Thin Crust Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 Those aren't abdomin focused. And I don't need more leg strength. Quote
Soul Splint Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 Those aren't abdomin focused. And I don't need more leg strength. TC, you're really doing yourself a disservice by only doing exercises that target your abs and nothing else. Ecto posted those exercises because although they use multiple muscle groups, they will hit your core like no crunch or situp ever could. You will see far greater results in your core by doing those exercises instead of ones that only target the abdomen. If you don't want your legs to get bigger/stronger, you can always bump up your reps to 15 or more; this will build your endurance more than size and strength, and will also get you a great cardio workout in the process. I understand that you want to focus on your abs, but we are truly trying to help you in our recommendations. So far, the way you are going about it is far from maximum efficiency. I'm sure your core is getting a bit stronger with what you're doing, but I doubt you're seeing much change so far. Also, your note that the leg raises are hurting your back concerns me. This is your body telling you that you need to strengthen some other muscles. Please give it some thought. We are all guys who have done trial and error and learned from our mistakes; we're trying to spare you some wasted effort. Quote
Argle Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 L-sits will work your core and upper body. Same for L-sit pullups. Quote
Thin Crust Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 Well, I have been going to the gym everyday for 29 days and today marks the second time I have increased the weight. If you look at my fitocracy profile you can see all the details of what I have been doing. I can gladly say with confidence that the workouts are working. I have also increased my pull up capacity from barely not able to do 1, to 5. This is better than I could have imagined. And you say that I can improve even more dramatically? count me in! However, I must also say that I only care about getting rid of this gut that I have had my entire life. My arms and legs are plenty strong enough. I can leg press 650 lbs. I got called in a while ago and had to do a V/Q scan on an immobile 300 lb patient. By myself, I pulled her on to my imaging table and then back onto her bed when I was done. I have all the strength I need for the life I lead. I used to do cycling ..... you know, . But I found that it wore my legs out a little bit so that I didn't have enough to efficiently do my cardio later on. So I needed a lower abdominal workout that doesn't tire out muscle groups that I didn't want to work. I switched to leg lifts. Lately I have found that if I concentrate on tensing up my abs, it doesn't arch my back as much. I'm going to find out if there is a machine to do the other kind of leg raises. The one where you support yourself on your elbows and forearms and bring your legs horizontal. Don't think there is a machine in my gym for that though. Unless you can suggest a different one.Also, please don't think I ignore people here. I really appreciate all the help I have gotten so far. Quote
ectogemia Posted May 15, 2014 Posted May 15, 2014 (edited) I have all the strength I need for the life I lead. But do you have enough muscle mass to help you get and stay lean? Every new bit of muscle mass added is that much more added to the basal metabolic rate and insulin sensitivity, both of which add up to a key factor in accelerated and sustained fat loss. That's awesome that you're getting results, but if you've increased the weight (not sure if you mean your body weight or if you mean your lifting weight) only twice in 29 days, you're getting very slow results which suggests to me that your workout routine isn't what it should be. You should increase almost daily if you're still in the beginning stages of training. I don't think for a second that you ignore anything we say, but you do seem reluctant to follow some of the advice we've been offering for a while now. If you try out some of the things we've suggested, I can guarantee without a doubt that your results will be better. Edited May 15, 2014 by ectogemia Quote
Thin Crust Posted May 15, 2014 Posted May 15, 2014 (edited) No no no, you see its..... uh... Well? Tell you what, let me take a picture of myself really quick. Stupid gut. Just got finished with today's workout. Anyway, as you can see, I'm not exactly fat, and I have never been weak. I may be new to actually lifting weights, but with the Pallof Press, I am using 13 out of 16 weights. And on the machine ab crunches, I have it set at 14 out of 16 weights. I don't see anyone using near that weight. And considering that within a couple hours drive, there is Fort Bragg, Cherry Point Marine Air Station, Camp Lejeune, Elizabeth Air Station and National Strike Force, and a few others, the only young people you see here are all in the armed services. And I'm doing it heavier then them? I have a suspicion that I'm doing it wrong, but looking at proper technique, I can't see what that might be. What I'm trying to say is, I didn't start small so the increases in my workouts are more on the high end and consequently, harder to pull off then if you had started at a much lower level. In other words, I'm happy with the progress that I have made since starting. EDIT: Oh, and about deadlifts. I'm sorry, but every time without fail, when I think about deadlifts So I can't see myself doing them. Edited May 15, 2014 by Thin Crust Quote
Soul Splint Posted May 16, 2014 Posted May 16, 2014 I think I'm gaining arm muscle. *giddy clapping* There is nothing like that first time (or first time since you've returned to lifting) that you all of a sudden visually realize that it's working. Quote
Thin Crust Posted May 20, 2014 Posted May 20, 2014 Booya! 8 pull-ups. A month ago I couldn't do 1. Also it helps that I rested yesterday and only played basketball. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted May 20, 2014 Author Posted May 20, 2014 keep at it, bros! i'm just maintaining status quo right now, and trying to figure out my game plan for the fall. Shoulders and arms mostly for 2014-2015. Quote
Thin Crust Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 That's odd. 2 chin-ups gives you 27 points. 10 chin-ups gives you 92. 2*5=10 27*5=135 Seems like they missed out on giving me points. Oh, and I'm up to 10 chin ups. Next week I'll be up to 10 pull ups. Quote
kitty Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 The points awarded from FRED are not from a linear function as far as I know. Quote
Thin Crust Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 Well, one hour of frisbee gives me 408 points. 2 hours of frisbee gives me 937. Think it's different for cardio vs resistance training? Quote
zircon Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 Some updates on my end - even though working out with a personal trainer 2x a week has been great, and I've had some solid gains, I've decided to get rid of my excess fat once and for all. I'm tired of having a spare tire, and I want to look good. So, I calculated my basal metabolic rate + TDEE here - - and conservatively estimated my TDEE (which is your daily calorie expenditure) at 2600. I then set my goal for a 500 calorie deficit daily. To accomplish this goal I bought a kitchen scale and I've been meticulously weighing and tracking every last calorie I eat. Every single one. I don't eat so much as a scrap of food without it going in the log. It's been a VERY illuminating experience to say the least - I think I was eating way, way too much before. I should be able to eat 2100/day and still get some good gains though. I've been doing this for 2 weeks now, and I haven't "cheated once (i.e. popped some snacks w/o writing them down, lazily guessed the weight of a food, etc). Total deficit 7000 calories so far, or about 2 pounds of weight loss. It feels amazing to be in total control of your diet. It's like heavy lifting using willpower - I feel like I can do anything. It's done wonders for my confidence. Now I know it's not a matter of "if" I'll lose weight, but "when". I'm shooting to lose between 30 or 40 pounds total, so it will be a long road, but I know I can do it. I really have OA to thank for inspiring me to try this route. On the lifting end of things - even before the diet change I was plateauing a bit on some of my lifts, like the bench press, but today I hit my goals and next week I'm going to get bumped up. For example I was really struggling with my final set of 260 on the bench for a good month.. I could barely get 3 reps, and they were pretty bad. Today I hit a solid 5, with my trainer helping a little on the last one. It was a definite improvement. I think what contributed the most to this was getting in the right mental state. I pumped myself up and visualized moving the weight with all my power. And I guess that worked! Quote
Thin Crust Posted May 24, 2014 Posted May 24, 2014 LOL, imagine if Fitocracy tracked things like these. Quote
Soul Splint Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Nice progress guys! I'm back from the beach and ready to ROCK. A little darker, a little heavier, and hopefully a little stronger after a solid nine days of rest. My goal for the next few weeks is to hit 8 reps for a one-plate OHP (140 pounds; I use one of our gym's 50 lb. bars whenever possible, as I prefer a thicker grip). I've hit 7 reps fairly consistently the last few cycles, and gotten half of an 8th rep several times. You can't hide from me, 8th rep. I WILL COME FOR YOU. I WILL FIND YOU. AND I WILL LIFT YOU. /Neeson Quote
OceansAndrew Posted May 28, 2014 Author Posted May 28, 2014 I WILL COME FOR YOU. I WILL FIND YOU. AND I WILL LIFT YOU. /Neeson Get it man! No gains shall escape you! Quote
Soul Splint Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 My goal for the next few weeks is to hit 8 reps for a one-plate OHP (140 pounds) I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT It definitely took a toll on the remainder of that exercise, but I was stoked so I didn't care. Quote
Thin Crust Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 (edited) ow! Went into my workout today and must have pulled something. Not sure what it was but I couldn't get through my first set of pull ups. It hurts kind of anterior to my left armpit. Think I'm going to skip it today and just do an extra long cardio. EDIT: Oh, and one more thing. you see this list of videos? I did every last one of them. I can't believe it. Edited June 1, 2014 by Thin Crust Quote
zircon Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT ITIt definitely took a toll on the remainder of that exercise, but I was stoked so I didn't care. Wow, that's sick. Very nice work. As mentioned earlier in the thread, my routine w/ my trainer is 2 days a week, 1 hr per day - upper and lower body. On a 3rd day I do some arms + shoulders again, plus calves/abs. Now normally we use the Smith for squats + bench press. He's away for a week so I've decided to sub in barbells instead. Of course, not being as experienced, my numbers are way lower.. on the smith, I can manage about 230lb for my bench, whereas on the barbell I was having a hard time with even 190lb. However, doing a squat with the barbell was even scarier since I was having a really tough time figuring out how to rack the weight again. I had to ask someone to spot me. But, I did do 8 reps at 2 plates fairly easily... not bad for my first time doing a barbell squat. My 1RM is probably at least 3 plates even there. On the Smith I'm doing 3 plates + 25lb atm. Anyway, I'll definitely keep working with my trainer since he's awesome, pushes me hard, and has been getting me results. But as per OA's advice, I'm going to work in some barbell exercises too on some off days. Not to say that we don't use barbells/dumbbells at all, just not for the bench/squat. Quote
kitty Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Breaking my record Every. Single. Time. I go do my circuit. I had noticeable muscle mass increase in my upper arms. Quote
Soul Splint Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Oh, and one more thing. you see this list of videos? I did every last one of them. I can't believe it. a buttload of dancing. I would need to eat an entire cow to keep my gainz after all that. Of course, not being as experienced, my numbers are way lower.. on the smith, I can manage about 230lb for my bench, whereas on the barbell I was having a hard time with even 190lb. However, doing a squat with the barbell was even scarier since I was having a really tough time figuring out how to rack the weight again. I had to ask someone to spot me. But, I did do 8 reps at 2 plates fairly easily... not bad for my first time doing a barbell squat. My 1RM is probably at least 3 plates even there. On the Smith I'm doing 3 plates + 25lb atm.Anyway, I'll definitely keep working with my trainer since he's awesome, pushes me hard, and has been getting me results. But as per OA's advice, I'm going to work in some barbell exercises too on some off days. Right in the feels, considering the squat is easily my weakest exercise. Two plates for an easy 8 reps when you're not even used to the free weight motion is just...NOT FAIR. I struggle to get three clean reps on two plates. The rest of my body is fairly consistent with strength, but the squat just eludes me. And it ain't for lack of trying. How much work did you do on the free squat? I'd be interested to know if you felt any different than normal afterward and the following day, considering your stablization muscles probably took a pounding that they aren't used to. Glad to hear you'll be working the barbells in more! Breaking my record Every. Single. Time. I go do my circuit. I had noticeable muscle mass increase in my upper arms.Ah, the gains. Nothing like the gains during the first six months or so of training. Bittersweet. It's super-awesome at first, then it slows down and you're all like, "What the hell! It's not working anymore!" And that's the day that you become forever small and weak, because you just can't seem to ever make much more visual progress (it happens, but it's like comparing an avalanche to a trickle of maple syrup). Quote
Argle Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Hey, guess what I start today... physical therapy. :lol: It's only 7 months after the fact. lol. Well maybe it'll help a bit. Quote
XPRTNovice Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Hey, guess what I start today... physical therapy. :lol: It's only 7 months after the fact. lol. Well maybe it'll help a bit. Best of luck man! Here's to a speedy recovery. Quote
Modus Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 I've been too shy to post here, but I'm into fit. I do fit a lot and try to enhance my fit. Unfortunately I prefer cardio over lifting. Over the years, running has become the most effective therapy for me physically and mentally. Plus with lifting, I haaaate going to the gym and don't have enough home equipment. Alas my yologainz are limited. Quote
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