timaeus222 Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 It's hilarious how the Breeders keep refighting you so often. xD Marriland may think it's annoying, but I kinda like it. Provides for easy training. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 Listening to while studying just makes me feel good.Man they did a good job with the OST to the Black/White generation. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted January 5, 2013 Posted January 5, 2013 Hey gang! I've FINALLY beaten the Elite Four and gained access to pokemon breeding. Here's the sklnny: I want a Torchic(egg or recently hatched/<lvl.10 is fine), and I've got a few Oshawott and Oshawott eggs that I'm willing to trade, although I could probably breed a few other things if anyone wants. I just want me a torchic! Someone let me know if they wanna deal or if they could direct me to anyone who would. Happy gaming! Edit- I just got a few golarks and male eevees that I can trade as well. Quote
DusK Posted January 5, 2013 Posted January 5, 2013 My girlfriend got me Black 2 for the mas of the Christ, and I'm pretty hooked. 2667 0962 3914 I'll add everyone here now, though I'm still working my way through the story, so I doubt I'll be doing a whole lot of online stuff for a while. Quote
Sansato Posted January 10, 2013 Posted January 10, 2013 I'd beaten the E4 in White 2 a while back and have kind of just been screwing around with other games since then. I'm starting to get kind of bored and I figure I might as well start getting into the whole online thing before X and Y get here, so here's my friend code for White 2. 3053 5393 2815. I guess I'll add everyone who has their code posted here while I'm at it. Now, off to explore the rest of Unova and train my pokemon. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted January 10, 2013 Posted January 10, 2013 I'd beaten the E4 in White 2 a while back and have kind of just been screwing around with other games since then. I'm starting to get kind of bored and I figure I might as well start getting into the whole online thing before X and Y get here, so here's my friend code for White 2.3053 5393 2815. I guess I'll add everyone who has their code posted here while I'm at it. Now, off to explore the rest of Unova and train my pokemon. Dude I hear ya. I kinda wanna just restart the game from scratch since I'm not really doing much with it after taking down the Elite Four. I can't seem to find anyone to play online with other than random battling, and I think I've pretty much goofed up on how I've raised my pokemon so far. I'd probably go for it if I could link up the Dream World with a new game ID, since it resets every time you start up again. Quote
Sansato Posted January 10, 2013 Posted January 10, 2013 Dude I hear ya. I kinda wanna just restart the game from scratch since I'm not really doing much with it after taking down the Elite Four. I can't seem to find anyone to play online with other than random battling, and I think I've pretty much goofed up on how I've raised my pokemon so far. I'd probably go for it if I could link up the Dream World with a new game ID, since it resets every time you start up again. I'm considering rebuilding my team and breeding an Oshawott when I get a Ditto onto the file (unless I already have a Ditto, which I highly doubt). Seems like a better solution to me than restarting the game, but that's just my opinion. I'm probably terrible at raising my pokemon. I'm decent at battling NPCs, but Movesets, items and type match-ups are the only areas in which I have any knowledge. I'm clueless when it comes to stuff like IVs or Effort Values, and even with the stuff I do know, I'm just now beginning to get a handle on how it all works (unless we're talking type match-ups. I'm pretty good at those.). Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted January 10, 2013 Posted January 10, 2013 I don't bother with all that hidden stuff. Unless I end up trying to do battles against other people and have it made clear that I can't compete without it, it's just too much effort for me to learn. I just play to have fun. Heck, in my current game (Platinum), I went with a team that I just liked the look of. That's all the reasoning I need. Quote
Sansato Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I guess you're right about the hidden stuff, Halcyon. I mean, your reasoning works for me. Still, I should at least try to incorporate a little more strategy into my game. Movesets and items are the easiest ways I know how to do this, so I've got a little experimenting to do when I start training my vast collection of boxed mons. Quote
Mirby Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 I don't bother with all that hidden stuff. Unless I end up trying to do battles against other people and have it made clear that I can't compete without it, it's just too much effort for me to learn. I just play to have fun. Heck, in my current game (Platinum), I went with a team that I just liked the look of. That's all the reasoning I need. that's how i feel myself though i think i did some inadvertent EV training or something cause my Walrein gained 50 SP ATK and 25 SP DEF over the course of two levels. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 Yeah, a friend of mine introduced me to the concept of IVs and Effort values and I was pretty much "fuck that" right away. I guess my problem is that the PWT(more like PWNT in my case) is pretty much telling me I fail as a trainer. What I thought might have been a good idea was to incorporate just Pokemon with multiple types to add to my variety, but then I realized that just made me more susceptible to that much more stuff, and I'm also learning the wonder of status enfeebles, and buffs for doubles/triples. Problem is that unless I go hardcore into moves, stats, and the like, I can't really predict what moves my 'mons will learn so as to effectively compete, and I don't wanna spend all day on Serebi! I'm not that kind of player that wants to get too immersed in the frame data and detailed specs of things. Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 Yeah, a friend of mine introduced me to the concept of IVs and Effort values and I was pretty much "fuck that" right away. Same. Screw EVs and screw training for stats. I catch/breed/trade to acquire Pokemon I like, so that I can train them. I also catch/breed/trade for Pokemon I don't particularly like, so that I can learn about them and possibly come to like them, and fill out my Pokedex. Training several generations to max out stats always seemed a little inhuman to me, tbh; the furthest I've ever gone was breeding to put a move on a Pokemon that didn't normally get it, and that was more for giggles than anything else. Quote
Brushfire Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 Yeah, a friend of mine introduced me to the concept of IVs and Effort values and I was pretty much "fuck that" right away.I guess my problem is that the PWT(more like PWNT in my case) is pretty much telling me I fail as a trainer. What I thought might have been a good idea was to incorporate just Pokemon with multiple types to add to my variety, but then I realized that just made me more susceptible to that much more stuff, and I'm also learning the wonder of status enfeebles, and buffs for doubles/triples. Problem is that unless I go hardcore into moves, stats, and the like, I can't really predict what moves my 'mons will learn so as to effectively compete, and I don't wanna spend all day on Serebi! I'm not that kind of player that wants to get too immersed in the frame data and detailed specs of things. PokeGen, if you are feeling super lazy and just want to design a poke from scratch. Personally that is viewed by most as cheating including myself, but it makes it easy for the initiated to set up a team that can be used in competitive play. It allows for design from Movesets, to IVs and EVs, down to if a pokemon is shiny or not. It is a good alternative to the 350+ hours required to cultivate a perfect team. Quote
Soul Splint Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 EVs, yes. IVs, NOOOOOOOOOOO. The only thing I've ever done with IVs is use a calculator to see which of the five or so wild pokemon I've caught (of the same species) has the best IVs and a preferable nature, so I know to go with that one. Screw all the breeding work for good IVs. EVs aren't that bad if you're building one legitimate team, because you'll be battling a lot to level them up anyway. Might as well battle the right kind of mons so you can get the stats you want. Quote
The Damned Posted January 11, 2013 Author Posted January 11, 2013 All you guys complaining about the difficulties of breeding for IVs... just get a hold of a Ditto with 31 IVs across the board. After a half dozen eggs, you're going to get one with really good IVs. Add in an Everstone, and you can raise your chances of keeping the nature of the parents as well. That's how I got my 31-31-31-31-31-31 and 30-30-30-30-30-30 pokes. Quote
Soul Splint Posted January 11, 2013 Posted January 11, 2013 But didn't you get that Ditto from PokeGen? I seem to remember you saying you did, maybe I'm misremembering. I have never been able to get that site to work for me. Quote
The Damned Posted January 12, 2013 Author Posted January 12, 2013 No, that one was a trade. I gave up a shiny Blastoise for it. The Blastoise had average stats, so I came out the winner in that one. The one I mentioned some sort of trick that makes the GTS system on your game think it's trading without actually trading. I've never gotten it to work, because it seems I DON'T INTERNET GOOD NUFF to get it right. I fucking suck at setting up network shit, and my friend who is good at it wouldn't understand why I want this setup. But, even then, it's still the same as finding one naturally. Let's say we both get a max IV pokemon parent. Mine was from pokegen/whateer system, yours is one you magically found while beating up some random pokes in a cave or field. Now, we could both use it to breed eggs. The eggs will still have the same chances of getting various stats, and they will still need to be EV trained, leveled up and taught attacks. That part hasn't changed, nor is it necessarily being done quicker/easier. But just making a perfect stat pokemon and using that? Fuck that, part of the fun is making your team and raising it. If you want straight up battling, there are a few sims that do all the hard tiresome stuff like training out, and just let you fight it out with anyone. If that's what you want, jut go use that and leave the carts to the rest of us. Quote
Cody Wedel Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 Eh, I wouldn't say IV breeding is difficult... it's just extraordinarily time-consuming, and sadly it's just not for me. I couldn't realistically see myself hatch a buncha eggs and check their individual IVs even if both parents were 31/31/31/31/31/31 and the child was guaranteed the beneficial nature & 31/31/31/x/x/x. I'm not much of an EV guy either, but earlier tonight I fired up Black for the first time in almost a year for the sole purpose of hatching a good-natured Sandile to EV train. (I've been pretty bored game-wise and wanted to do something Pokémon related, and breeding a couple o' Krookodiles seemed like a good idea). It took over an hour to generate 30 eggs, and it took quite a bit longer than that hatch them all. I'll occasionally soft-reset to get a beneficial nature for a starter just to make my playthrough a little easier, but for the most part I just play the game to unwind and have fun. I don't battle competitively and I don't see the point in me pouring dozens upon dozens of hours to get the 'perfect' team. No offense at all to anyone who does spend the time, of course. That's actually a very commendable dedication. I'm REALLY proud of my Adamant-natured Totodile in HG--I had just picked it up from Elm's lab and had this funny feeling that I needed to EV train it. Ended up a Feraligatr before I battled a single trainer I checked its IVs when it was at a decently high level (around 60-something). For its stats being completely generated by chance, it ended up having pretty amazing IVs (if I recall, Attack and Speed were both 31s and everything else was above 25... I got super lucky). Made up for that shiny Pidgey I ran into yet couldn't catch due to not having any Poké Balls. Quote
Soul Splint Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 I totally agree on not using things like PokeGen to generate a perfect team; there's no fun in that. Team building itself has always been fun to me (with the exception of IV breeding). Of all the Dittos I've ever caught, I've never gotten one with even all IVs above 20. I think once X&Y come out, I'll finally grit my teeth and try until I catch a really good one, and get into IV breeding for once, just to have at least one 'perfect' team. Quote
Mirby Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 I've had a team I've deemed 'perfect' without all that stuff. Seriously I see no need for it and manage just fine without it. Quote
Bleck Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 EV training is kind of important, but I think you can skip out on IV bullshit and still have a strong team. Quote
ocre Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 I always do my first run through without worrying about IVs or EVs at all. At most, I'll try to get a Nature that isn't in opposition to the Pokemon's effective stats. After I beat the game I'll decide to EV train one or two monsters but its not a big deal. Quote
Mirby Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 I've never (intentionally) EV trained. Seriously. Never bothered with IVs either. And I've gotten through all the games just fine. Quote
Soul Splint Posted January 13, 2013 Posted January 13, 2013 I don't build these teams for the main game. They're for online battling. And when I say 'perfect', I mean in an OCD kind of way. I have several very strong teams, but they're not perfect in that they can be improved upon with strong IVs. Quote
Bleck Posted January 13, 2013 Posted January 13, 2013 EVs don't matter for the main game, but they do when battling other people who take the time to EV train themselves. Quote
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