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I think I'm going to pick this up for the PS3 next week if I got some extra money. I've heard nothing but good stuff about this game.

Noob question: Do I need to play Borderlands first? Like, is there some sort of storyline that I should catch up with before I play this one?

I think I'm going to pick this up for the PS3 next week if I got some extra money. I've heard nothing but good stuff about this game.

Noob question: Do I need to play Borderlands first? Like, is there some sort of storyline that I should catch up with before I play this one?

Nah, don't worry too much about the story. It wasn't very strong in the first game anyway, and you can glean all the important bits from BL2's quests and dialogue.

Nah, don't worry too much about the story. It wasn't very strong in the first game anyway, and you can glean all the important bits from BL2's quests and dialogue.

Pretty much this. There were only like one or two really important details, and they get covered for the most part in the beginning of the game. You'll be fine just hopping into BL2.

All you need is a Conference Call and you'll have unlocked EZ Mode.

Jeez, no kidding. I had a Level 27-28ish version of a Conference Call and even without an amp shield Normal Mode became really easy. I've heard TVHM is brutal, but those two items together sound positively nuts.

Also, finally beat playthrough 1 last night. Will probably try TVHM soonish. Said Conference Call shredded the final boss too, it was insane. I'll never have a hard time beating that boss if I pass that shotgun between my characters, that's for sure.

I think I'm going to pick this up for the PS3 next week if I got some extra money. I've heard nothing but good stuff about this game.

Noob question: Do I need to play Borderlands first? Like, is there some sort of storyline that I should catch up with before I play this one?

As DarkeSword said, the storyline of Borderlands is minimally impactful to the story of its sequel. The only real benefit to playing (finishing?) the first game is that you immediately unlock some extra character skins.

Of course, I recommend playing both. I vastly prefer the first, but that's just my opinion.


Actually the game shares a lot of continuity and references with the first game, not to mention that it skips most of the world-building that already got covered. While BL2 is more than fine as a standalone game, having played BL1 definitely improves the experience even more.

On the other hand, I do think that BL2 is absolutely way way better than the original in almost every aspect, whether that be plot, characters, gameplay, difficulty curve and weapons variety. That said, I do miss that Pestilent Defiler.

I agree that playing through BL1 is gonna make a lot of aspects of 2 a lot cooler. I would do it personally, but it is a lot of gaming time, and as has been said, BL2 is pretty much better in every way.

This, pretty much. Playing the first game and knowing it well gives you tons of little bonuses, laughs, and references you would just miss otherwise, but in terms of major plot? You're not missing much of anything. You have more worldbuilding than anything in 1, and even that's more left to discovery and thought rather than accurately spelled out.

...And I too miss the Pestilent Defiler, Tensei. Also my old Glorious Ogre.


Yeah I found it odd that Wilhelm was such a pushover after all the buildup. Then again, he appears at a point where it's implied that you've nearly won, because all you have to do is get the Vault key from Wilhelm and then Handsome Jack won't be able to summon the Warrior, so it might just be a half-assed effort by Jack (through Angel) to present him as the final boss, considering what happens next.

On an unrelated note, this and the sarcastic slow-clapping bandit after beating the Slab King's gauntlet might be my favorite parts of the game, but it's hard to say because there are so many awesome parts.


I agree that BL2 is fine on its own, but some of the biggest shockers and events are related to characters that BL1 spent a lot of time developing.

Also, I nearly

cried when Jack blew off Bloodwing's head. Never would have thought that would have happened. On the downside, it also makes Roland's death and Lilith's capture seem like a weak attempt to raise the stakes. Characters from the first game in peril? Yeah, I just watched my mutated pet bird from the first game get it's head exploded. Nothing is gonna wreck me like that did.

Also, "CATCH A RRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDE!!!!" Best Scooter part ever :P

Also, "CATCH A RRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDE!!!!" Best Scooter part ever :P


Daisy, I like you a whole lot

More than that bandit liked spoonin' that ro-bot

You are a diamong in the rough

or a flower surrounded by shrapnel and stuff

I will hang myself from my own tombstone

If within you, I cannot put my bone.

Nothing further.

PC here... BUT, tried playing w/ keyboard and mouse and it just wasn't happening for me. Switched to 360 gamepad, MUCH better. Sacrilege, perhaps, softcore, perhaps, but more fun.

Anyone else have the same experience as Dave? Is controller just the way it was meant to be played?


Played BL1 on PS3 and BL2 on PC - I honestly like keyboard and mouse way more, but I have always preferred keyboard and mouse when in comes to shooters. I also can't imagine any precise aiming with the controllers.


Why has this turned into a PC vs Console debate? Sigh... CL4P-TP needs to be a playable character in the next one :) Also badass points were a nice addition. They left space in each characters perks menu too.... Hmmmmm I wonder why *grins*

Because I want to play the game using the input scheme it was designed for.

It's ultimately designed for both. The original Borderlands was more designed with consoles in mind, but high PC sales for the game convinced Gearbox to pay more attention to the needs of PC gamers for Borderlands 2.

For the sake of argument, *both* control setups are what the game is designed for. Pick your poison, and it's the right answer.

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