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So let's talk intermittent fasting, please. I'm planning on doing it for my next cut in January, but I was also considering the possibility of starting it for my bulk next month. I'm just a little wary of consuming so many calories in such a short amount of time; I'm afraid I'll feel like crap during most of my eight hours of eating. Ecto, I think you said you had some experience with this. Has anyone else tried it?

Also, if someone could point to some good research about how intermittent fasting affects hormones, that would be most welcome.

So let's talk intermittent fasting, please. I'm planning on doing it for my next cut in January, but I was also considering the possibility of starting it for my bulk next month. I'm just a little wary of consuming so many calories in such a short amount of time; I'm afraid I'll feel like crap during most of my eight hours of eating. Ecto, I think you said you had some experience with this. Has anyone else tried it?

Also, if someone could point to some good research about how intermittent fasting affects hormones, that would be most welcome.

Actually, I've done my whole bulk with intermittent fasting. I'll be the first to tell you how effective it is. On the other hand, I'll also be the first to tell you how miserable it is to bulk while doing IF. Cutting is no biggie on IF, but bulking sucks because I consume like 3500 calories in 8 hours, and that is not easy or comfortable to do. The benefit is that I've gained no more than probably 5-7 lbs of fat after putting on 43 lbs so far this bulk.

But I wouldn't say I feel "like crap" too often on IF. Sometimes, yeah, if I really push it with eating more than I should too soon, but generally, it's just somewhat uncomfortable :P Still not a great thing, but you have to keep your eyes on the prize when bulking anyway. It's never fun to eat several thousand calories each day, haha, fasting or not.

Regarding research, it's all on pubmed. Just search for intermittent fasting. Or just ask me whichever questions are on your mind!


Cool, I'll do some research on pubmed soon. I got from 155 to 180 without too much trouble, now I want to see if I can get to a clean 200 then back down to a super-clean 190 or so next spring.

Would you mind sharing your average daily food log? Just what you're eating and how much, etc. I'm curious.

Cool, I'll do some research on pubmed soon. I got from 155 to 180 without too much trouble, now I want to see if I can get to a clean 200 then back down to a super-clean 190 or so next spring.

Would you mind sharing your average daily food log? Just what you're eating and how much, etc. I'm curious.

Yep, it's the same nearly every day.

PWO meal = 1 lb 100% grass-fed ground beef, 1 lb organic sweet potatoes, 3/8 cup of hemp protein

Then throughout the afternoon and evening, I just sorta cram down 4 scrambled eggs cooked in butter, steamed broccoli and grass-fed raw cheese, about 3/4 lb of microwaved potatoes with several tbsp of grass-fed butter in them + various seasonings, a large bowl of raw, grass-fed yogurt with 2 bananas and some berries.

On rest days, I skip the sweet potatoes and potatoes and add in kale + bacon cooked in the bacon fat and braised in white wine. Shit is so good... I also throw in whatever else will add in a few more calories on rest days without making it very carb heavy as I reduce my carb intake on rest days for fat-loss purposes.

And I'm not saying organic and raw and grass-fed to be a snob but because it's important to eat top-quality foods as they're more nutrient dense and in line with our biochemistry, not the mention the dangers of pesticide residues and GMO foods.

I also don't really measure or count anything except the hemp protein. I just eat a lot. That's the idea :P


Ermagerd, kale + bacon sounds like a win. I'll have to try that. I've been trying to track down a semi-convenient location to purchase grass-fed products from, but the pickings are pretty slim. So far it looks like the closest option for me is about an hour away. I may be buying in super-bulk for a while.

Yeah, measuring food is typically worthless unless you're looking to win bodybuilding contests. I definitely don't measure when I'm bulking, and I typically only measure for the first week or so of a cut until I get used to what the portions look and feel like.

I think I'm gonna try intermittent fasting when I start bulking next month. Thanks for the food list :)

Starting a new workout regime tomorrow with heavy emphasis on swimming at various intensities and lots of lean protein.

Gotta get thin before I get BRICKED.

Yep, yep, and more yep. If you have bonus fat, step 1 in fitness is to lose it before you start adding muscle.


I've done IF and it's great for cutting a little, but trying to fit a bunch of calories into that window leaves me feelin' rushed. I think it's good to go, just need to adjust a little.

Being hungry and all that was never really an issue for me, it was just having to get in a lot of calories in 3ish hours less.

  • 2 weeks later...

How is everyone doing on their goals? Hopefully getting all kiinds of gainz~

Got to be a guest at Stevo's pretty nice gym (three squat racks, plus a specific OHP rack? Luxury), and Dragonavenger and I did some squats, dips, and chins. It is a little bit jarring to workout in a new gym, but we made good progress.

I am super proud of Deia's lifting skills, she is able to squat and deadlift over her bodyweight, and do a legit pullup or two. :-)

Thanks to Stevo for letting us tag along while he swam, and props to the gym for deciding not to charge us either!

I gained an inch-long gash in Parkour last week trying to do a kash vault and ramming my knee against the box instead...

:-( :-( :-(

dude, that is brutal. I guess the bright side is that it was just a gash instead of a cracked kneecap or something, but still. I hope you heal up fast and then get back to it!

:-( :-( :-(

dude, that is brutal. I guess the bright side is that it was just a gash instead of a cracked kneecap or something, but still. I hope you heal up fast and then get back to it!

Oh yeah, I'm good. Just had to avoid bending it for a couple of days...should be good for more parkour on sunday!

How is everyone doing on their goals? Hopefully getting all kiinds of gainz~

My schedule's about to shift to allow me to workout an extra day a week, which rules so hard. I'm working on a new regimen to destroy myself :)

That schedule shift, my desire to start an intermittent fasting bulk, and moving into a new house are all coinciding right now; I'm hoping to be in the new house, then start the new diet and weight regimen week after next. Last time I did a solid diet/workout change at the same time I got a small 'noob gain' which is pretty awesome when you have been working out steadily for a couple of years.

Posted (edited)
How is everyone doing on their goals? Hopefully getting all kiinds of gainz~

I pulled a muscle in my hip playing Ultimate Frisbee (minor injury) and stress fractured both of my forearms because I broke my cardinal rule of only doing compound lifts to prevent injury. Here I am with two technically broken arms now, and I'm a surgeon. Guess if that makes my 9-5 more fun. Go ahead. That's right! It's doesn't!

So I've been taking time off to heal. It's been almost a month, and the hip is 100%, but my arms still need to heal a bit.

Ugh. I must have lost 15 lbs by now, maybe more. I look much smaller and feel much weaker. It really sucks to see my effort melt away like that, but it was a hard lesson learned about how NOT to train. Don't push it if you feel pain (not discomfort, but pain), folks, especially during a biomechanically unsound movement like an isolation lift. I had a ton of positive momentum with my gains, and a few unnecessary barbell biceps curls just wasn't worth the risk.

I was looking forward to being huge for MAGFest and outlifting OA, but that'll have to WEIGHT (lol!) til NextNextMAG, I think :( I've got a lot of ground to make back up soon.

Edited by ectogemia
Posted (edited)
How is everyone doing on their goals? Hopefully getting all kiinds of gainz~

I successfully made my cut this year. Here's a picture


Enjoy 'cause August is Garpocalypse's Cheescake, Brotwurst and Beer month.

It really sucks to see my effort melt away like that, but it was a hard lesson learned about how NOT to train. Don't push it if you feel pain (not discomfort, but pain), folks, especially during a biomechanically unsound movement like an isolation lift. I had a ton of positive momentum with my gains, and a few unnecessary barbell biceps curls just wasn't worth the risk.

Bruce Lee gave himself a crippling injury by Goodmorning-ing his body weight first thing in the morning before any warmups. He then later realized that he didn't need any weight at all for the excercise. Just the bar was enough.

Since I don't have health insurance right now I am being really careful about how much weight i lift. Sorry this information is coming too late for you but I have been having some crazy success this summer lifting lighter weight to failure than lifting bigger. Forcing your fast twitch fibers to work by fatiguing the slow twitch fibers first seems to work really well and with little chance for injury. Check out the DTP program on Bodybuilding.com.

Can't surgeons fix themselves anyway? I'm pretty sure I saw it in Iron Monkey. This Doctor, Surgeon type guy got really messed up and fixed himself. It only took a montage to do it so I think you should be able to do something.

Edited by Garpocalypse

So, yeah, I've been wondering about this for awhile. I'm pretty thin, <= 10 percent body fat I reckon. Metabolism is quite fast, always has been. Yet I still have a bit of a pouch going on my belly. Its quite perturbing. All these crunches and stuff I'm doing are for naught if belly fat is covering it up. Yet I'm not a fatass, so what's up with this? Harrumph.

Posted (edited)
I pulled a muscle in my hip playing Ultimate Frisbee (minor injury) and stress fractured both of my forearms because I broke my cardinal rule of only doing compound lifts to prevent injury.

Dude, that sucks so bad. I hate to hear that, especially cause I know how much effort goes into gaining that kind of weight. Hope your recovery speeds up!

I successfully made my cut this year. Here's a picture


HAHAHA, I'm listening to the OCR radio, and when I read this, guess what was playing? http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00160/ No joke.

So, yeah, I've been wondering about this for awhile. I'm pretty thin, <= 10 percent body fat I reckon. Metabolism is quite fast, always has been. Yet I still have a bit of a pouch going on my belly. Its quite perturbing. All these crunches and stuff I'm doing are for naught if belly fat is covering it up. Yet I'm not a fatass, so what's up with this? Harrumph.

Whatchu eatin man? Sounds like there are some extra carbs or simple sugars in your diet, or maybe just not enough fat-burning exercise. I'm skinny by nature too, but I have to get down below ten for my abs to start peeking. And how sure are you that you're around 10? My last self-estimate was off by about 2 percent in the wrong (fat) direction.

Edited by Soul Splint
So, yeah, I've been wondering about this for awhile. I'm pretty thin, <= 10 percent body fat I reckon. Metabolism is quite fast, always has been. Yet I still have a bit of a pouch going on my belly. Its quite perturbing. All these crunches and stuff I'm doing are for naught if belly fat is covering it up. Yet I'm not a fatass, so what's up with this? Harrumph.

I bet Ecto can clear this up, but ultimately you should try exactly what soul splint said and cut your grains and complex carbs like sugars. Sounds like your insulin response levels might be causing you to build up excess glycogen stores around the organs around there. That's why, locationally, people tend to build fat on their bellies first when complex carbs are the problem.


Whatchu eatin man? Sounds like there are some extra carbs or simple sugars in your diet, or maybe just not enough fat-burning exercise. I'm skinny by nature too, but I have to get down below ten for my abs to start peeking.

Yeah, I'm thinking thats the problem. I fluctuate between eating pretty healthy and giving into the dark side. I need to work on controlling the food demons. Just cause I metabolize things fast doesn't give me carte blanche to eat horrible shit.

And how sure are you that you're around 10? My last self-estimate was off by about 2 percent in the wrong (fat) direction.

I have one of those scales that measures body fat and stuff. It's almost never above 10% body fat, usually in the 9-10.5 range. But, yeah, that could be off for sure.


I was reading over the weekend about "skinny fat". I had honestly never heard of this term before, but it seems to apply to me a bit. Probably less so these days cuz I'm regularly exercising. But eating a quart of ice cream for lunch probably isn't the smartest move.

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