stylized cover, I'll give it a shot.
Dafydd Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 What if you keep the owl the same size but scale the entire sword so it's smaller, then?
Level 99 Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 I'm a terrible person for imagining the cover art depicting Japanese whalers hunting the Wind Fish to sell in supermarkets.... Seriously though, I like the rougher-style art that's been getting tossed around. I only played it in bits and pieces back in the day, but since the visuals weren't the highlight of the gameboy game, this kind of art displays a child-like drawing based on imaginations of the characters in the game. I don't know if that made sense, but it made sense to me! Keep it up, every-peoples
Kuvio Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 I think that pic would be super cool for the album. As for the size of the Owl and whatnot, I think it looks perfect. I like the sketchy look to it as well. Reminds me a bit of the look of Kirby's Dreamland 3.
Toadofsky Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Well guys, I tried to do the beach, and I couldn't get it to come together they way I think it should be, so I don't think I should be the one to do that. I'll try to do the banner, and the logo though. Sorry, I don't mean to drop from that, but I'm just not that good with backgrounds, I'll need practice on this for a while before I can make something special for you guys (Gimp is starting to show it's limits), so if it's possible, you think you guys may have someone who can do the back cover justice?
Dafydd Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 No promises, but I'll certainly try... Though it'll be a hand-drawn something, scanned, that someone else might be able to touch up some.
forteshadow Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Already PMed mephisto my WIP, but I'm appear to be claiming Catfish's Maw. Glad to be on board.
prophetik music Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 my name is prophet, and i approve this message. always glad to get unknowns involved.
prophetik music Posted January 20, 2009 Posted January 20, 2009 aw, hell, i remember that from way back when. wasn't that supposed to be the disc cover art or something?
Toadofsky Posted January 20, 2009 Posted January 20, 2009 aw, hell, i remember that from way back when.wasn't that supposed to be the disc cover art or something? Yeah, I remember that too. That's probably a better one to go with than my stuff.
Eon_Blue Posted January 21, 2009 Posted January 21, 2009 Oh my god, the BLOOM! Nice though. it's next gen
Mia Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 actually I am pretty sure that Rexy's version was loosely based on your version, because I remember they were very similar... Also I REALLY LOVED THAT WHY IS IT LOST FOREVER???? SAAAAAAAAAADNESSSSS!!!!!!!!! I wanna hear Rexy's version. Also, desperately hopeless though it may be, does anyone have my old WIP lying around anywhere? The filename would probably be something like eagle.mp3 or eaglewip.mp3 or eagle2 3 4 or 5... *le sigh* I'm gonna be getting a piano in here pretty soon. Maybe I'll look over what (if anything) is left, trackwise.
prophetik music Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 i'm fairly sure i have something from you, miku. i'll check when i get home. also, LAOS dropped his claim. another track's open. i'd appreciate being able to hear some progress relatively soon, everyone.
Mia Posted February 3, 2009 Posted February 3, 2009 i'm fairly sure i have something from you, miku. i'll check when i get home. Are you home yet?
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