prophetik music Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 So I heard through the grapevine that this is coming out tomorrow... would you know that, and i didn't? It's an interesting album (at least what I've heard so far) - I won't say too much more before release, as the album will be up for you guys to form your own thoughts around soon enough. Just know that whatever your expectations, this album is probably different from them. don't taunt them too much but, yeah - this is definitely a unique album in terms of style. i talked about it on that interview i linked a page or two ago that i did for RadioFree Gamer.
Brandon Strader Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 Conglaturation on ur album getting released tomorrow 12/13/10
RDX Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 It's an interesting album (at least what I've heard so far) - I won't say too much more before release, as the album will be up for you guys to form your own thoughts around soon enough. Just know that whatever your expectations, this album is probably different from them. sounds like a negative review to me all im really expecting is an album that is chill and doesn't have your typical ocr album synth rock tracks all over the place. i kind of doubt i can be displeased based upon that. i guess we'll see.
Lemonectric Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 sounds like a negative review to me all im really expecting is an album that is chill and doesn't have your typical ocr album synth rock tracks all over the place. i kind of doubt i can be displeased based upon that. i guess we'll see. Psych! The album's genre restriction was all a dream. I knew it was going to happen
EC2151 Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 hey you the final boss theme would be perfect for metulz. As long as it has an instrumental version to supplement it. :^)
Brandon Strader Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 typical ocr album synth rock tracks all over the place. I didn't know synth rock was typical here.. shows what I know...
ad.mixx Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 I'm not getting that whole synth rock thing either. Tbh I could use some more synth rock :/ It's an interesting album (at least what I've heard so far) - I won't say too much more before release, as the album will be up for you guys to form your own thoughts around soon enough. Just know that whatever your expectations, this album is probably different from them. I hope this is a good thing. Hehe. I'm super excited for tomorrow. I woke up today thinking it was the 13th today with my head glued to the monitor waiting for this things release. Ahh sometimes I like to majorly disappoint myself. :/
ZeldaStrife Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 Being part of staff has its perks . Ah. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR. well, good for you then! thanks for helping pull the album together then!
Bahamut Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 sounds like a negative review to me all im really expecting is an album that is chill and doesn't have your typical ocr album synth rock tracks all over the place. i kind of doubt i can be displeased based upon that. i guess we'll see. Nah, it's neutral - I'm liking the album quite a bit, but it's just a warning since the album is much different than I think just about anyone would expect. Edit: Ah. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR. well, good for you then! thanks for helping pull the album together then! To be honest, I didn't do any of that. I'm part of site staff as a forum moderator is what I meant .
prophetik music Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 sounds like a negative review to me it's different from what every other project has been. there's more artsy on it than you'd usually see on a project here, particularly since so many of the projects are groove bias anyways. just wait your turn, and make your own decisions =)
Xenon Odyssey Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 surprise, my track is a solo tambourine jazz odyssey artsy
ZeldaStrife Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 To be honest, I didn't do any of that. I'm part of site staff as a forum moderator is what I meant . oh, haha. well, still thanks. Oooh, tomorrow cannot get here soon enough! I want to hear this thing so badly! It will be right up there with DKC2: Serious Monkey Business and Bound Together (EarthBound) for my study playlist during finals week!
KyleJCrb Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 would you know that, and i didn't? Because I heard it straight from the lion(tamer)'s mouth while doing a podcast with him today. He has a bad habit of not telling the important people things until the absolute last possible minute.
BLUamnEsiac Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 Nah, the dream was the album being released on December 6th. Was that posted date a product of someone's rampant enthusiasm or possibly a way to hook us all in before the actual release date? Psych! The album's genre restriction was all a dream.I knew it was going to happen
José the Bronx Rican Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 He has a bad habit of not telling the important people things until the absolute last possible minute. Me, on the evening of the 2nd: "Wait, what?!"
RDX Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 I'm not getting that whole synth rock thing either. Tbh I could use some more synth rock :/ Yeah it's probably something else. It's probably just straight up metal. All I know is a lot of the ocr albums have some of the big name tracks done in this one specific style (that involves imo an excessive use of guitar) and it always bothers me.but i digress (good word)
Dafydd Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 I fixed the thread title for you: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - RELEASE DATE DEF. MAYBE 2010 or how about Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - RELEASE DATE DESORMAIS 2010
Brandon Strader Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 I fixed the thread title for you:or how about Zelda: Link's Awakening - Album Release Immediately Following Listening Party
KyleJCrb Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 an excessive use of guitar Pretty sure there's no such possible thing. Those words don't go together.
prophetik music Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 Yeah it's probably something else. It's probably just straight up metal. All I know is a lot of the ocr albums have some of the big name tracks done in this one specific style (that involves imo an excessive use of guitar) and it always bothers me.but i digress (good word) true! there are a few requirements for OCR projects. 1. a song that involves seventeen guitars, all way too loud, with some bass and drums playing a blastbeat for ten minutes. lots of wheedly solos. if it's a straight midi rip with tons of solos layered on top, even better! no one will know anyways. they're too busy looking for toilet paper for their ears. 2. an "orchestral" track done by nutritious or equivalent that is excellent but gets passed over by 7/10ths of the people who listen to these projects because classical music iz dumb. 3. one song involving vocals taken from a sample pack, for better or for worse, that have nothing to do with anything. Sexy Boy or that song from FF4 are good examples. it has to be a girl, though. guys don't sing musics. 4. a trance/house/loud electronic track on a theme that is, in game, a retrospective and quiet song. this is particularly effective if there's so much side-chaining you can watch your woofer wheezing like it's an emphysema patient, throbbing in and out around once or twice a second. don't forget a lead that's so excruciatingly loud on the high end that it's bound to prevent you from turning it up in your car. at all. 5. a chiptune track. this can be the original chiptune from the game - no one will notice, since chiptunes are so retro. i love to listen to them when i'm drinking my starbucks and wearing american apparel in my ikea-lined house. don't forget the neckerchief. we have one song on this project that combines all five of these tracks.
prophetik music Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 also, a reprint from stevo's post: When: 12/19/10, 5 PM ESTWhere:, channel: #OCRListeningParty Please have the album downloaded and ready to roll before the listening party if you want to follow along! 19th is this sunday! we start promptly at 5pm - you'll miss tracks if you come late! try and get there a few minutes early.
KyleJCrb Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 Yo dawgs, i herd u liek released projects:
Bahamut Posted December 13, 2010 Posted December 13, 2010 If you have thoughts on the album, post them here: Otherwise, go grab the album from and enjoy!
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