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Watt up y'all i'm trying to go through ever remix and album on this site and rate then from 1-5 stars and i'm going chronologically. Right now i'm at remix 780, which puts me at the start of 2003. I realized this could take awhile but it's cool going forward through time the quality vs simplicity of earlier tracks is astonishing compared to stuff now. If anyone else has how long diff it take you and what at pivotal remixes for you?


First of all, welcome to OCR :)

Onto the subject at hand - We don't discuss favorites here, just so you know. The remixes have all had great purposes throughout the track's history, and even the quirky ones have their moments just as much as the ones that really upped the quality.

In addition to making my own, I enjoy listening to all these as much as I can, and even going back to those from years before that I probably overlooked the first time. But I, like most others, haven't even heard them all and it would probably take years before that would even happen. I know that OA and Level99 succeeded, but I don't know about anyone else just yet o_O


I want to say I've listened to most of them, but I don't know how many I've heard. I do know that I have made over 500 reviews in the ReMix review forum though, so it must be a formidable number.

OA & DragonAvenger have listened to every mix I believe, and of course djpretzel.


Oh cool to see what others have listened to. I like the progression of the write UPS for each remix as well, the first few are very quirky abd light on song specifics and the later ones are full blown critiques. Some other notes are the prolific outputs of mcvaffe in the early days and children of the monkey machine. I was just setting if anyone who listened to a lot of the remixes or albums noticed any cool trrnds like these. Another thing is the amount of chrono cross mixes in the early days.


I tried to listen to all of them, there might be some I missed (most likely from albums that are no longer available or tracks that got deleted), but I know that it is not impossible to listen to every ocr track, just got to do some digging and hunting ;)


I haven't listened to anything from OCR in 4-5 years. I stick around (lurking mostly) because as far as I can tell, OCR is one of the only decent communities left on the internet. Plus, people here have been very kind to me in the past. Namely Blue Magic, CHIPP damage, and atmuh.

The quality of the music hasn't changed, I'm just in a different part of my life, and a lot of things have been left behind. I still very much enjoy game music, I just don't have time for it.


Every single track at least once. Many only once. I like a wide range of styles and such, but some of the stuff that came out in the early days... ehhhh, the more recent years have spoiled me. I still have a fair amount of the early stuff, but yeah, not as many as I used to even just a few years ago. I try to listen to each track the day it comes out, and then I decide on whether I want to download it. Usually I do, but every once in a while I just don't like a mix and won't download it. I know many people are more picky than I am, but I like having the diversity, even if I'm not going to listen to a particular track very often.


I joined the site in 2006, and I did listen to them all, well, all of the mixes that were posted from then until now (some have been removed in the past, before I joined, for basically being MIDI rips, and I haven't heard those). It gets hard to keep up with all the project releases, but listening to a few new tracks a week isn't bad at all.


Yea i'm trying to knock out 50 a week and Ann arrangement album every week but it's a lot of work and I dl everything. The Pokemon album was ann eyeopener in quality for me. At one point in 07 I listened to everything at that point but im redoing everything again. Amievil was a beast back in the day too. Also ffmusicdj I hope he makes later stuff as well. im impressed at the range of styles and all that a well and I recently learned of the purged remixes so I have to track those down at some point


I've listened to them all, and there are a lot of trends on which games are popular to be posted, but the main trend in the past few years is definitely album releases are so much more frequent, so there will be big chunks of them posted at once. Echoes of Betrayal's release more than doubled the number of FF4 mixes on the site, and Nights's ratio was even more insane. :-)

Because of OCAD and my brief stint on VGDJ, I have listened to every OHC, DDC, PRC, OLR, and OCR remix put out since 2009. Still my favorite track is Trix by Tepid. But to answer your question, some of the more vintage stuff, I have not listened to.

You wouldn't post links to said sites, would you?

To OP:

I discovered this site some ten years ago, don't even remember how I got here. Since then I downloaded and listened to every single remix and album from here. What can I say, these remixes bring me back to those glorious days of childhood ;-P


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