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I knew I could trigger Other M hate... and I'll fan the flames. I liked the game, even if Samus was presented as something less than the ultimate badass of bounty hunting. I skip the story and just enjoy the gameplay, which I thought was tight as a drum.

Glad to know I wasn't alone in not liking Metroid Prime Hunters, though. I love the Metroid series beyond all measure (and I'm working on a youtube vid about it), but I find Hunters simply unplayable.

Oddly, I haven't been able to speak up for some of the other games ya'll are calling out. I have had Chrono Cross since its release, but I've never actually played it. Not being into Sonic at all, I can't really bring myself into any of that discussion. Dragon Age 2? I didn't care for the first one and haven't bothered with the others... Never got into Tomb Raider at all...

CD-i? Exist it does not.

Now to really kick a hornet's nest: No Star Fox Adventures hate? Nothing to say against any Prince of Persia? Only one complaint directed toward Mortal Kombat? Where's all the "that's when the FPS genre died in my heart" chatter?

Free popcorn!


Since you mentioned it, Prince of Persia 3D was the biggest crock of shit.

It was precious little more than a terrible Tomb Raider clone featuring swords, which made me sad, angry, and confused since I was (and still am) a consummate fan of the first two games.


I'm in agreement with you, dude.

It felt so half-assed and phoned in. The roster was mostly great, the game itself just felt so bare-bones and lacking compared to other modern fighters.


the reason no one will agree with you is because you don't have any good reason for it


is what you call 'barebones' or 'lackluster' then it's kind of hard for me to understand how you think any fighting games are good at all. compared to sf4 or the alpha series or any other 2d fighting game, this is faster and gives you infinitely more freedom to do what you want.

Where's all the "that's when the FPS genre died in my heart" chatter?

FPS games died for me when EA and Activision started to capitalize on them megatime and churn out the same uninspired crap that is spawned from the Medal of Honor and Modern Warfare series. Well, I kinda liked World at War, but I really miss picking up health packs and being able to hold onto a dozen weapons at once, like in Doom and Jedi Knight (different companies and franchises obviously)...which leads me to 'Painkiller' from 'People Can Fly'...:nicework:

EDIT - meant "being able to carry a dozen weapons" in case you're left scratching your head :D

Metroid the Other M: C'mon ppl - Samus Aran is supposed to be a bounty hunter, not a whimpy teenager with daddy issues. In order to survive in the business you'd need a steel spine and so forth. Tacky Wii-mote gimmick shit and the Ninja Gaiden-esque combat also put me off - but I did grit my teeth and beat the game at 99%. Shoulda been handed over to more capable hands than Team Ninja, fuckin cop-out hacks that they are.
I knew I could trigger Other M hate... and I'll fan the flames. I liked the game, even if Samus was presented as something less than the ultimate badass of bounty hunting. I skip the story and just enjoy the gameplay, which I thought was tight as a drum.

The hate was gonna be pretty inevitable in a thread like this, lol. I personally thought the combat was pretty fun, though I didn't like the loss of the old health pickup system. But my god, that story! The worst part is that most of the blame for the atrocious story goes to Yoshio Sakamoto, and he's been involved in the series since Super Metroid, so I can't quite figure out how he could've fallen so far from grace.

I was content with cutting the Prime series off at three titles, but Other M's plot really made me wish for a Prime 4 just to wash the taste out of my mouth.

FPS games died for me when EA and Activision started to capitalize on them megatime and churn out the same uninspired crap that is spawned from the Medal of Honor and Modern Warfare series. Well, I kinda liked World at War, but I really miss picking up health packs and being able to hold onto a dozen weapons at once, like in Doom and Jedi Knight (different companies and franchises obviously)...which leads me to 'Painkiller' from 'People Can Fly'...:nicework:

Check out Resistance 1 & 3, Resistance 2 kinda went the Modern Warfare vibe (Which is why this is still on topic) and I didn't enjoy it nearly as much, but Resistance 3 blew my socks off. Ton of crazy weapons you can hold at all times, a health gauge that doesn't regenerate by sucking your thumb in a corner which means health pick ups, and on the harder difficulty I found I lived a whole lot more running around like a crazy boy instead of taking cover all the time (Enemies with guns that shoot through walls emphasized this.) It's a game that looks all samey shooter on the outside but inside it's got sweet sweet juicy run-n-gun.

Oh and an entire area where you sledgehammer stuff. What's not to like?

the reason no one will agree with you is because you don't have any good reason for it


is what you call 'barebones' or 'lackluster' then it's kind of hard for me to understand how you think any fighting games are good at all. compared to sf4 or the alpha series or any other 2d fighting game, this is faster and gives you infinitely more freedom to do what you want.

Actually the reason is because fighting game fans, especially Marvel fans refuse to believe that there is even the faintest possibility that there could be a flaw or two with their favourite game(s) and simply being in disagreement with them makes you their enemy. Nothing anyone could say or do would sway their opinion and therefore all attempts to reason, argue or otherwise persuade are completely futile.

That's why

I'm in agreement with you, dude.

It felt so half-assed and phoned in. The roster was mostly great, the game itself just felt so bare-bones and lacking compared to other modern fighters.

is immediately followed with

the reason no one will agree with you is because you don't have any good reason for it

if this is what you call 'barebones' or 'lackluster' then it's kind of hard for me to understand how you think any fighting games are good at all. compared to sf4 or the alpha series or any other 2d fighting game, this is faster and gives you infinitely more freedom to do what you want.


i like fighting games in general but to say that mvc3 is a poor game just isn't true. you can say 'i don't enjoy this game' but it's straight up just not a bad game. that's like calling ocarina of time a bad game and then being indignant when someone tells you you're wrong. there are plenty of people in the fighing game community who don't like x-factor, or just don't like playing the game, but you will find NO one who says 'yeah, capcom really fucked up with that one.' because they didn't.

if you don't like the style of gameplay, fine. say so. but don't say 'this is an awful game' because it's not. 'this is an awful game' is a qualitative statement. 'i don't like this game at all' is an opinion. stick to the latter.

plenty of games in this thread we can all agree were bad, or at the very least not good. this isn't one of them.


Jax (and whoever else cares I know I'm a little late here) - I played Metroid: Other M all the way through, and consider it a potentially awesome game. It failed due to the controls. Putting down and pulling up that controller over and over again really sucked. If they just would've added a nunchuk I would've been fine. Making Samus submissive also threw cold water on me, and my lady was disappointed as well. Samus is a sexy character, and I won't object to seeing her without the armor, but they really misrepresented what many fans think to be her true character. Then again, it's still worth the 10 dollars at the bargain bin. The graphics, the difficulty, the music. Very well done.

I am eager to see what Nintendo does next with the Metroid series beyond Metroid Blast (although I want to try that too). One more thing. Regardless of our varied opinions I hope that all you nerds out there have an awesome day.


I'm a big fan of the Harvest Moon series. I got the first one back when I was a kid. My favorites are the original, 64, and Mineral Town, but Magical Melody and Tree of Tranquility were not enjoyable for me. I do enjoy Animal Parade, but I think the end of it is just too repetitive.


Harvest Moon. Oh man, I loved the original. Right up until the ending. The completely arbitrary, no warning, bullshit ending. "Hey we know you've invested 80 hours into this game, but we're just gonna stop you here. Yep. Game over. The end!"

Sticking to the theme of this thread, I still enjoyed Harvest Moon greatly, which is more than I can say for the Rune Factory spinoffs. They're just... I don't know how else to say it, but, not fun.

Check out Resistance 1 & 3, Resistance 2 kinda went the Modern Warfare vibe (Which is why this is still on topic) and I didn't enjoy it nearly as much, but Resistance 3 blew my socks off. Ton of crazy weapons you can hold at all times, a health gauge that doesn't regenerate by sucking your thumb in a corner which means health pick ups, and on the harder difficulty I found I lived a whole lot more running around like a crazy boy instead of taking cover all the time (Enemies with guns that shoot through walls emphasized this.) It's a game that looks all samey shooter on the outside but inside it's got sweet sweet juicy run-n-gun.

Oh and an entire area where you sledgehammer stuff. What's not to like?

Hmm...Resistance 3 does sound tempting. Yeah I had the same issues with Res.2 as you - it put me off from the game at the 2nd stage...I might get Resistance 3 from the bargain bin later on :3

i like fighting games in general but to say that mvc3 is a poor game just isn't true. you can say 'i don't enjoy this game' but it's straight up just not a bad game. that's like calling ocarina of time a bad game and then being indignant when someone tells you you're wrong. there are plenty of people in the fighing game community who don't like x-factor, or just don't like playing the game, but you will find NO one who says 'yeah, capcom really fucked up with that one.' because they didn't.

if you don't like the style of gameplay, fine. say so. but don't say 'this is an awful game' because it's not. 'this is an awful game' is a qualitative statement. 'i don't like this game at all' is an opinion. stick to the latter.

plenty of games in this thread we can all agree were bad, or at the very least not good. this isn't one of them.

The Derrit does raise some good points, but here's my 2 cents :tomatoface:

MvC3 is pretty good, but like SF4 (lol Akuma, Ryu and Ken) - there is some mega balance issues for some characters imo (Wesker, Wolverine, Zero, Virgil to name a few). Also, they shouldn't have nerfed Sentinel's HP so badly - plastic robot ftl. I agree with The Derrit that Capcom didn't fuck up for MvC3, but their balance team could have been more vigilant - it's kinda similar to how Blizzard (different genre of games I know, but hear me out) balances their games...rather than look at the actual issue at hand, they do 2 of the following A) take a hammer and nerf it to hell or B) ignore it altogether.

Then again, I think that's an issue with many triple A game companies these days...maybe they're paralyzed of accidentally making things worse? Just a hunch :D

Please, don't take offense of this opinion if you don't agree >.< not trying to be confrontational here. And sorry about the double post, couldn't resist :P


My one complaint of all of Capcom's recent fighters is the hideously ugly art-style they all use.

I'm so excited for the new Darkstalkers, but damn, once more with that shitty, blocky, ugly, over-muscled cel-shading... Gah.

And while I said Hunters is the worst game in the series, Other M is special in that its badness retroactively fucks with the other games in the series, whereas Hunters is a standalone piece of crap.


I personally love MvC3. As a newer player, I appreciate the Simple Mode a lot. The art style isn't as bad as SF4 (the cel-shaded, ultra-defined muscles look kinda works for comic books), and aside from the voices (is there any fighting game that uses more than half a dozen phrases for a character? My god that gets old really REALLY fast), the sounds and music are excellent (both Classic and Dynamic). The only gripe I have about the X-Factor would be that it should only be activated as a last resort / limit-break. Like if you're trailing behind by at least 50% health with one defeated character. It really sucks when you're playing and some douchebag who ALREADY BEATING YOU activates X-factor and totally overkills you for no good reason.

Parasite Eve 2 - what a bag of shit compared to PE1. My god, I've never been so disappointed.

agreed. Resident Evil =/= Parasite Eve. Got about 3/4 thru it and said screw it, back to PE1 lol. Also, I always wondered why they didn't bother with making good music, except for some of the boss fights? >.<

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