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Yeah, I learned a lot of various things that you can do with bands from my PT. The guide that these come with actually show most of the ones I already know which is good. The bands are probably the most fun piece of exercise equipment that I know of that's effective. They're also quite portable for when you're traveling and such too!

I bring my bands around when i travel, and they work pretty well IMO


Oh my God.......... I did it! I actually did it!!!!!!

Guys, I just 15 pull ups. I can't believe it! I'm so happy I finally reached my goal. My friend can do 14 and I was aiming to beat him.

64 days ago, I could almost do 1 pull up. But since then I have spent every single day in the gym doing a rigorous workout as well as 45 minutes of cardio. (well, only about 2/3 of those days had cardio in them) I have never been this strong before and I am overwhelmed at this accomplishment. I never thought it would be possible to get like this.

Oh my God.......... I did it! I actually did it!!!!!!

Guys, I just 15 pull ups. I can't believe it! I'm so happy I finally reached my goal. My friend can do 14 and I was aiming to beat him.

64 days ago, I could almost do 1 pull up. But since then I have spent every single day in the gym doing a rigorous workout as well as 45 minutes of cardio. (well, only about 2/3 of those days had cardio in them) I have never been this strong before and I am overwhelmed at this accomplishment. I never thought it would be possible to get like this.

congrats man! We're all gonna make it, brahs. :-)

congrats man! We're all gonna make it, brahs. :-)

Considering how emaciated I used to look, I think I've already made it :-D

But I'm still going. Going to find my "genetic max" and bust through that bastard like a dog through a screen door when he sees a squirrel on the other side.

Congrats TC!

Considering how emaciated I used to look, I think I've already made it :-D

But I'm still going. Going to find my "genetic max" and bust through that bastard like a dog through a screen door when he sees a squirrel on the other side.

Congrats TC!

yeah, according to a few online calculators, i am 25-30lb under my genetic max, which seems insane to me. I guess I started way late compared to most, because getting that much LBM is like a 4 year process from where i am right now. O_o

yeah, according to a few online calculators, i am 25-30lb under my genetic max, which seems insane to me. I guess I started way late compared to most, because getting that much LBM is like a 4 year process from where i am right now. O_o

If that's true, then I really, really dislike you. My last test "determined" I was only about five pounds away from hitting mine. I've been hoping it was way off, but still a bit discouraging.


Well everyone.... it is done. It has been 69 days since I started my workouts on Apr 15 and I have worked out every last one of those days. I leave for Michigan tomorrow so we will see how much people will react to my new body. Let me do a recap for you. In these 69 days, I have done.....

8,040 machine ab crunches

810 multi press

14,400 Pallof press

897 pull-ups

864 chin-ups

6,120 leg lifts

16,560 crunches

47 hours of heavy mode DDR

I know I'm an idiot for doing the same workout every day, but I'm stupid like that. The callouses on my hands got so big that they pealed off and then grew so big that they came off again. I have raised my pull-up count from almost being able to do 1.... to breaking my record yet again today and making 18. I could only do 2 chin ups when I started..... and now my record is 20. I really think the pallof press helped most with that.

My goal was to get to lvl 30 by today but unfortunately, I could not make it. (I am only 450 points away) Thank you everyone for simply being here and listening to me whine and complain. Without you guys knowing what I was going through, I don't know if I could have had the patience to do this all on my own. This marks the end of my workouts. Now the wedding is here, I don't have an inspiration to keep going. I'm going to have to find a new one.

Oh, and one more thing.... I think I'm going to have to track all the driving I'm going to be doing over the next week (56 hours) That's sure to lose me many points.


Here's some inspiration (maybe) for people looking to lose weight. I started counting calories 46 days ago. When I started, I thought that I would shoot for a deficit below 2500 calories. I was eating 2400-2500 (measured) a day and frustrated by lack of progress. I've been steadily cutting down from that and I'm now eating no more than 1900 a day, often ~1700-1800. When I started weighing myself about 3 weeks ago, I weighed in at 190.6 pounds. The next day, 191.4. Today, I weighed in at 186.2. 4 full pounds in 3 weeks! It may not seem like much but it's a huge victory for me. Gotta keep going. I want to hit 160 and re-evaluate there.

Here's some inspiration (maybe) for people looking to lose weight. I started counting calories 46 days ago. When I started, I thought that I would shoot for a deficit below 2500 calories. I was eating 2400-2500 (measured) a day and frustrated by lack of progress. I've been steadily cutting down from that and I'm now eating no more than 1900 a day, often ~1700-1800. When I started weighing myself about 3 weeks ago, I weighed in at 190.6 pounds. The next day, 191.4. Today, I weighed in at 186.2. 4 full pounds in 3 weeks! It may not seem like much but it's a huge victory for me. Gotta keep going. I want to hit 160 and re-evaluate there.

This is awesome man, congrats. Jill is probably melting all over you!

My goal was to get to lvl 30 by today but unfortunately, I could not make it. (I am only 450 points away) Thank you everyone for simply being here and listening to me whine and complain. Without you guys knowing what I was going through, I don't know if I could have had the patience to do this all on my own. This marks the end of my workouts. Now the wedding is here, I don't have an inspiration to keep going. I'm going to have to find a new one.

Nice work. Keep this mind, though: there will ALWAYS be another wedding or similar event. Keep going as much as you can, because you're very close to turning training from a goal into a lifestyle. Branch out, try new stuff, and continue to make new PRs. Do whatever it takes to stay motivated, even if it's becoming a Wedding Crasher :-P

Here's some inspiration (maybe) for people looking to lose weight. I started counting calories 46 days ago. When I started, I thought that I would shoot for a deficit below 2500 calories. I was eating 2400-2500 (measured) a day and frustrated by lack of progress. I've been steadily cutting down from that and I'm now eating no more than 1900 a day, often ~1700-1800. When I started weighing myself about 3 weeks ago, I weighed in at 190.6 pounds. The next day, 191.4. Today, I weighed in at 186.2. 4 full pounds in 3 weeks! It may not seem like much but it's a huge victory for me. Gotta keep going. I want to hit 160 and re-evaluate there.

That's awesome, man! Fat loss done right is a definite roller-coaster, but congrats on hitting a nice big drop! To me, pure fat loss is one of the hardest things to do. Those downward fluctuations are such a nice boost to keep going.


I'm lucky I've have had to worry about losing weight. For me it's the opposite, my metabolism chews up fuel that could have gone to building muscle. People at work sometimes give me shit about getting over 100 pounds eventually :lol:, but actually I am as normal BMI as it gets. Not sure why people think I'm especially thin... I guess cuz they're a bunch of fat asses. But I'm building up the lean muscle bit by bit. Still am not doing any of the fun stuff because of my shoulder injury, but I'm getting results with dumbbells. Slow and steady. I have realized I was doing it wrong before, not gradually ramping up the difficulty/weight of exercises. Instead I was doing the same stuff for awhile, then dramatically increased the intensity.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, just wondering.... Is there such thing as exercise withdrawal? I haven't been exercising since I had to go to the wedding and for the past 5 days, I have been having the strangest feelings. I have non-specific chest discomfort with pains all over my thoracic cavity. Mostly it's concentrated either 1 inch below my left clavicle, 3 inches above my subcostal margin on the left anterior oblique area, right below my left scapula. I've been loading up on anti-inflammatory, blood thinners, inhalers, and gas-x so I don't know what else it could be other than cardiac trouble. Before I would start feeling symptoms every 10 minutes, but now it's become constant.

Since I work at a hospital, I can do a bunch of tests on myself. My BP and heart rate are normal, my O2 sats are always 97%, and my EKG is normal. I'm going to admit myself to the ED tomorrow unless I can think of something this could be.


Well, considering the fact that exercising affects your body's chemical balance, a prolonged period of no exercise could potentially affect you negatively. The only real way to find out if this is the case or not is to start exercising again and see if your body aches diminish or go away entirely.

Although, you're the health professional between you and I, so I could be spouting absolute bullshit right now.

Hey guys, just wondering.... Is there such thing as exercise withdrawal? I haven't been exercising since I had to go to the wedding and for the past 5 days, I have been having the strangest feelings. I have non-specific chest discomfort with pains all over my thoracic cavity. Mostly it's concentrated either 1 inch below my left clavicle, 3 inches above my subcostal margin on the left anterior oblique area, right below my left scapula. I've been loading up on anti-inflammatory, blood thinners, inhalers, and gas-x so I don't know what else it could be other than cardiac trouble. Before I would start feeling symptoms every 10 minutes, but now it's become constant.

Since I work at a hospital, I can do a bunch of tests on myself. My BP and heart rate are normal, my O2 sats are always 97%, and my EKG is normal. I'm going to admit myself to the ED tomorrow unless I can think of something this could be.

no such thing as exercise withdrawl besides what poor modus is feeling. I'd get yourself checked if you are concerned.


Went and did a light workout to see if it would affect my condition in any way and I actually invented a new workout.

Start by doing a pull up. At the top of your pull up, quick change the orientation of your hands into a chin up. Then pull yourself up and at the top of your chin up, change back to a pull up. It's a little dangerous, but kind of exhilarating.

I'm sure this has been done before, but I still feel like it's mine for making it up.

Went and did a light workout to see if it would affect my condition in any way and I actually invented a new workout.

Start by doing a pull up. At the top of your pull up, quick change the orientation of your hands into a chin up. Then pull yourself up and at the top of your chin up, change back to a pull up. It's a little dangerous, but kind of exhilarating.

I'm sure this has been done before, but I still feel like it's mine for making it up.

We'll call it a "Crust Up"


That pullup clap looks cool. Hold on, I'm going to go and try it.

Hmmm, can only do set's of 3. Guess I'm not as strong as I thought. But I like upper crust. Maybe I'll call it that from now on.

Have you guys tried some
-esque stuff? Like
? You should try it if you get the chance. :D

I'm a parkour instructor :) We do this kind of stuff all the time. APK is actually near me, but I go to a different gym called Urban Evolution.

In a strange twist, American Ninja Warrior has recently instituted a policy that discourages parkour instructors from applying because they feel it puts them at an unfair advantage. I think that's retarded. It's like the NFL draft saying "If you've played football before, we're not interested."


If we are talking about ninja warrior, look at this guy, he is a beast! With his weight, I thought there was no way for him to get through the stage. I think he could have done it if not for the little slip up in the end.




I started counting calories over 2 months ago, but I've only been tracking my weight on May 30th. Start weight was 189.8, going up to 191.6. I'm now at 185. Love seeing that trend.

Unfortunately my lifts are pretty stagnant or with very minor increases (squat, some leg extensions) which sucks, but it means I'm not losing muscle at least.

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